Chapter Twenty-seven: Stormy Night
Silence and darkness ruled the dusty cellar. A lone spider crawled across a large barrel in search of a new location for its web. An oval shaped portal flashed open with a multi-colored light and a low roar. The spider ran to hide as Althea and Siro stepped out of the portal. The portal closed behind them as Althea summoned the flames of her chi to light the way.
''I can't believe that I let you talk me into this?'' said Siro as he readjusted his travel bag. Althea led the way to a short flight of stairs and replied, ``I did no such thing. You wanted to know more about where I came from, admit it.'' She opened the door and let her chi flames fade away. The sound of a crashing dish and a startled squeal greeted them.
Althea smiled and said, ``Nice to see you too, Liza. Siro this is Liza, one of the maids. Liza this is Siro a friend of mine and our guest for the night.''
The blushing maid curtsied and mumbled an apology as Althea walked passed her. Siro gave the woman an encouraging smile as he followed Althea out of the kitchen. ``Trevor!'' Althea yelled as she dropped her travel bag on the dining room table. Siro followed her example as he took in the luxury of the place. Padded chairs, crystal chandelier, fine paintings.... ``You own this place?'' Siro asked.
Althea shrugged and said,''Not really, it belongs to the Conclave. They gave me the loan of the place as a sort of retirement gift.''
''Retirement?'' asked Siro.
''Look aside from my chi energy, I've lost most of my magegifts. In their eyes, it's like a soldier losing his sword arm or a leg, ``Althea frowned, ``But they couldn't very well kick such a world famed war hero out on to the streets, especially one respected by so many high powered people.''
Siro wondered about Althea's sarcasm, but figured it would be best not to ask anymore about it at this time. A middle aged man, who Siro assumed to be Trevor, walked into the dining room with a stately walk.
''You summoned me, my lady,'' Trevor said with a haughty air and tone.
Althea mumbled something under her breath and then said, ``Yes I did. Please see to it that a guest room is prepared for Siro. We'll being staying the night and maybe the next. Also, see to it that everyone is free to help me pack.''
In a somewhat more cheerful mood, Trevor asked, ``You will be leaving on a more permanent basis?''
''Yes and I'm taking all of my personal belongings with me. I will need writing materials for letters and of course all the needed legal documents. I assume you already have all the paperwork needed and waiting for my signature, ``Althea answered.
''Will there be anything else required, ``Trevor sniffed.
''Dinner, ``Siro said bluntly, liking this Trevor less every second.
Althea smiled at that and said, ``With that in mind, you may go.'' As Trevor left the room Siro commented, ``You two don't get along very well, do you?''
''He thinks it's beneath himself to serve a nameless bastard, war hero or not, ``Althea said, ``Then again I can't stand stuck up snobs like him either.''
''But you're related to .....''
''Shhhhh!'' said Althea loudly and then whispered, ``It's not common knowledge, and I rather keep it that way. Can you imagine what some of the religious fanatics would do?'' Althea shivered slightly, ``I've already had a taste of that once, I rather not have another. I rather face down all the Children of the Dark One.''
''What of the who?'' Siro asked.
Althea shook her head and said, ``Children of the Dark One, followers and creations of the Insane God. I'll explain more later.''
Liza then entered the room and said with a curtsey, ``Dinner be a while yet. Would ye care to freshen up some? The bathing room be all heated up already.''
Althea laughed and said, ``Let me guess, Trevor had plans for the bathing room. Siro you want a hot bath, I'm gonna wait until later.''
Siro sighed, ``Sounds good.''
''Ok, Liza, show my guest up to the bathing room and see to it he has all that he needs.''
(Scene Change)
After dinner, Siro and Althea discussed all that had to be done over the remains of the meal. Since the time of day there was different than it was a Zu Zhin, they decided to work on the `less valuable' gold items tonight while the servants slept. It would be relatively easy to pack away as compared to Althea's personal library and keepsakes. Siro would see to it that everything was carried down to the basement tomorrow, while she filled out the documents and wrote farewell letters to her few living Calornian friends.
The sound of a woman's scream, made both Siro and Althea jump up from their chairs. They ran to the direction of the scream and into the study. Entering the study a scene of horror reached them. Young Liza was sliced open from the neck to crotch, her organs scattered around. Blood was splattered across the floor and bookshelves. Misha, the maid that screamed, just stared in shock.
''Wuts wrong?'' asked Charles, standing in the hallway just outside of the door, his view blocked by Siro.
''Just stay out there, ``Althea ordered as she gently pulled Misha away and out of the room.
Siro closed the door after them before taking a look around. Not touching anything, he tried to get some idea of what exactly happened. Before he became a bodyguard, he worked as a city guard. Even though investigating skills were not exactly encouraged in the lower ranks, he had often found himself working for one of the city investigators when some crime had to be solved for whatever reason. There was one investigator that he was assigned to more than once, that thought out loud while studying a crime scene.
The more Siro studied this room, the worse it looked. The woman looked as if she was cut open while still alive. The organs looked as if they were either bitten or mutilated in a way to look like they were bitten. Small bloody hand prints could be seen smeared on the furniture and walls like macabre finger-paints. Careful not to step on any of the drying blood on the floor, he made his way to and out the door.
After the door closed behind him, childlike laughter sounded through the room.
(Scene Change)
Charles fidgeted from one foot to another. When he saw Siro closing the door, he said, ``Master Siro, Miss Althea was wanting me to tell ya that she be with Misha in the kitchen. She be trying to send Trevor out for lawman in a bit.''
''Thanks Charles, lets go find them, ``said Siro as he gently pushed the simple man down the hall away from the study.
Once they reached the kitchen, Siro knew something else was wrong. ``Thank the stars you're here, ``said Althea when she saw them enter the room, ``Could you please stay with Misha and Charles, while I go look for Trevor. He's not answering the servant bells.''
Siro said with a concerned look, ``You want to go alone?''
Althea looked directly at him and her eyes flashed briefly, ``Neither Misha or Charles are fighters and need protection from what or whoever did that. One of us has to stay here with them and you don't know where Trevor's rooms are.''
''I don't like it, but you're right, ``sighed Siro, ``You wouldn't have any weapons around here would you?''
Althea nodded and said, ``There's my old spare short sword and perhaps some long daggers up in my room. I'll get them on my way to find Trevor. Aside from that there's the knives in this room and a few decorative weapons hanging on the walls of this place.''
Charles piped in, ``There be stuff in the shed.''
Althea shook her head as Siro gave her a questioning look, ``There is a make shift armory in the storage shed. Most if not all of the stuff there is worthless. The swords are stuck in sheaths, bows are rotted out and what ever is made of leather has been chewed so much its more holes than leather. Let's just say that most of the previous tenants depended more on mage craft than weapons for defense. That `armory' is a reminder of a land dispute from a long ways back.''
Siro sighed in disappointment as Althea popped her fingers and said, ``Keep an eye on things for me.''
(Scene Change)
Althea walked through the dining room and into the main hallway. She frowned when she found that the lamps were somehow all put out. Althea stood in the darkened hall for a few minutes to let her eyes adjust. She wanted to conserve her chi just in case and with a light-blue flame she would be a lit up target. As she started walking she thought, `This is starting to feel like one of those bad horror stories they use to tell around the campfire. All that is needed is....' A loud rumble of thunder shook the house slightly just before the sound of heavy rain. ``Crap, ``Althea said under her breath.
Althea reached the door to Trevor's room at the base of the stairs. The door creaked open onto a dark room. Althea could barely make out the outline of Trevor head leaning back over his chair as if asleep. ``Wake up!''Althea yelled as she summoned the light-blue flames. What the light revealed nearly made Althea gag and she said, ``Damn...''
Trevor's ribcage was ripped open in a mockery of wings. Blood, now dried, had flowed down his chair and onto the floor. Internal organs were placed neatly around the chair. Althea took a deep breath through her nose and with the stench of blood she noticed another smell, one that had almost escaped her notice in the study. A scent she would never forget, a type of incense use by the worshippers of the nameless god of insanity.
