Kira's Primary Bio
Our leader's proposition was humorous to me, to say the least. Kobra was of no consequence, an easy adversary. Without hesitation, Kabal threw down his arm between the two of us, signaling the beginning of kombat. As we braced ourselves for battle, he stepped backward into the shadow of the Living Forest, looking on attentively. My desired tactic was to be graceful, yet deadly... something which was hardly necessary with Kobra's pathetic display of accuracy. His blind aggression was to be his downfall, something which the new Black Dragon leader tried his best to refine with the time given. Our fighting endured for several minutes, until a simple mental decision to finish it was enough to do so. As Kobra attempted a foolish rear-attack, I swiftly grasped his arm, swung him around then launched him across the clearing... Into the roaring mouth of a living tree. The horrendous sounds emitted from it of crushing bones and gushing blood were unsettling... yet satisfying. My easy victory was commended with applause from the darkness...
Kira's Secondary Bio
I prepared to bow to my leader -- instead seeing a strange ornamented warrior, continually applauding my success. His menacing expression was his only visible feature. From the shadows, I noticed my leader's hand fall out and beckon for help. This unknown figure must be killed for his foolishness! As I swung my Dragon Teeth in an enraged assault, the mysterious soldier speedily dodged several swings, the connecting slices doing little damage to his armor. An amazingly quick blow to the back of the head threw me to the ground -- as I attempted my return to battle, the man forced me back down with his foot. He then expressed bizarre accusations -- that my leader, Kabal, was a traitor to existence, that he held an unwanted allegiance with a major threat to all of us... fortunately for me, his pleased attitude with my earlier display of fighting changed his decision of my fate. He labeled me as a potential threat, yet offered me a welcome if ever I decided to join him... he then returned to the darkness of the forest. Confused with what had occurred, I ran over to the injured Kabal and comforted him. He explained his relations with a kombatant named Havik and how it has disturbed a growing force in another realm altogether, facts which I still need time to fully comprehend. We embarked home to recover and enforce our war against the Seidan government and a new assailant... One Kurtis Stryker.
Kobra's Primary Bio
Fight! Kabal stepped away as my comrade and I prepared for battle. During our journeying across Outworld, I had perceived Kira's skills and fighting traits... she was truly of little worry. I narrowly dodged flailing fists as Kira evolved into a more challenging opponent than I had expected her to be. My tactical advantage was strength and determination -- Kira had fought more admirably during our travels to impress Kabal, consequently growing weary from doing so. The fight was short as I took advantage of Kira's careless foot-work, side-stepping behind her as she failed a Dragon Teeth attack. With great projected force, I slammed her spinal cord and shattered it instantly. Her body fell to the floor like a stringless marionette, giving view to the new Black Dragon leader, Kabal, seemingly satisfied with the outcome. With a deadly stomp to her back, Kira was finished. Kabal expressed his admiration of my fierceness, then pointed with a hooksword to a separate clearing, where a portal awaited. I followed him across some shrubbery -- preparing to unveil my new intentions.
Kobra's Secondary Bio
Kira was the first wall of my objective. As Kabal led the way toward a portal home, I slowly took hold of his respirator tube and then quickly pulled it from its socket. Kabal made agonizing noises as he fell to the floor, shaking and gasping for breath. He removed his mask -- revealing a horribly twisted face. Staring at me through white-washed eyes, Kabal died a painful death... something I, there and then, felt terrible for. Those eyes, as deformed as they were, expressed emotions of sorrow and questioning. Why? Why have you done this? All said through that short glimpse. My intentions were to claim the clan of the Black Dragon as my own, to fulfill my own desires. I had realized the stupidity of such an act. I fled through the portal, which led me somewhere anything but Earthrealm... and standing before me was a man similarly faced to Kabal. He explained himself as Havik, leader of the realm I saw before me. His first question was requesting the whereabouts of Kabal, which I ignored with why I was there instead of home. Havik stared blankly at me as he explained his arrangement with Kabal to meet here, in Chaosrealm, in order to form a strategy in defeating the Seidan forces. Obviously bewildered, I followed him to a nearby ledge, realizing we were standing on some sort of floating pedestal. Beneath us stood hundreds of strange, white-eyed soldiers, dressed in ragged armor. They raised their arms at the sight of Havik. As he informed me of my new position, I realized hesitation would direly result in death. As the Chaos general, I plan to destroy the Seidan forces to return home or die doing so. If not for me, for Kabal. He taught me much, and defeating this empire will surely repent his death.
Author : Biagio
Creation date: 2005-12-16-2-15
Modification date: 2005-12-16-2-15
Author's Remarks: | |
First attempt at Fan Fiction! Wee! Thought I'd do something out of the ordinary to launch me if I decide to continue writing them. I honestly made everything up as I went... So I understand if you find them a little boring. To describe it all quickly, it's Kira's and Kobra's two Bios if one of them defeated the other. Enjoy and respond critically... That's all I ask. :)
Content | 930 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 6 | Score |
At first I thought they weren’t going to be good, my fault, for I judged your bios thinking about those 2 crappy characters and their lack of originality in MKD, but in your really caught me in the story, SPECIALLY with Kiras first bio.
I loved every single word you used for her character, she was fantastic! Reminded me of Sonyas attitude, except that you added some cockiness and self adoration. I really cant believe this is your fist attempt on bios, you have some natural talents for words and imagination if you wrote this the way you say you did.
Both characters were perfectly portrayed, much much better then in the game itself! Im serious, you have impressed me. Please keep writing this sort of bios. I was really into the story. I thought Kiras second bio was very interesting, specially with the Kurtis Stryker part, I LOVE the way you involved him in the story! In that part I was practically saying –wow- as if it was an official bio.
Kobras bios were very good too, your words were perfect for his character, I like him a lot more then Kira in MKD, but I found your Kira bios better and more interesting, they were unpredictable. I really liked the emotions you gave Kobra by the way, when he killed Kabal, excellent detail!
I REALLY REALLY HATE that people ignore the fan fic threads. Some should give this posts a chance, you and Jerrod are the only ones posting fan fics right now, and both have talent, I wish more people would notice.
Once again, excellent job, Im very impressed. I hope to see a very unpredictable and interesting bio for Sonya Blade soon, don’t stop. 5/5

They completely contradict each other. I don't have anything about people posting their ideas for bios...just think before you make them. It knida looks bad when every bios you create contradict each others.
He said that in the description Too Cool Master.

They completely contradict each other. I don't have anything about people posting their ideas for bios...just think before you make them. It knida looks bad when every bios you create contradict each others.
You should consider reading EVERYTHING that's in the first post, including the author's comments, before pointing out something that the author mentions.
I wonder, will you be writting more? I really liked the bios, so I hope to see more of your work on the site.
Would you stop bring back all these old, dead threads? I mean, for fuck's sake, use the personal messaging system on the site to ask him this. It's not like we need to read the reply. If he's going to make more, we'll notice it when he produces the thread. Until then, either keep it to yourself, or keep it private.

I wonder, will you be writting more? I really liked the bios, so I hope to see more of your work on the site.
I mean, for fuck's sake, use the personal messaging system on the site to ask him this.
The PM system's been down since December 4th...
I wonder, will you be writting more? I really liked the bios, so I hope to see more of your work on the site.
Would you stop bring back all these old, dead threads? I mean, for fuck's sake, use the personal messaging system on the site to ask him this. It's not like we need to read the reply. If he's going to make more, we'll notice it when he produces the thread. Until then, either keep it to yourself, or keep it private.
As far as Im concerned I can post any question I want, cant do anything about it if it upsets you.
And just like you have been told, the PM system isn’t working.