Notes: I do not own Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat: Conquest, Earthrealm, Outworld, etc, etc. This is all for fun and I do not make a profit from any of this. I do claim the mysterious white haired woman, Althea, Vatas and Kuravan as my own. If you wish to borrow any of them, just ask. Be aware I will not give out any info on any of them until it appears in one of these stories.
This story takes place right after Chapter Three: Unique Heritage. I highly recommend reading the previous chapters since much that goes on here is in someway connected to them. I have also raise this group of stories rating by notch since I believe that some scenes in this chapter and following chapters might not be understandable or perhaps suitable for younger children.
Chapter Four: Painful Pasts
It has been two days since Kuravan's attack on the trading post, and there were still signs everywhere of the almost epic battle. The rubble had been removed, but the doors still had to be replaced and walls rebuilt. The trio had decided to take turns keeping watch until the repairs could be made. The most worrying proof of the attack was Althea. She was still unconscious and no one had been able to wake her up.
``Is there anything we can do?'' asked Siro, ``She's been out since that fight.''
Rayden sighed, ``Perhaps, but it's dangerous and might end up killing her.''
``No offense, Rayden, ``said Kung Lao, ``But if she doesn't wake up soon, she'll end up dieing anyway.''
Rayden sighed and looked out the window to think about the issue. Normally, he would not be able to help the mortal girl, but since it was because it was an immortal that attacked the place that cause her condition he should be allowed to help. But Kuravan did not directly cause the injury, she did herself thus I may not be allowed to help. Rayden almost shivered at the thought of nearly falling for the same trick as the one Shao Kahn used in the other time thread. If it wasn't for his `friend' he would now be at the mercy of that maniac. Taja was right, I am an idiot. If it wasn't for Althea's attack, they all would have been dead or worse. But can I return the gift? The `A rule that can not be broken can be bent' line entered his head. Rayden then vanished.
``Okay...,''said Siro.
The woman stood completely still after giving her report to her master. ``So, Kung Lao has acquired a godslayer as his student, ``said Quan Chi, ``That could prove most useful.''
The woman, his newest servant, remained silent. Quan Chi frowned, his previous servants all failed to live up to expectation and they were all now in the Neatherealm facing their punishments. This one however was different and he didn't know for certain if she was the right choice. He smiled. It didn't matter; if she failed him she would just join the others.
He walked over to some shelves and pulled out a potion. The bottle looked as if it was filled with a dark green smoke. Quan Chi handed it to his servant.
``Here, Lupena, ``he said, ``Take this and place it in the same room as the girl.'' Lupena took the bottle. Quan Chi continued, ``Open the bottle and make sure you leave the room quickly. Or you too may be pulled into your worse nightmare.''
That night a dog-like shape loped down the deserted road. It sees Siro yawning as he walked past the damaged gate. The `dog' waited until Siro was turned around and then slipped past him, through the yard and into the kitchen. It cocked its head as it listened. All it heard was the sounds of sleeping humans and Siro walking outside. Walking past a dimmed lamp, the dog proved to be a solid black wolf with a scar in the shape of a crescent moon on its shoulder. Quickly and silently it made its way upstairs.
Outside Siro yawned again and shook his head, trying to stay awake. Since there was no way to lock the gate, they had decided to take turns keeping watch. Siro still thought that Taja cheated when they drew straws as to which shift each of them got.
Rayden appeared in a sparkle of light and Siro nearly walked into him. Instantly, Siro was fully awake and asked, ``Where the hell have you been?''
Rayden replied, ``Taking care of a few things before I attempt to help Althea. What will be needed will take my full concentration and some time. I needed to get someone to....cover for me.'' He took Siro by the elbow and continued, ``This is important. I need you to tell the others that no one is to disturb me or attempt to contact me. Should serious trouble arise, Kung Lao is to seek out Fujin instead of me.''
``Fujin?'' asked Siro.