(Scene Change)
Everyone in the kitchen jumped when Althea opened the door. She quietly handed Siro a short sword as she headed directly for a wine cast. Althea took a long swallow from it before answering everyone's unspoken question, ``Trevor is dead.'' A loud crash of thunder shook the house.
''Just great, ``said Siro as he gripped the sword. Misha and Charles held each other for comfort as the maid wimpered.
''It gets worse, ``said Althea grimly, ``They ransacked my room. The crystal which I use to open that portal is gone.'' She slammed a fist into the wall, ``They left the weapons behind as if say they would be useless.''
''Why didn't we hear anything?'' asked Siro.
''There were signs of blood sorcery in both the study and Trevor's room, ``Althea answered, ``It's a relatively easy spell to sound proof a room.''
Misha nearly fainted when Althea mentioned blood sorcery and Siro had to ask, ``Blood sorcery?''
''Shang Tsungs feeds on souls for his power, blood sorcerers have a more primitive method, ``Althea answered with a toneless voice, ``They feed off the energy given off by the death and pain of living things. The more painful the death, the more power they get. Also, the higher the intelligence of the victim the more they get out of it so they can use an animal, but they get more from a person.''
''And this is allowed?''
''Hell no! Blood sorcerers are hunted down and killed whenever one is found out, ``said Althea fiercely, ``They are consider among the worse of the rogue wizards, second only to soul eaters and enslavers like Shang. They only place they are welcomed is among the followers of the Insane One.''
''Great so we are stranded in a house with someone who kills for the fun of it and happens to use magic, ``said Siro, ``Guess we have to wait out the storm and then send those two for help.''
Althea nodded, ``There is no way I'm letting a blood sorcerer run free around here, but there's not much we can do for now. My mage gift is not up to facing a full strength blood sorcerer.''
(Scene Change)
A few hours later, both Misha and Charles were fast asleep, Misha on the table and Charles on the floor with his back up against the wall. The sound of heavy rain, occasional thunder and steel on stone were the only sounds. Althea sat on a chair, her back to the kitchen counter with her arms crossed and a thoughtful look on her face. Siro, having found a whetting stone, leaned against wall next to the door and sharpened the sword.
Siro finally stopped; he knew that if he continued he would end up damaging the blade. ``Copper for your thoughts,'' he said as he wiped the blade with a small rag.
''Huh?'' said Althea as if startled out of a train of thought.
''What has you thinking so hard, ``asked Siro.
''It's just strange that this is happening, just when we show up, ``Althea commented, ``It's just too much of a coincidence.''
Siro laughed humorlessly and said, ``The way our lives have been, it would have been more surprising if nothing happened at all.''
A sudden crashing came from the dining room and put both Althea and Siro on alert. The two servants woke with a start and tried their best to make themselves invisible. The sound of childish laughter and then in children voices they heard:
''Althea Godslayer took a sword
then went and killed our true lord
Now with friends she does hide
One by one all will die ''
More crashing sounds as items were thrown at the closed door. Altheas eyes flared as she said, ``Siro get ready to open the door and then stay close to me.'' Siro nodded and got a good grip on the sword as he prepared to swing the door open. Althea rolled her hands around a small light-blue flame that grew to the size of a human's head. She nodded and Siro swung the door open. Althea threw the fire ball into the room as flying china crashed into the invisible barrier she called up. The fireball split into two and then each small one split again. Four fist size balls of light-blue fire flew around the dining room as if looking for something. The dim light revealed five children running for cover. The fireballs then raced after four of the children as they left the room. One was able to get the slowest of the children in the leg causing it to trip and fall. Seeing this, Siro dropped the sword and ran out to grab the kid and drag him back into the kitchen. The child fought, bit and growled like a wild animal all the way. Once back into the well lit kitchen, they were able to see what they caught. A boy, no older than seven or eight, covered in dirt and grime.
''Get something to tie him up!'' Althea ordered as Siro fought hard to keep a grip on their prisoner. Eventually, the boy was tied and gagged with strips of what was a table cloth. With wild eyes he glared through his shaggy hair.
''Well we got one, ``said Siro as he examined the scratches and teeth marks on his arms.
''Not our killer or magic user, though, ``said Althea, ``No blood and he's way too young for a powerful magic user.''
The two servants stayed as far away as they could from the feral child and Siro asked, ``What do we do with him?''
''Hold on to him until morning, ``Althean said, ``We'll hand him over to one of the local temples. You want to go after the others?''
Siro was about ready to say he was all for it, but then re-considered. There was still the magic user to worry about and who's to say that the one's they saw were the only ones. ``No, ``said Siro, ``There's nothing to say there isn't more of them and then there is the actual killer. Like you said, I don't think it was any of the ones we saw.''
''Good, ``Althea said and then whispered to Siro, ``I'll try to contact Vatas. That rhyme of theirs hinted they know I'm the one that killed the Insane One. That is not common knowledge and hints that someone told them. I have a pretty good guess who did.''
A bright flash of lighting and a loud crash of thunder shook the building to its base, another flash and a louder than before crash of thunder. Althea cocked her head as if listening for something. Over the thunder she yelled, ``Siro, stay here!'' She then ran out of the kitchen.
Instead Siro ordered the servants, ``Block the door after me!'' He followed Althea into the dining room and to the entrance of the hall, nearly running into her at the base of the stairs. Althea placed her hand on the railing and once again had that listening look.
''What's going on, ``Siro whispered. Althea held her hand up for silence. Another crash of thunder and then Althea ran up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, she finally answered, ``This storm isn't natural, not anymore. Someone is increasing its ferocity and I can `hear' the magic.''
Siro nodded in partial understanding. All he needed to know was that Althea was now able to lead them straight to the killer. Whether that was good or bad, he didn't want to think about.
Althea walked down the upstairs hall as she continued to `listen.' She stopped in front of a heavy door with some strange markings on it. Althea carefully place her hand flat against but not touching the door. ``That asshole, he has some nerve using a Conclave casting chamber for blood magic, ``she growled. She then smiled almost evilly as her hand lit up, not light-blue but gold-ish in color. The outline of the door and the strange symbols also lit up in the same colored light just before exploding inward.
Blood red bolts of energy flew directly to Althea and Siro from inside the room, but hit the invisible wall created by Althea's chi. Staying close together, Althea and Siro both entered the casting chamber. The once pristine walls were now covered in gross symbols written in dried blood. The tore up remains of four children were piled up along one of the walls. In the center of all of this was a small, deformed creature that might have been human at one time. No larger than a child, he appeared shrunken and shriveled. A living husk of a man.
Siro growled as he took in the scene and Althea said, ``Blood sorcerer.'' Her eyes flaring angrily.
''Yessssss, I am, ``cackled the sorcerer, ``These servants of mine were perfect to get your attention, Godslayer. For once I take your essence; I will become the new Dark One!'' He looked at Siro with glowing red eyes and added, ``Here's something for you to play with, boy.'' A bolt of red light flew from his hand and struck the pile of remains. The body parts shook and then merged. In seconds, a monster created from the dead children rose and roared. With a grin the sorcerer then pointed at Siro and ordered, ``Sick `em!''
The sorcerer then vanished and reappeared behind Althea with a long, bloody knife aimed at her back. Althea fell purposely to the floor expecting such a move the second he vanished. Using the same momentum of her fall, she swung her leg around and kicked the sorcerer painfully and then jumped back up. Red energy then began to battle with light-blue flame.
During this, Siro had his hands full with the monster. Two arms made up of the limbs of the four children swung with skull fists. These Siro dodged and cut in to the monster time and again. But no matter how many times or how hard he sliced into the creature, it wasn't slowing down. It was only a matter of time before exhaustion set in and Siro knew it. He got a glimpse of Althea fighting the sorcerer and then an idea struck. He began to lead the monster slowly towards the other fight. When he figured they were close enough, he yelled, ``Althea, trade!''
Siro then drove his sword into the sorcerer's side as a wave of light-blue flame roared into the creature. The monster roared in pain as flames began to burn as if its body was doused in oil. Althea continued to send more blasts of chi energy to ensure that the creature continued to burn. Siro pulled the sword out of the sorcerer as the magic user fell backwards with a gasp of pain. The sorcerer began to mumble something incoherent as Siro was about to finish him off. Althea sensing something yelled, ``Get out of here, now!''
