Final Bout: SubZero vs Scorpion v6 Colored
Fan Kreations
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Final Bout: SubZero vs Scorpion v6 Colored
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i colored this one this one took me a long time i think one of my best coloring job asked permission to The_Suit hope you all like it
Full Scale | 600x692 | Category | 3D renders | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 8 | Score |
karim Wrote: those bastards dont wonnna upload my fan art [Edit - That's too bad, and they probably never will, because this is officially the last flame post you're making. If the constant skulls didn't throw the message that your flames aren't tolerated, this ban will. Good day. - TPB] |
This defenetly goes down on the record as one of the most hilarious moments in history.

ok you need to work on the smoke effects you put around sub and scorp, it looks terrible, the shading in general needs alot of work too, i dont like the way you did the fire either, why is there that big black strip in the fire, and there are some everywhere, i dont know why they are there, if you took all the black lines off of it this would look nice, it looks liek a 2 year old colored over it, after the original color job.

The_Suit Wrote: Karim was banned? |
ya he wrote a flame on a like 3 month old post and bumped it just to make fun of the guy, i guess it was one to many flames for them to stand.
karim Wrote: those bastards dont wonnna upload my fan art [Edit - That's too bad, and they probably never will, because this is officially the last flame post you're making. If the constant skulls didn't throw the message that your flames aren't tolerated, this ban will. Good day. - TPB] |
See karim, you should have learned a little patience, Acj isn't a bot, he has other things to do besides upload submissions the minute they are received. He alone updates this page and posts acceptable submissions, he deserves as much time as it takes, and doesn't need people like you rushing him. Anyhow... even with karim banned.. I guess this deserves a fair critique either way.
Well, I do agree with what you said about this being your best color job, because most likely it is. At least you attempted to use reasonable colors, instead of the wild colors you used in your previous attempts.
Let's start with Scorpion, he doesn't look bad for the large part. I like the fact you tried to add shadows, but they seem too numerous and too random. Same with the lighting, you should identify one light source, and work with it. The way both characters legs are in the light range is very odd, even if there was a spotlight shining toward them from where I am sitting looking at this the shadows and lighting effects would not look this way. The yellow you used for Scorpion seems correct, perhaps a little bright. Skin tone is good, but the right hand/arm now looks strange because its so dark. The sword's color is decent, but it should 'shine' a bit more than it does here. The blood on the right sword is pretty nice though, the color was well chosen. But in Scorpion's chest, you covered up the wounds Sub-Zero's ice shards made in the previous picture, there should be some amount of scar tissue. The flame skull is okay I guess, again too much use of shadows, it makes it seemed 'smudged' to me. The red/orange colors are good, but the yellow is too bright, contrasts too much with the rest of it. And, that 'black mark' isn't neccesary as it doesn't look at all like smoke.
As for Sub-Zero, well its not so bad either, but it would have been nicer to see a lighter blue, this color is far too dark for him. I'm not sure about the 'black mark' here either, on his chest where Scorpion is attacking. Also, the blood is too bright. Look at the blood on Scorpion's sword, and then look at the blood on Sub-Zero, they don't match in color. Make sure when coloring different blood in a picture you use the same colors for the blood. The ice effect on the arms are okay, but look at how Zombie does it. His colorings are a good model because he blends in the ice effect slowly, as you have just started it too boldly. Anyway, I suppose its the better of your coloring jobs.
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Very nice colored!!! Now I can clearly understand some lines I couldn't figure out..

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I think this drawing goes down as one of the best destructions of the_suits great work....
sorry to say but try harder..
sorry to say but try harder..

About Me Dig it
Well isn't that ironic. This is definately his best job, the irony being it got him banned. Hard to say whether this is good because of Karim's coloring or the fact that Suit did all the leg work.
Anyway, it's a much different approach than the other guys. More etherial if I can use that word.
Wasted words
Anyway, it's a much different approach than the other guys. More etherial if I can use that word.
Wasted words
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RaMeir Wrote: or the fact that Suit did all the leg work. |

About Me Dig it
Leno_mk Wrote: Oh really? I thought the legs were precisely the best thing in this particular image |
Okay, now I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, I would be but...
Just to clarify by leg work I mean Suit did the difficult part with the excellent drawing and Karim did a color by numbers over it.
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