The door to Althea's room opened and Lupena entered. She made her way to the bed and looked upon the girl with regret filled eyes. In moments she placed the opened bottle on the table next to the bed and left the room, making sure that the door was closed behind her. Green smoke slowly rose out of the bottle to fill the room.
A few seconds later the wolf was sneaking past the Rayden and Siro as they spoke. Rayden as if sensing something looked around but did not see the wolf as it hid on the other side of the wall. Rayden shrugged and told Siro that he would be in Althea's room from now until perhaps late that evening or early tomorrow morning. No one was to enter the room during this time. The thunder god then flickered out. The wolf hearing this quickly ran to report to its master.
Just as the green smoke was dissipating, Rayden appeared in Althea's room. He pulled up the chair so to be more comfortable while he worked. Taking a deep breath, he took her hand to attempt recharging her chi with his own elemental energy. It was then that the potion took full effect on both of them. Rayden fell forward, his head landing just below Althea's chest.
``You're telling me that Rayden himself went into the room while the potion was still in the air,'' Quan Chi laughed aloud, ``Marvelous, I'm getting two birds with one potion.'' Lupena just remained silent as Quan Chi celebrated the idea of both a god and a godslayer falling for his trap.
Rayden stood within the ruins of a destroyed city. Not sure as to where he was and how he got there, he tried to teleport out but failed. A cold wind blew....''Rayden'' a ghostly voice spoke, ``You failed us, us, us....'' Rayden turned towards the source of the voice and saw a ghostly shape of a soldier wearing the uniform of a long destroyed civilization. ``No...'' Rayden whispered.
Other ghosts appeared; men, women and children. All blaming Rayden for their deaths and being forgotten. The pain in Rayden's soul brought him to his knees. He covered his head with his arms.
``RAYDEN!'' a familiar voice rang out, ``This is just a manifestation of an old, misplaced guilt. IT IS NOT REAL!''
The ghostly voices stopped and the spirits vanished. A hand reached down to the thunder god. He took it and looked up to see a face with crystal blue eyes looking over a dark scarf. ``It's a good thing this IS a dream, this way we can talk without me having to pull you into that damn time bubble, ``She said as she helped him up. Once again she was wearing clothes similar to Rayden's, only in black and gray.
``How...'' Rayden began, but then shook his head at his own stupidity, ``The old dream trick.''
The woman laughed and said, ``I used it before. Perhaps someone should warn Taja or maybe Althea. Hmmmm.''
Rayden frown and said, ``What's going on, one moment I'm getting ready to help Althea and now..''
``Quan Chi was always a talented alchemist. Shame he calls the Netherrealm his home. Take this potion that was used in Althea's room for example. It is able to pull up the most painful, guilt-ridden memories of anyone who breathes it, even a god,'' answered the woman, ``It gets even didn't even get the full dose.''
``Althea, ``said Rayden.
The woman nodded and said, ``Unfortunately, I am unable to help her, not directly anyway, as I am able to do with you. If the rules are bent too much, they will end up breaking. So it's up to you, now....WAKE UP!''
Rayden jerked away and sat up in the chair. Looking around and spreading his senses, he was now able to detect the remnants of the potion and the emotions radiating from the girl. Fear, anger and guilt mixed and forcing her nearly to the border of insanity. If this went on for much longer, she wouldn't have a mind worth saving from the energy drain. Rayden breathed deeply and entered Althea's nightmare.
Downstairs Siro prepared some tea in the hopes it would wake him up. Kung Lao walked in with a tired look on his face. ``Rough night?'' asked Siro and he offered some tea to his friend.
``Kept tossing and turning, worrying about Althea and this Kuravan that attacked us.'' Kung Lao answered.
``Oh, yeah, ``said Siro, ``That reminds me. Rayden showed up and said he was going to try whatever it is to help Althea. He's up there now and does not want to be disturbed. You are to find someone by the name of Fujin if we need any help.
