"Are you the one they call Baraka?" her voice was soft, seductive. Her long, beautiful dark hair hung down over the shoulders of her perfect body. She stood before him, dressed in the tough, black leather of a warrior which contrasted heavily with the soft, pink satin of a seductress. Her face was partially concealed by a veil, only her eyes could be seen. Beautiful, haunting eyes veiled the mind and spirit of a killer. "I am Baraka, what purpose do you have here?" he barked, rising to his full height, blades drawn. Baraka was a Tarkatan, a demon, native to Outworld, recognisable by their brute strength, bald heads, ferocious teeth and blades of sharpened bone in their arms. Baraka was one of the most feared, his konquests were legendary in Outworld. This woman had breached his personal hut in the Tarkatan Army camp, much to Baraka's surprise. "Fear not, brave warrior. I am not here to fight you." Her voice was strange, familiar yet ethereal, it seemed to echo, even in the small cluttered hut. With each word she spoke, Baraka felt weaker, it lulled him. Perhaps this was her plan of assasination. Baraka fought against this strange feeling. "Ha! For your sake, I should hope not! How did you get in here!?" he roared. The woman walked towards him. Even her walk was seductive. Though her mouth was hidden, her eyes gleamed and Baraka knew that she was smiling. "Your guards could not refuse me, and neither will you." Baraka raised his blade to her chest "Who are you and why have you come here? Tell me, before I cut out your heart!"
The woman laughed softly and gently placed her hand on his weapon. "My name is Mileena. And I am here to offer you riches, glory and bloodshed beyond your wildest dreams." Mileena slowly pushed the blade away from her chest and drew closer to Baraka, their eyes locked as she moved her hand to his cheek, lustfuly stroking him. Baraka's blade retracted against his will and his muscles relaxed. "What interest is it of yours?' he said, his voice, now dulled. "It is my interest to elevate great warriors like you to power. To help them accomplish impossible tasks, and to unite them under the leadership of one." Their faces were only inches apart and Baraka could see that the veil Mileena wore was slightly semi-transparent. Something under her veil seemed familiar, welcoming. But Baraka did not let his curiosity stray his focus.
"And who might that be?" Mileena's hand lowered from Baraka's cheek and down to his chest, along with her other hand. "My father, the great Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn." Baraka took a step back, his blade shot out and raised. "The Emperor has but one daughter, and her name is not Mileena. Besides, why would I want to help Shao Kahn, after he turned his back on my race and cast us into the wastelands of Outworld?" The hypnotic effect Mileena held over Baraka was slipping away as anger took hold of him. "I understand your doubt, and your hatred, Baraka. What Shao Kahn did to the Tarkatans does not please me either. But I am wise enough to ally myself with power when given the oppertunity, and so are you." Mileena turned around, seemingly to survey the small hut. "Why would you care about the Tarkatans?" Though she had turned her back on him, Baraka could tell once more that Mileena was smiling. "Because, my handsome warrior,' she said, removing her veil, 'I am one.' Baraka was stunned. She looked nothing like the female Tarkatans. They were much like the men in their appearance, but Mileena stood before him, dressed in the robes befitting of a princess, a visage of human beauty with the razor sharp, elongated teeth of a demon. "How can this be?"
Mileena walked back to him, and draped her arms around his waist. "I am a creation of sorcery, the hybrid of a Tarkatan and the Emperor's daughter, Kitana. Tell me, Baraka, do you not wish for more in life. At war with the Emperor, you have the loyalty of your warriors, your home and the blood of your opponents in this realm, but by his side you can have all of that and lay waste to other realms. Power. Glory. Me." Baraka eyes glowed with desire. He paused, deep in thought. "Hmm, I will discuss it with my men. Meet me in the Living Forest tomorrow night for my answer." Mileena put her veil back on and turned on her heel slowly. "Very well, Baraka. I will meet you there. I'm looking forward to it."
Author's Remarks: | |
I wanted to write a piece to display that sexy side of Mileena, because ever since MK2 she always seemed like a siren to me. And especially with Deception, they played up the sexy side of her immensley. So I wrote this short piece about Shao Kahn using Mileena to get the Tarkatans on his side, ages ago. So this is the first time these two have met. I might continue on, writing bits for Mileena because she's a very interesting character and I love seeing what ways her personality and story can go. I dunno.
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