Just as when the both got out of the casting chamber, Althea slammed the door shut and said something in a language Siro didn't know. The door lit up again but this time with a silver light. The whole house then shook as a sound of an explosion rang from the sealed room. They both had to fight for balance, but then everything went silent.
''What was that?'' Siro demanded.
''He used the last of his stolen energy and the energy of his own death to create a blast, ``Althea answered, ``Luckily that room was created to either amplify or contain magic on demand.''
''Still have no idea what that was, ``said Siro, ``But I'll take your word that it's over.''
Althea smiled and then sighed, ``I just hope the crystal wasn't in there.....''
(Scene Change)
As the night sky cleared revealing twin crescent moons, a winged female shape flew off of the roof and into darkness.
The End
Next time on Mortal Kombat: Conquest.....
Taja stood in the open doorway with her loaded crossbow aimed directly at the sleeping monk [Kung Lao].
Next Chapter....
Note: I do not own Mortal Kombat, etc.... Just in case you don't figure it out, this story is basically taking place at the same time as Chapter 27. The time difference is being caused by the stories taking place in two different realms.
Chapter 28 : Cancerous Rage
Taja hummed tunelessly as she prepared the store for another day of business. She turned to get a box of goods and walked right into a frowning Rayden. ``Where is she?'' Rayden demanded.
Instead of answering, Taja tapped loudly on the table and said, ``This is knocking. It shouldn't be too hard even for you to learn how to do.'' She walked around the thunder god and picked up a box off the ground. Lighting flickered in Rayden's eyes and Taja continued to placed knick knacks on the table, ``If you're asking about Althea, she and Siro left early this morning. They should be back some time tomorrow or the next day.''
Kung Lao then came outside and seeing Rayden asked, ``Is there anything wrong?''
Without a word Rayden vanished with a crack of angry sounding thunder. Taja sighed with relief; an angry thunder god wasn't the most comfortable person to be around. Kung Lao picked up another box and help her set the items on the table. ``He was asking about Althea, wasn't he?'' the monk asked.
Taja snorted as the returned the empty box to the ground. ``What is it with him? He tells us we have to act and think on our own, but when we do he gets angry, ``Taja said and then shrugged, ``Guess that's a god for you.''
Kung Lao frowned at Taja's generalization of deities, but didn't say anything. Considering the gods that have made their presence known to them, he really couldn't blame her. Taja continued talking as she straightens out the goods, ``Any plans while your student is away?''
An uncharacteristic evil smile appeared on Kung Lao's face as he replied, ``Actually, I was thinking about your recent lack of training. It seems that since Althea showed up we have been neglecting your martial arts practice. I figure that this is good chance to see how far behind you have fallen and try to see if we could make up for lost time.''
''What?! I..I need to run the store, ''Taja stammered.
''The store is secondary, ``Kung Lao replied, ``That was the agreement when you started it. I'm not saying you have to completely close up, just that you will start spending part of you day training.''
Thinking fast, Taja asked, ``But what about when they return, you won't have time....''
''Siro is taking over Althea's weapons training, ``Kung Lao said with a shrug, ``He's better at blades than I am, and it will leave me with plenty of time to see to your training. We'll start this afternoon.''
(Scene Change)
A dark-green clad warrior knelt down before the Emperor of Outworld. His people have suffered greatly due to his predecessor's treachery and he was now the last hope of his reptilian race. Painal waited patiently for his orders.
Shao Kahn looked down at the masked creature kneeling before him. This one seemed wiser than the former leader of the Zatterians, or more afraid. It didn't matter. So long as what remained of that treacherous race served his needs, he would let them survive....for now. With a slight growl, Kahn spoke, ``I have summoned you to perform a small task for me. Take this and place it in the one known as Taja's room.'' A shadow priest stepped forward and handed a small bag to the kneeling warrior. Painal took the bag without looking up and carefully placed it within his armor. ``You are not to be seen, ``Kahn continued, ``If you fail, you and your entire race will pay the price. Now go.''
Painal stood up and quickly left to do his master's bidding. Kuravan appeared from behind the Emperor's throne. ``Why the woman?'' he asked, ``I assumed that the champion would be your target.''
The Emperor leaned back into his throne and answered, ``It matters not if Kung Lao survives. What matters is that no one from Earthrealm wins the next tournament. Break the spirit, break the fighter.''
''I see, ``said Kuravan finally understanding, ``You seek to destroy his will to fight, by using those he cares most for. That might work if no one figures out who sent that''
''Just keep your part of the plan, ``Kahn growled, ``Rayden is distracted while the she-mage is gone and Fujin is too inexperienced to detect the curse.''
Kuravan toyed with a small crystal in his hand and said, ``Oh don't worry. Even if she does survive, without this she is not returning to Earthrealm any time soon.''
(Scene Change)
That evening Taja slowly made her way upstairs to her room. As much as she hated to admit it, today's practice proved that Kung Lao was right about her needing to re-start her training. In her room, she changed her clothes and prepared for bed. Even the hot bath Kung Lao was kind enough to prepare for her wasn't enough to get rid of the aches and she knew she was going to feel it even more tomorrow. With a groan she fell into bed and fell asleep.
When only the sound of deep sleep could be heard, a greenish outline of a large lizard appeared on the wall next to her door. The outline solidified into the form of Painal. The warrior quietly crossed the room and placed the small sack under the red-head's bed. Taja mumbled slightly in her sleep as he quickly and quietly left the room.
(Scene Change)
Morning came as Kung Lao prepared himself another mug of tea. With both Althea and Siro gone, he and Taja had to split the night-watch. Last night was his turn and tonight would be Taja's. He was more than happy that the two of them agreed that Taja's training would be in the afternoon, so he would be able to get some sleep before having to see to his friend's training. Kung Lao turned towards the stairs when he heard Taja coming down. He handed her the hot tea and said, ``Morning.''
With a growl, Taja grabbed the mug. The sudden movement caused the hot liquid to splash, burning her hand. With a choice word she dropped the mug, and it crashed on the floor. Taking a few calming breaths she said, ``Sorry'' as she knelt down to start picking up the broken pieces.
Kung Lao grabbed a towel to help clean up the mess and asked, ``You okay?''
Taja shook her head and said, ``Not really. I woke up with this headache and it's making me a little grouchy....I guess.''
Looking a little closer, Kung Lao could see the pained look on the woman's face. With concern he said, ``Why don't you go back to bed and try to sleep it off. I'll see if there is any willow bark.''
As she dumped the shards in the trash she sighed, ``Thanks.''
A few minutes later, Kung Lao knocked on her bedroom door with a steaming mug of willow bark tea in his hand. There was no answer and he cracked the door open slightly. He saw that Taja was fast asleep. Quietly he entered her room and placed the mug on the small table next to her bed. The monk noticed that even in her sleep she had a pained look. Seeing the pain she was in was starting to give him a headache as well. He left the room and carefully closed the door behind him.
(Scene Change)
Later that night, Kung Lao rested peacefully in his darkened room. The door opened with a quiet creak. Taja stood in the open doorway with her loaded crossbow aimed directly at the sleeping monk. She just stood there for a few moments and then slowly lowered her crossbow. ``What am I doing?'' she mumbled as she turned and walked away from the door. As soon as Taja was out of view, Kung Lao sat up in his bed with a worried look on his face.
A few minutes later, Taja carefully aimed and fired her crossbow into a target she had set up earlier in the courtyard. The target was riddled with holes and bolts from when she had used it earlier that evening. The headache was gone but the anger and rage only increased. The anger was now mixed with fear. How the hell did she find herself about ready to kill Kung Lao? After loading the crossbow again, she fired with deadly accuracy.
At the exact moment, the bolt hit home Fujin appeared next to the target. Whistling in admiration, he said, ``Not bad....Hope that isn't meant to be me.''
''No, ``Taja said with a cold tone, ``But that can change.''