``Fujin? The God of Wind?'' ask Kung Lao.
A stiff breeze blew through the kitchen and then a voice said, ``You called?'' Both of the men turned and saw a man sitting next to the table. He had long gray hair, tied up in a pony tail and sun-tanned skin. His eyes were the same dark color as Rayden's and he wore a leather vest over a white shirt and green pants. Just then Taja walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Fujin saw her and said, ``Why, hello there.''
Upon entering Althea's dream, Rayden saw the carnage of a corpse filled battlefield and heard the sounds of battle. He turned and saw Althea and a large cat of some sort fighting a large figure that seemed to be made up of shadows. The cat fought with tooth and claw as Althea blasted away with elemental blasts of Fire, Ice and even Lighting. None seemed to work on their foe. It was obvious that her powers were waning and the cat weakening from multiple injuries. A shadowy claw swung across and nearly ripping the muzzle off of the cat, throwing it across the ground.
``No!'' Althea yelled and the now familiar light-blue flame of her chi energy flew from both of her hands to strike the shadow. Like with Kuravan, nothing happened at first. Then the shadow exploded away and a figure in red and black fell to the ground. Kneeling he looked up just in time to see Althea stabbing him in the heart with a long dagger. From the injury an explosion of energy blew out, causing a shockwave that threw Althea, the cat and a number of the corpses outward. Rayden, fully aware that this was just a dream was untouched by the blast, but he was still shocked. Althea was a godslayer. That explained how her attack weakened Kuravan as it did.
``Freyon!'' Althea screamed at the beast in her arms, ``I'll get you to the healers. Just don't die on me.''
The great liger-like beast didn't even raise it's head, ``::Mistress, don't bother....I can feel the spirit within me leaving. I will soon return from whence I came. The bond between us must be removed before I do.::''
``No! I will not let that happen. ``She cried aloud to her partner's mental speech.
The creature's chest moved as if in painful laughter but no sound came from its torn up muzzle. ``::Ahhh, Mistress. You may have defeated the Insane One, but even you can not.....::''
Just then the wind picked up and then they were surrounded by the five whose battle she just fought. ``Help him!'' she demanded.
``I am sorry, ``said one with kind, green eyes and wind blown air, ``But we can not, he is but a spirit in animal form as is all familiars. His spirit shall return from where it came, but his body is too far gone.''
Kuravan snorted, ``He did his job, he should be honored that we don't destroy his spirit for going against....''
He was unable to finish, Althea jumped up and slapped him across the face. ``Bastards! We risked our lives, our very souls for your sorry hides!''
The other three back off as if in fear of the woman. The first one placed his hand on her shoulder, ``Please, Althea.....''
Anger flashed in the eyes of the one she slapped, but his voice remained cold. ``It doesn't matter; you must now take the place of the one you fought.''
``Althea, ``said the kind one, ``Since you have defeated him, you have absorbed his power. You have no choice....''
Althea shook her shoulder to remove his hand and walked back to her fallen friend who still breathed. ``Give it to Freyon.''
Kuravan replied, ``That's impossible...''
``No its not, ``sighed the green eyed one deity. ``He is still bonded with her and can draw the power from her if she chooses. Freyon took part in the battle and in a sense also earned the right to join us.''
``Are you certain of this child, ``a red-headed woman in red armor asked, ``Once done there is no reversing it.''
``Yes, I am,'' answered Althea.
``That's exactly how it happened, ``said someone behind Rayden. Rayden turned and saw the same green eyed man that was with Althea. ``You must be Rayden, I am Vatas, Sworn Protector of Calorna.'' Rayden bowed slightly in acknowledgement, as Vatas continued, ``I sensed her pain but since I am not of Earth it was necessary....''
``To pull the dream trick,'' finished Rayden with a half-smile. ``It seems everyone is using it today.''
