Kitana vs Mileena
05/08/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)by
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01/03/2013 09:40 PM (UTC)
05/08/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
Ehh, I just feel like taking models directly from the game, not altering them at all doesn't show much artistic skill. But I guess there was some effort was put into posing them, and I like the cuts you added to Kitana's and Mileena. Kitana's fans look neat too. I don't know about the stage, but I feel like you borrowed it from somewhere too, but it has a lot of texture stretching problems and it seems like it's got a pretty low polygon count.

But I know from experience that you gotta start out somewhere (except some people who were just born really good at it). For me it was some god awful MS Paint pictures, for you it's some basic model poses. I think you should definitely try to alter the models some, like add some new aspects and kinda give them your own original flare, and work on the texturing and lighting for sure.
About Me

05/08/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)
the stage is the Falling Cliffs from MK deception, that's why it looks stretched and badly textured, i'm trying to learn Mesh moding [editing of models] but it's difficult, eventually, i want to be able to create my own outfits and my own backgrounds
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