The cold anger in Taja's voice caused Fujin's eyebrow to rise as he said, ``Not you too. First Rayen is off fuming and now you're making a pincushion out this poor target. What's wrong?''
''Just, ``Taja fired again just barely missing Fujin who didn't flinch, ``alone.''
Fujin just stared at her for a few seconds and then vanished. Once he was gone, Taja took a deep breath in the hopes that it would calm her. Rubbing her forehead, she placed the crossbow on top of a closed barrel as she entered the trading post. Conflicting emotions of rage, fear and worry flickered across her face as she gripped the edge of the kitchen counter.
``Taja, ``said Kung Lao as he entered the kitchen, ``Is everything alright?''
The second she heard the monk's voice, total rage overcame her. Taja grabbed one of the large knives and slashed the air where Kung Lao once stood. The monk dodged the attack and caught the red-head's wrist. Taja kneed him in the groin, forcing the monk to let go. Then with skill and speed that was not apparent in the day's practice, she attacked.
Hindered by not wanting to hurt his friend, Kung Lao fought to defend himself. As quickly as she started, Taja stopped attacking and threw the knife across the room away from Kung Lao. With fear and pleading in her eyes, she cried, ``Stop me.''
The rage returned and as Taja ran to attack again, this time with her bare hands. Kung Lao dodged again and knocked Taja out with a quick blow to the back her head. ``Sorry, ``he said as he caught her before she fell to the floor.
As he was carrying her to the closest bedroom, Rayden appeared. ``What happened?'' the thundergod asked.
''Taja just tried to kill me, ``answered Kung Lao as he placed Taja on the guest room's bed, ``Why....I have no idea.''
Rayden gently pushed Kung Lao out of the way to get a better look at the woman. His eyes flashed gently as he looked into Taja's soul. ``This is bad, ``Rayden said,''When did she start acting violently?''
''This morning, ``Kung Lao answered, ``She nearly bit my head off when I said good morning.''
Rayden sat on the corner of the bed and picked up Taja's hand. ``Search her room, ``he ordered, ``See if you can find anything that doesn't belong. If you do find anything, don't touch it. Just let me know.''
''What are you ....''Kung Lao started to ask.
Rayden interrupted, answering the unfinished question, ``Her very soul is being eaten and replaced by something dark. Only someone familiar with arts forbidden by the Elder Gods eons ago would be able to create such a curse. I intend to remove it.''
(Scene Change)
Just outside of the room, the faint, green outline of a lizard flickered and in its place the green clad warrior, Painal, appeared. Overhearing Rayden's order, he quickly made his way upstairs into Taja's room. Just as he was grabbing the hidden pouch, he heard a woman's voice, ``You really should be more careful.''
Without looking, Painal swung to attack in the direction of the voice. As he did, a fist flew right past the attack and struck him hard in the throat. He fell back to the floor grabbing his throat, trying to breath. Looking up with watery eyes, he saw a white haired woman wearing clothes similar to his only in black and gray rather than shades of green. Her cold hard, crystal blue eyes glared down at him from above the mask she wore. ``Like I said, ``she continued as she pointed to the door, ``You really should be more careful.''
Painal looked at the door and saw Kung Lao's foot frozen in place on its way down to finish a step. ``I do believe the Emperor's orders were not to be seen,'' the woman said.
Painal stood and asked, ``You work for Kahn?''
''No.....,''the woman said as her eyes flickered angrily, ''Let's just say I need a message delivered and you're the best one to do it.''
(Scene Change)
Hours later, Rayden tiredly left a now peacefully sleeping Taja. Not even bothering with teleporting, he walked into the kitchen and sat down with a sigh. How long has it been since he seen such a curse? If Fujin hadn't threatened to kick his butt, Taja would have been destroyed...replaced by a monster set to destroy everyone she held dear.
Rayden wasn't looking forward to reporting to the Elder Gods what happened this night. Not only was the Earth's Champion of Mortal Kombat threatened, a forbidden curse that shouldn't even exist anymore was used, while the Sworn Protector of this realm was off..... sulking.
(Scene Change)
Shao Kahn, the Emperor of Outworld sat on his throne considering the words that his servant, Painal, delivered to him. The same warrior knelt before the emperor waiting for his and his entire race's fate to be determined. ``Leave, ``Kahn ordered, ``You and your people have been spared.....this time.''
The moment Painal left the room, Kuravan appeared once again. ``You let him live?''
With a cruel, short laugh Kahn answered, ``Of course. His race will prove useful again and no one can hide from that one.''
Kuravan turned and asked, ``You know of the white haired woman he spoke of?''
''She's proved.....informative in the past, ``Kahn answered, ``If what she says is true, we have more important matters to deal with than a champion and a godslayer.''
The End
Next Time on Mortal Kombat: Conquest.....
A white, almost glowing paw struck Lilith hard between her wings. The second she hit the ground she rolled to face her attacker. The paw landed and covered most of her torso. ``:You are not welcomed here:'' said a voice in her head.
Next Chapter....
Chapter 29: Friendly Reunions
Lilith landed quietly in the wooded area just across the dirt road from the mage's manor. Last night she watched as that fool sorcerer failed in his own blazing way. Lord Kuravan was not pleased to hear her report, but since she had taken the crystal from the godslayer's room he was not overly angered. There will be time to strike again, but for now her orders were to watch....for now.
A large, white almost glowing paw struck the vampire hard between her wings, knocking her to the ground. She quickly rolled to face her attacker as the paw landed heavily on her torso, covering most of it. In her head, Lilith heard, ``:You are not welcomed here.:''
(Scene Change)
Siro came down the stairs with a stretch that caused his shoulder's to pop. The day had been a long one, and didn't look to be ending soon. He eventually made his way to the kitchen where a heavenly smell greeted him.
''Dinner's ready, ``Althea said in greeting as she placed two plates on the kitchen table.
Siro sat down and asked, ``Where did Misha and Charles?''
Althea answered as she too sat down, ``As soon as they were given the ok, they grabbed their stuff and headed for town. Can't blame em.''
After a few minutes of quiet eating, Siro had to ask, ``Any luck?''
Althea placed her fork down with a sigh, ``No. This place was searched from top to bottom by the investigators and me. No crystal. Vatas isn't responding either.''
''So we're stranded, ``Siro stated bluntly.
''You could say that, ``Althea said, ``At least until I get hold of Vatas or our friends back on Earth notice we're taking too long. Rayden or Fujin could easily create a portal for us from their end.''
''If they don't consider this a `mortal matter,' for all we know that could be why your Vatas isn't responding, ``Siro said.
With a defeated look Althea replied, ``You might be right. We'll give it a few more days and if no one shows...there were permanent portals under the Conclave's Tower. Despite it being destroyed, they should still be useable.''
''Should be?''Siro asked.
''No promises. Not only must they still be undamaged, we need help to activate them. Only high ranking council members have the keys. Fortunately, the Archmage and Councilmage Moonhawke both owe me big,'' said Althea and then thought, `If they are still alive and in power.'
Siro stood up and said, ``I need some fresh air.'' He walked towards the door to the backyard and opened it. What he saw made him slam the door shut, rattling the windows.
''What's wrong?''Althea asked.
''I just saw the biggest damn cat I ever seen. That thing looks like it could take down a horse with one swipe,''Siro answered.
''It couldn't be,''Althea exclaimed as she pushed Siro out of the way to open the door herself. ``Freyon!'' she yelled as she ran to hug the huge feline.
'':Greetings, old friend:,''came a voice in both Althea's and Siro's heads,'':Please accept my apologizes, Siro of Earthrealm. It seems I have forgotten that my appearance has a tendency to...startle those who I have yet to be introduced:''
''Sorry, ``said Althea releasing Freyon from her hug, ``Siro this is Freyon. Freyon meet Siro.''
Siro stood stunned for a few seconds in the doorway then said, ``Ah...I believe you mentioned him...the one that was your...''
'':Familiar:,''Freyon finished for Siro, ``:Yes and it is thanks to my former mistress that I am what I am today.:''
''Wait a minute, ``said Siro as Freyon's words sunk in, ``You're a god! That means...''
