Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:Worst of the three imo, no offense dude. I hate the costume, makes him look like a gothic clown.Still, good proportions.3/5

^_^ Gothic clown? Yeah, probably.
Arctic Wrote:
I actually like this but it doesn't fit Sub-Zero. He's buff grandmaster. This looks like a thin but atheletic Lin Kuei assassin. Better than your other pics.
Back then I figured an assassin, especially one from some sort of shonen-manga thing, wouldn't look like Vin Diesel on 'roids. The type of combat and training one would go through in order to become the traditional Asian 'assassin' isn't one which is based on creating the Greek-god or bodybuilding body. Light and flexible over bulk and strength. But, I guess the common perception, at least among fighting game enthusiasts, is the opposite. Oh well. ^_^
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
He looks like Piedmon.
O_O You think? Naahh....