'':Yes, I am able to open a portal to Earthrealm :''Freyon answered,'':That is why I am here. Calorna is not safe and both of you have to return to Earth.:''
''What's wrong?''Althea asked sensing there was more.
Freyon stood up and started pacing,'':Lord Vatas has been summoned before the Council of the Elder Gods. Charges have been placed against him stating that he is not fulfilling his duties as Sworn Protector:''
''Let me guess who made the charges.....Kuravan,''said Althea.
'':You are correct:, ''said Freyon, ``:It is my belief he planned to trap you here long enough to either destroy or capture you:''
''My money's on destroy, ``commented Siro, ``That sorcerer wasn't bothering with live prisoners.''
Althea asked,''What about Vatas?''
'':Do not concern yourself, there is little doubt that the charges will be proven false:,''Assured Freyon as he stopped pacing, ``:He has done more than is required of a Sworn Protector, but the sooner you leave the better.:''
''Then lets get the hell out of here, ''said Siro.
(Scene Change)
Rayden stood up from the table when he heard and felt a portal opening nearby. The tiredness and self condemnation he felt just seconds before vanished when he heard two familiar voices coming from the courtyard.
''Carefull with that thing!''Althea yelled.
Siro returned angrily, ``Next time carry it yourself!''
The thundergod walked to the open door and saw Althea and Siro walk back into the portal, only to return seconds later carrying a large trunk. After placing it next to two smaller ones, they both sat on it tiredly. Siro said, ``Please don't tell me we have to carry these upstairs.''
''Crap!'' Althea yelled as she jumped up and ran back into the closing portal. She returned just before it closed, carrying a clanking sack she said, ``Can't forget this, Taja would kill me.''
Althea dropped it on the ground next to the trunks and said, ``As for your question, No. Most of it will go downstairs and we can lighten the load before moving them.''
Rayden remaining in the dark doorway, felt calmness return to his soul seeing that SHE was safe.
''Where....Shouldn't Taja or Kung Lao be on watch?'' ask Siro looking around.
Rayden took that as his cue to be the condensing thundergod and answered as he walked out to the courtyard. ``Yes, but Taja is recovering from a soul eating curse and Kung Lao is resting after nearly being killed by her. Did you have a nice trip?''
''Taja!'' Siro exclaimed as he jumped up.
''Is fine, she's resting peacefully in the guest room, ``Rayden said as Siro ran into the building.
Althea asked, ``What happened?''
Rayden shrugged with a nonchalance he didn't feel, ``Someone placed a curse on Taja that nearly caused her to kill Kung Lao...I got rid of it.''
Althea shook her head and cussed slightly in Calornian before saying, ``First the blood sorcerer and now this.''
''Blood sorcerer?,''said Rayden, ``You were attacked by a....Damn it, Thea! I told you it was too dangerous.''
''For'' Althea responded calmly but with a tinge of anger in her voice, ``No matter what we do, we will always be in danger. What do you want us to do? Dig a hole and bury ourselves until the next tournament? We can't let our enemies dictate how we live our lives.''
Rayden sighed and sat down on the trunk, ``Could you have at least waited until the doors were fixed or until you were certain that Vatas would be there?'' said Rayden.
The woman sat down next to him and tiredly said, ``You're right. I was just.....I don't take orders well when someone has that `for your own good' attitude.''
Rayden chuckled at that but his mood quickly changed. As did Althea's as she sensed the summons through their now opened link. ``Let me guess, ``said Althea with a sad smile.
''I...''Rayden started but Althea stopped him with a light kiss on his cheek. ``I understand, ``she said, ``Duty comes first. Just try to stay out of trouble this time.''
(Scene Change)
''Rayden, would you mind explaining what happened this evening?'' said the Elder God of Shadow with relish. The Elder Gods of Fire and Stone frowned at his enjoyment but said nothing.
Rayden swallowed and from his kneeling position answered, ``The human woman, Taja, was affected by a type of curse forbidden centuries ago by this council. While under this curse, she attacked Earthrealm's champion. When finding out about this curse, I removed it.''
''Is that all?''Shadow said, ``I see you fail to mention you were away from your post when this happened.''
''Oh please, ``came a female voice as the white haired, masked woman suddenly appeared next to the Elder God of Shadows.
''YOU DARE!''Shadow roared and then noticed that everyone else was frozen in time.
''You know for an Elder God you are extremely....What's that word I'm looking for?''she said as she walked towards Rayden scratching her head, ``Oh yeah...Obsessive. Why do You insist on nagging poor Rayden like this, where there is a bigger problem to deal with?''
''It is his abnormal relationship with that....that mortal....''Shadow started.
''Excuse me if I'm repeating myself but...Oh please. Like the Black Dragon clan came out of nowhere and had that unusual affinity with Your black dragon, ``she said, ``Don't tell me You never had with mortals.''
''This is different, ``Shadow said with clenched teeth.
Oh right.....Rayden is staying around for more than one night, ``she turned and shook her finger at the kneeling deity, ``Baaaaaad thundergod.''
''You have no idea....''Shadow said,
''No, You don't, ``the woman interrupted, ``Kronos, Aether, and Danu have all accepted the soulbond between Rayden and Althea with no qualms. If the three remaining true Elder Gods can accept it why can't You?'' The woman then waved her hands in front of her shaking head and said, ``Nevermind, that's not why I'm here.''
''Then why are you here?''Shadow asked angrily.
''Oh to warn You, ``she shrugged and said, ``There's a big, bad lizard with wings getting ready to chomp on all your butts. Laters!''
(Scene Change)
Quan Chi knelt before a large shard of obsidian that glowed with a reddish light. A voice spoke from the black stone, ``Return him to his full strength and then release him upon the temple!''
''Master, ``said Quan Chi, ``We do not know where the Temple of the ....''
A hissing laughter interrupted Quan Chi as the red dragon spirit formed around the dark stone. ``You do not know, ``the dragon hissed, ``But I do.''
Thinking quickly, Quan Chi responded, ``Very well, but it will take time to find a proper host....''
''No more delays!, ``roared the voice from the obsidian and the room shook. More calmly the voice continued, ``A host will be provided.''
(Scene Change)
Rayden and the other two Elder Gods were all shocked by Shadow's sudden departure in mid-sentence. Then another shock came when the Elder God returned with what could only be called fear on his face. ``Wait here, Lord Rayden, ``he said almost politely as he and the other two Elder Gods vanished.
''This is bad, ``Rayden said out loud.
The End
Next Time on Mortal Kombat: Conquest....
<the Elder God of Light speaking> ``We have need of the godslayer.''
Next Chapter....
Chapter Thirty: Warrior Lost
The sounds of wooden swords clanking filled the air as Althea attempted to learn the art of fighting with dual swords. So far, she had been able to avoid being bruised by Siro's heavier wooden blade.
Kung Lao watched, at first, to ensure that Siro didn't take out his frustration on his student and then with amazement at her apparent natural skill. Then his amazement turned to suspicion, which was confirmed when Althea scored a `kill' on the former bodyguard.
''That's it!'' Siro exclaimed almost angrily, ``You've fought with two swords before.''
Althea shrugged and answered, ``Not really. When I was at the Academy, there was this famous battlemage who fought with two short swords. Everyone wanted to be like her. So....since I was already on the battlemage study program, I asked the armsmaster for some extra training. Unfortunately, it got cut short when the war broke out.''
''Then why the hell did you chose the staff?'' asked Siro.
''Because I was sick of swords, ``Althea said bluntly, ``Swords, pikes, pole arms, crossbows....all just brought back bad memories. Few people go to war with a plain piece of wood.''
Kung Lao then stepped towards them and asked, ``And now?''
''Now?'' Althea looked up for a second and then looked towards the monk, ``The memories are still there, but farther away. If that makes sense?''
Any response from either of the two men was prevented by the arrival of workmen hired to repair the gate and walls.
''Looks like no more all night watches, ``said Kung Lao as Siro handed him the wood sword and walked towards the new arrivals.
Althea sighed and then said, ``Looks like it, and I guess we can put these things up. No point of even trying to train with them around. They'll either gawk the whole time or accidentally get hurt.''
Kung Lao nodded and followed her into the building. A few minutes later, as they left the armory, Althea said, ``If anyone needs me, I'll be in the office going through those trunks.''
''Need any help? ''Kung Lao offered.
''Nah, ``she replied, ``Just wanting to see what can or should go where. You can if you want, but most of it is scrolls and books in Calornian script.''
''Ahhh....I'll see if Taja needs anything, ``said the monk.
(Scene Change)
Quan Chi tiredly sat on his throne. The dual roars of pain from the dragon and his new host still rang through the halls of his lair. The sorcerer still wondered if this was such a good idea. His...master may no longer have a need for him if the dragon truly regained its true form and succeeds where he had failed.
''My, my, my, ``came a female voice, ``Aren't we in a bind. Follow your boss's commands, and then get torched. Don't follow his commands, and get painfully torched.''
Quan Chi stood up angrily; ready to blast the insolent intruder but then he noticed the silence. Looking around he noticed that the room's few torches were no longer flickering and the flames were completely still. He lowered his arm and growled, ``Who are you? What do you want?''
A white hair woman walked in from a dark doorway, in clothes almost exactly like his except where his had some color, hers was in shades of gray. A dark scarf covered the bottom half of her face and ice cold, crystal blue eyes stared at him as if reading his soul. ``Who I am or what I want is of no concern, ``she said, ``It's what I offer you should be interested in.''
Quan Chi sat back down to consider her words for a few seconds and then asked, ``What do you offer?''
She walked to one of his work tables and picked up a glass vial. As she looked through vial and it liquid contents she said, ``A way to keep from being torched.''
(Scene Change)
Rayden remained kneeling before the now empty altars to the Elder Gods. It had been hours since the Elder Gods of Flame, Stone and Shadow left. The Lord of Shadows' `request' that he remained there was the only reason he stayed. Something must be seriously wrong to call the Elder Gods away from an audience.
Just when he was considering either to request for permission to leave or for another audience, the Elder Gods of Water, Time and Light appeared at their respective altars.
''Forgive Us for talking so long, Lord Rayden, ``Danu, the Elder Goddess of Water spoke.
''Recent rumors of a great danger have just been confirmed, ``added Kronos, the Elder God of Time.
''One if allowed to reach its full strength could cause a wave of destruction not seen since the fallen one's imprisonment, ``added Aether, the Elder God of Light.
''At all costs, ``said Kronos is a strangely sad voice, ``this must be prevented.''
''What must be done? ''Rayden asked, prepared to risk all to prevent such a disaster.
''We are in need of the godslayer, ''said Aether.
(Scene Change)
Quan Chi hid a cruel smile behind his hand as he watched the dragon become adjusted to his new Centaurian host. The mysterious woman's suggestion was a perfect act of treachery. Just let the safe guards that prevented deities from spying on him down for a few critical moments, blaming it on the strain of merging the dragon spirit to an unwilling host. The Elder Gods got to see the monster and perhaps a glimpse into its plans. Not doubt They will see to the dragon's failure.
(Scene Change)
Althea was on her knees and elbow deep in loose scrolls when a strong breeze threatened to scatter them across the room. With a few choice words, Althea struggled to hold them all down. ``Damn it, Fujin!'' she yelled with false anger.
''Sorry about that, ``the god of wind said, ``Just didn't want to startle you. It could be hazardous to my health.''
Althea chuckled and then said seriously, ``What's wrong.''
''Spit it out, ``Althea stood up and closed the trunk, ``Rayden was summoned before the Elder Gods last night and now you, not him, shows up. What's wrong?''
''Do you remember Jola?'' Fujin asked and seeing that she did, he then went on to explain the situation.
A little later, Althea said, ``So basically you're telling me that the red dragon spirit has taken over a new host which happens to be a creature twice my height, have four legs, and two arms.''
''Don't forget the tail, ``Fujin added.
Althea sat in the chair behind the desk, rubbing her eyes. Not really wanting to ask but had to, ``Why are you telling me this?''
''Because....,''Fujin said, ``You're quite possibly the only person alive who has a chance to stop that thing.''
''Why don't you do something about it?''she asked, ``It doesn't sound like a `mortal matter' to me.''
''I am,'' said Fujin with all seriousness, ``It's believed that its first target will be the Temple of the Elements. Myself and three other gods have been charged with its defense for centuries. When it attacks I intent to be on the front lines to fulfill that duty, but like when Jola attacked I don't think I'll do much good. The dragons are the original godslayers. Even their mere presence messes up an immortal's abilities. You have some protection due .....''
''Rayden knew about the original godslayers?''Althea asked in a cold tone.
''Then why did he tell us that no one really knew the reason behind the imprisoned dragon spirits?''
''Well...hmmmm, ``Fujin said as he slowly started to back away when Althea stood up, eyes flashing.
''I'm getting sick and tired of the supposedly wise gods keeping secrets from the poor stupid mortals and then expecting us to clean up the mess when that same secret blows up in their faces!'' Althea yelled.
The door opened and Kung Lao walked in with a concerned look. ``What's going on? I can hear you all the way from Taja's room, ``he asked and then noticed that Fujin was there, looking uncomfortable.
''You tell him!'' Althea demanded as she walked past Kung Lao, ``This time give him the full story. I need some fresh air.''
Kung Lao turned to face the wind god as Althea left, only to find that he was already gone.
(Scene Change)
Lupena watched as the blonde stomped out of the trading post. Her flashing eyes, clearing a path as Althea walked down the crowded street. Lupena snorted, figuring that Fujin told her and messed up doing it. The dark haired woman walked hurriedly to catch up to the godslayer. Just as Lupena nearly caught up to her, Althea turned and demanded, ``What the hell do you want?''
Not taken back by Althea's anger, Lupena said, ``We need to talk...about the dragon.''
Althea crossed her arms and said, ``There is nothing to talk about.''
''Look, ``Lupena said as she grabbed Althea's upper arm, ``If the dragon wins not only will this temple fall, so will Earth and other realms as well. Let's go to the tavern and talk.''
Althea took a deep breath to calm down and then nodded with agreement.
(Scene Change)
Drevan played with his mug as he waited for Lupena and hopefully Althea to show. When that damned wind god showed up earlier, telling him he was needed to stop the red dragon could those idiots let that happen was his first thought. Then the realization that the fault was his as much as theirs, if not more sunk in. The red dragon was his responsibility, although how much use he would be against the damn thing he no idea.
Looking up he noticed the two women walking in. Lupena headed straight to his table with Althea following whit a surprised look on her face. Drevane hid a smile as he took sip from his drink. She doesn't trust either of them, good. At least she doesn't want to kill me for trying to assassinate Rayden. Drevane suddenly had a feeling he was being watched and looked around nervously for a familiar white and blue clad figure. The last person he wanted to see right now was the thunder god. Of all the powerful beings he has dealt with, it was Rayden who unnerved him the most. Drevane didn't know why he sensed that Rayden was the one to be feared, but there was no doubt that the thundergod would not be pleased to know who Althea was meeting with at the moment.
''I should have guessed you would be here, ``Althea said as she sat down.
''Ladies, ``Drevane said as he poured a colored liquid into two mugs and then sliding them to Althea and Lupena.
''Ok, I give, ``Althea said ignoring the mug, ``How did Fujin convince you two to do his fighting.''
Drevaned smiled and said, ``It's my fight too, or have you forgotten.''
''I have my own reasons, ``Lupena growled, ``One of which if the dragon succeeds this world is the same as lost.''
(Scene Change)
''What?'' Rayden nearly jumped up hearing the Elder God's statement, ``Why do You need Althea?"
Aether frowned at Rayden's borderline insolence, but with understanding Kronos answered, ``As when Jola attacked, it was Althea who was able to defeat her. Her unique abilities give her some defense from the dragon's flames.''
Danu then added, ``The swords she now carries are among the few things now in existence that can harm the Red Dragon of Flame, even in it partially mortal form.''
Rayden had a distinct feeling they weren't telling him something, then a sudden flare of anger came through his link with Althea. Rayden stood up in full defiance and said in accusation, ``You already sent someone to tell her!''
''Knowing of your bond with her, ``said Aether, ``You left Us with no choice.''
''Fujin sees the need and is now fulfilling his duties as required, ``said Danu tonelessly.
Raiden was about to teleport out to stop this madness when a sudden flash of pain ripped across his back. Althea was already fighting? How?
Kronos seeing Raiden's pain said, ``To prevent your interference, We have isolated this temple from the surrounding time thread. By the time you return, it will already be over.''
(Scene Change)
Devane and the two women stood on a cliff, looking over a deep chasm. In the distance they could see a huge temple. ``Well, ``said Fujin, ``There it is....the Temple of the Elements.''
Lupena looked over the edge and couldn't see a bottom. Backing up a little she asked, ``Why didn't you just take us over there?''
''Sorry, no teleportation into the temple is possible so long as the....''Fujin said and stopping as if he nearly said too much.
''So long as what?'' asked Lupena.
''Does it matter, ``said Drevane, ``If whatever is in there calls for four gods to protect, do you think they would just leave it so anyone can just pop in and take it?''
Althea had an idea of what could be in there and glared at Fujin for a moment. Not bothering to voice her theory, she said, ``Let me guess, we need to fight it here so the temple remains safe.''
''If possible, ``said Fujin, ``Of course since the thing has wings I'm not sure how we are going to do that.''
''We?'' asked Althea as she placed a satchel on the ground and opened it. ``I figured these might come in handy, ``Althea said as she pulled out a strangely marked stone. She then handed Fujin the satchel still filled with smaller but also strangely marked stones. ``Place these around the temple itself and I'll do the rest.''
Fujin pulled out one of the stones and asked, ``What are these?''
''Shieldstones, ``Althea said, ``I can use them to focus and magnify that physical shield of mine. With the masterstone here, I can focus on it and create a shield around anything surrounded by those stones. It'll be a drain, but no where as near as one if I had to do it alone. Planned on using them for the trading post and giving some to the Temple of Light, but I figured...'' She shrugged.
''Will it stand up to a dragon?'' ask Fujin,
''Not sure, but my shield did stand up to Jola when she attacked the trading post. ``answered Althea, ``If nothing else it will slow the thing down, and I have another surprise that might encourage it to come our way.''
Fujin nodded and flew off across the chasm with the satchel in hand.
While he was gone, Althea started to warm up for the upcoming battle. The feel of the dual swords on her back was both comforting and unnerving at the same time. Comforting in a way that it wasn't only her chi she was having to depend upon and unnerving because she wasn't yet sure of her skill with the weapons.
Lupena paced like a caged animal, occasionally pausing to sniff the air. ``I don't like it, ``she growled, ``We're too wide open, especially against something that flies.''
''Not much choice, ``said Drevane calmly, ``One can not always choose his battlefield or his weapons. Speaking of weapons....''
''No. You can not borrow one of my swords, ``said Althea.
(Scene Change)
The dragon again cursed the form given to him by his master and the sorcerer. True the body of the Centaurian was powerful and on the ground almost unbeatable. In the air, its bulky form was a nuisance. Heavy, more limbs than needed and awkwardly shaped; it was almost impossible to fly. As he neared his target, the dragon/centaurian creature saw something he did not expect; a faintly glowing hexagonal like sphere surrounding the temple. He flew nearer to investigate and a large flare of light-blue flame flew out from it. Unable to dodge quickly enough due to his form, it struck hard on his sensitive wing. Roaring more with anger than pain, he backed off. Looking around he saw three human like forms on the other side of the chasm.
(Scene Change)
``Nice one,''said Drevane seeing the flare striking the dragon. Althea didn't bother to respond and only drew out her swords. The creature was flying directly, if clumsily straight towards them. `Guess he can fly well with that form, `Althea though.
Lupena began to change into her monstrous werewolf form as Drevane moved away from what he hoped would be the main battle area. His job was to ensure the spirit didn't escape after the two women killed its present body. The only way he was going to do it was to survive.
The red dragon landed with a loud thump and roared. Lupena attacked first in response to the challenge, but the dragon only caught her with it hugged clawed hands in mid-air. Althea then tried to slice into its supposedly vulnerable belly while it was distracted only to be surprise by it agility on land as it turned and got her hard on the back with its tail. The force of the tail threw her a short distance and nearly caused her to drop her swords. Painfully she got up just in time to see Lupena's form coming right at her. Althea was barely able to get out of the werewolf's way as Lupena crashed into the ground. The woman then saw the dragon preparing to send a blast if fire breath and raised her shields.
The dragon released its deadly flame, only to be surprised when it did not reach its target. Hesitation caused by that surprise was just enough for Althea to run and slice into its side, deeply. Rearing up on its hind legs the monster roared in unexpected pain. Backing up it glared at the source of his pain, just noticing who he was fighting. The godslayer woman and she was carrying weapons created by his master eons ago to kill immortals. How the she got hold of them, he had no idea but that didn't matter. No one had the right to carry such weapons expect for those who served the master. How dare she!
Althea sensed the creature was getting angrier by the second. At least she knew it was killable. The thing still bled from the injury on it side. If it bleeds, it can die. The dragon roared and with the speed and strength of a Centaurian it charged. Althea cussed strongly in Calornian as she barely dodged the creature. As it ran past her, she stabbed into its side and letting its own momentum cause the damage. She was barely able to hold onto the sword, but it was sharp enough to literally slice the creature open.
Now the dragon roared in pain and it turned to send another blast of flame towards the woman. Once again her shield protected her, but she was starting to suffer from the drain. Shielding both herself and the temple was starting to cost her, but she didn't dare to bring down either. `So enough with the defensive, time to go on the attack, `she thought as she once again moved to try to get a more damaging hit on the creature with her swords.
This time the dragon was ready for her and as both swords moved in a deadly arc, he dodged and then grabbed her by the hair, picking her up off the ground. Althea screamed and tried the cut into the arm that was holder her. But the angle prevented her escape.
''You have caused me enough trouble and pain, mortal,''the dragon growled, ``I will take personal pleasure in dealing with you and your precious thundergod.''
''No!''Althea roared as her chi flames suddenly burst from her body, burn the dragon's clawed hand. As she fell, her hair turned white and eyes crystal blue. She landed, falling to her knees but with a speed she did not posses before she jumped up and with her swords got the dragon in the stomach and chest. The thrashing of the dragon, caused her to lose her grip and she lost the swords as they where still stuck in the creature. Roaring madly the dragon mindless struck out and attacked anything in reach, a strong wind pushed Althea out of the way of one blind strike and she saw Fujin busy trying to drag the unconscious Lupena out of the way. ``About time he showed up, ``she mumbled but she then saw the dragon notice the wind god and prepared to attack. ``Oh no you don't, ``Althea yelled as she blasted the creature with her own flames, but they were not enough. The dragon was not a god, so her flames where nothing more that that; flames to the creature of fire. They were enough to get its attention and it changed its attack to her. Despite that it was obviously starting to weaken from its injuries, but its chaotic moves were making it even more dangerous.
From a distance Drevane only wondered why the dragon wasn't already dead. Althea got it in the heart and stomach that should have killed anything. Then it dawned on him, in the `chest' and `stomach' of the upper torso with the arms, but in the lower torso where the four legs were. He could only hope and wait for the injuries it did have to either kill it or slow it down enough for Althea to reclaim her swords to kill it.
Althea was tiring and she knew it. So was the dragon only not fast enough, something had to be done. A man's voice came to her head, ``Use my power, the power in your blood. You are a mage, yet you have never found all your gifts.''
Something about the voice caused something within her to awaken. A long dormant gift, that due to it being deeply hidden within her protected it when all other of her other elemental gifts were burned away. Suddenly time seemed to stop all around her but where she stood. Breathing deeply she looked around and saw the dragon frozen in place. She walked up to it, trying to determine what to do then the voice spoke again but from behind her. ``You have done well, ``he said, ``But more must be done.''
Not bothering to turn she said, ``Let me guess, you must be Kronos.''
''I see Rayden has told you about me, ``the Elder God said, ``However time is limited and you strength is not up to holding this time bubble for long.''
Althea then turned and said, ``Can't you do anything? You're an Elder God!''
Kronos sighed sadly and said, ``In a sense, Elder Gods are even more limited than gods and even mortals. I am only here to advise you on your next step. This time bubble only gives you a breather and lets you see what is around you. You must decide what you next move will be and to remember that you will be in the exact same spot as when you created the bubble.''
Looking around Althea took in what was happening. She noticed that Fujin was preparing to attack the dragon himself, but she knew his powers over wind were almost useless against the monster. As was the crossbow on his back since he did not have the immortal killing metal. His attack would be worthless suicide. She looked at Lupena who was just starting to wake up from unconsciousness. The werewolf was a strong fighter, but obviously not strong enough and her groggy condition would only make her a liability. Drevane, she saw was doing as he was told and keeping his distance. Never the strongest of fighters and unarmed, he too would be a liability. Then Althea took a closer look at the dragon itself. It was then she noticed what Drevane did, that the so-called `killing injuries' were not as they seemed. Mentally she kicked herself, but knew there was little chance of reclaiming those swords. So her only weapon was herself, her chi and this new untrained timegift. ``Can you tell me what I can do with the timegift?'' she asked.
Kronos answered, ``Without training, not much. Frankly I'm amazed you were able to create this time bubble. Once trained...''he shrugged.
''You're a great help, ``Althea said sarcastically. Then she remembered what happened back at the manor on Calorna and she knew she truly had no choice. Sadly she sighed and asks Kronos, ``Will you please tell Rayden, I'm sorry?''
(Scene Change)
The dragon roared as it changed its target from Fujin back to Althea. Althea yelled as loud as she could, ``Get down!''
Fujin sensing Althea was going to do something desperate, yelled, ``Don't!''
The dragon charged again, only this time Althea didn't bother to dodge. With a deep breath, she released all of her power in one concentrated blast. Instead of a blue flame, a burst of bright white light engulfed both her and the dragon. The shaking of the ground was the only sound and then the light was gone. There was only a pile of ash where the dragon and Althea once stood.
(Scene Change)
At the Temple of the Elder Gods, Rayden collapsed onto the floor. His bond with Althea shattered and the now emptiness of his soul was almost too much to bear.
With a shaky voice, Kronos spoke, ``It is done.''
The End....
Next Time on Mortal Kombat: Conquest
[Lady Tomorrow speaking] ``Who said she died?''
N ote: In regards to Kronos being in two places at once, remember there is one major time bubble at the Temple of the Elder Gods that if you haven't noticed causing it to move slower than time around it. Then Kronos appears again in another time bubble to advise Althea. So in a sense, Kronos didn't even appear in the true timeline of this chapter. Ok, guess that didn't help the confusion any. Just blame it on the weirdness of time travel.
Next and last chapter....
Note: (sniff, sniff) I am sad to write that this is the last chapter of Mortal Kombat: Conquest. Thank you all for your reviews and support. If it wasn't for them I would have never gotten so far into this story. I have already started on this fanfic's sequel (Mortal Kombat: Echoes of the Past formally know as Mortal Kombat: Ragnarok). I might include an epilogue to the MK: C story, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask and if it doesn't give too much away I will try my best to answer them there. So far I have received only one question and unfortunately, I can't answer it because it will give away a part of the next story. Sorry.
Chapter 31: Broken Bond
The Emperor of Outworld listened intently on his spy's report. The godslayer dead, Earth's warriors weakened by grief, Rayden crippled by a broken soulbond; now was the time to attack. After the spy left, Kahn leaned back into his throne to think and plan.
''Why not just follow the rules?'' a female voice spoke.
Kahn growled and grabbed his sword as he stood. A white haired woman, wearing a silver mask walked out of the shadows. Wearing black armor similar to emperor's own, she was a sight to behold. ``You dare much, woman!'' Kahn yelled.
Faster than he could blink, he was knocked back into his throne with twin swords crossed like scissors around his neck. ``You are an idiot!'' the woman hissed and drew back the swords some, causing the sides of the emperor's neck to bleed slightly, ``Just follow the rules and I guarantee you'll win the next nine tournaments.''
Shao Kahn tried to move, but she leaned her knee deeper into his chest and ground her foot painfully into his groin. ``Why should I wait?'' the emperor demanded, ``And if I did, I need to win ten tournaments.''
Leaning forward until her face was just inches from the emperor's, she said, ``If you don't wait the Elder Gods will stop you. At least one of them is very concerned with what's going on in Earthrealm at the moment. As for the tenth win, ``she smirked, ``I can't do everything for you.''
(Scene Change)
*Fifty years later*
In a nameless tavern, the Sworn Protector of Earthrealm, sat nursing a mug of wine. Despite being crowded, everyone made it a point to keep a respectable distance from the brooding thundergod. The only time anyone dared to approach was when he demanded another bottle.
A cloaked figured entered the room, and upon seeing Rayden loudly sighed. He approached the table and sat across from the drunken deity. Rayden's eyes flashed with anger and he was about to blast the idiot who intruded upon his melancholy. The figure pushed back his hood, revealing the concerned face of Kronos. Seeing the Elder God, Rayden snorted and took another swig from his mug.
Kronos frowned and said, ``You haven't answered Our summons in some time Lord Rayden.''
The thundergod just blinked and continued to drink.
''You are aware that Earth has lost the tournament? That if the next nine tournaments are lost, then your realm becomes a part of Outworld?'' Kronos said.
''Who cares?'' Rayden finally spoke.
Kronos was about to continue when he felt a hand on his shoulder. ``Don't bother, ``said a familiar voice, ``Whatever you do or say will not change a thing.''
Kronos turned and looked up to see the white haired woman looking sadly at the now frozen thundergod. She continued, ``What he is going through is worse than a soulbond separated through death. If that was the case then he would still in some way sense her soul in the afterlife and would eventually get over her death.''
''And with her soul completely destroyed....''Kronos started to say.
The white haired woman interrupted by saying,''Huh? Destroyed? Why do you say that?''
''There has been no trace of her soul anywhere since she died, ``said Kronos.
''Who said she died?'' the woman said, ``You should be proud having such a powerful time mage as a descendent despite her time-gift being awakened so late.''
Kronos just stared at the woman for a few moments and then covered his eyes with a slap, mumbling, ``How could I have been so stupid?!''
''Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, ``the woman said and then vanished. Kronos then found himself once again looking at the still mourning thundergod. With a sad shake of his head, the Elder God stood and walked around Rayden. ``Sorry about this,''he said as he used his power to knock the deity out. Grabbing hold of Rayden's shoulder both of them vanished.
The End...........
Sneak pee k into Mortal Kombat: Echoes of the Past
The Elder God of Air then vanished, to leave an uncomfortable silence between Fujin and the Elder God of Time. Kronos sighed before saying, ``You might as well rise, there is no point having your knees go numb in a false show of respect.''
Fujin stood up and tried his best not to glare at the Elder God of Time. Over five hundred years ago, it was this Elder God that sent Rayden's soulbond to her death. What was worse, he had ordered Fujin to ensure that the woman would go. Not a day has passed since that Fujin hasn't thought of that day or blamed himself and the Elder God for Althea's death.
''You might want to know, that Rayden has already taken it upon himself to send that same warrior into the Neatherrealm to reclaim what was stolen, ``said Kronos.
''That's impossible, ''said Fujin without thinking, ``Rayden has been suffering from the broken soulbond since....''
''True, but it seems that he has had a miraculous recovery, ``said Kronos trying his hardest not to let his own relief show, ``Actually, its your brother's recovery that brings me to this task I wish you to perform.''
Author : Preferred Customer
Creation date: 2005-9-14-5-5
Modification date: 2005-9-14-5-7
Author's Remarks: | |
Ok here's the last of the series. If anyone is interested I will post its sequel once its completed, but it may take awhile since it took me almost a year to do this one. *sigh*
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