They watched `Vatas' talk with Althea in regards as to what she is to do next as the others left with Freyon. ``It'll start again soon. First it will be the death of Granny for harboring a `witch,' then the destruction of the Mage's Conclave, and eventually the carnage of the Calornian God War. None of which is her fault, but she feels a responsibility for.''
Rayden didn't comment. He understood what it felt to be powerless to prevent such tragedy and be force to be part of it. Rayden then walked towards Althea, the memory Vatas vanishing as Rayden placed a hand on her shoulder. ``I understand, ``he whispered, ``I've been in that same place that you are in now.''
Althea looked up into Rayden's eyes and saw he truly knew what she was going through. She threw her arms around him and for the first time, truly wept.
Back at Quan Chi's lair, Lupena reported, ``My apologies, Master. Rayden and the girl have both been freed of your spell.''
Surprisingly, Quan Chi was in a good mood. ``It doesn't matter, ``he said as he moved some bottles around on the shelves. ``It's no big lost, after all I did get the true prizes.'' He then picked up a bottle filled with black and purple lighting, ``A bit of pain and guilt of a god, ``he placed it down and picked up another bottle filled with blood red flame, ``and a bit of pain and guilt of a godslayer.''
The End
Next Time on Mortal Kombat Conquest.....
Fujin spoke out of the side of his mouth, ``Shut up already, I'm trying to score.''
``The Black Dragon is dead, ``the man said as he slit the woman's throat, ``Long live the Red.''
(Next Chapter)
Notes: I do not own....ah hell! If you've been reading my stories you already know the routine. If not, the read the previous chapters.
This story takes place at almost the same time as Chapter Four, in fact it's while Rayden is doing the `dream trick' to save Althea's mind and eventually recharging (pun?) her chi that this story is taking place. Also, please be aware ahead of time that I am eventually planning to upgrade the rating again in a future chapter. So if the rating is getting a little high due to your age and/or preference, my apologies. Unfortunately, it seems that this story is pretty much writing itself and I can't seem to convince it otherwise.
Chapter Five: Red Omens
A shadow of a four armed monster is seen on a cave wall, flickering in firelight. A sound between the roar of a dragon and the scream of a man is heard. Then we hear the sound of the Emperor Shao Kahn laughing.
Siro prepared some tea in the hopes it would wake him up. Kung Lao walked in with a tired look on his face. ``Rough night?'' asked Siro and he offered some tea to his friend.
``Kept tossing and turning, worrying about Althea and this Zuravan that attacked us.'' Kung Lao answered.
``Oh, yeah, ``said Siro, ``That reminds me. Rayden showed up and said he was going to try whatever it is to help Althea. He's up there now and does not want to be disturbed. You are to find someone by the name of Fujin if we need any help.
``Fujin? The God of Wind?'' asked Kung Lao.
A stiff breeze blew through the kitchen and then a voice said, ``You called?'' Both of the men turned and saw a man sitting next to the table. He had long gray hair, tied up in a pony tail and sun-tanned skin. His eyes were the same dark color as Rayden's and he wore a leather vest over a white shirt and green pants. Just then Taja walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Fujin saw her and said, ``Why, hello there.''
All three mortals just stared at the deity each with a different look; Kung Lao in shock, Taja in surprise, and Siro as if he's trying not to laugh. Fujin continued, ``You must be Taja, by brother has told me so much about you.'' He then took her hand and held it in his two.
Taja slowly took her hand back and said, ``Okay....Who are you?''
Kung Lao spoke up,``Taja, meet Fujin...the God of Wind. He's covering for Rayden as he attempts to fix whatever is wrong with Althea.''
Fujin smiled and then added, ``I was more than happy to help my brother in anyway possible. It's not everyday that I get to be able to mingle with mortals or put Rayden in my debt.''
``YOU DARE!'' yelled Shang Tsung in anger as he was dragged, chained towards Vorpax. Sitting, Queen Vorpax just smiled seeing her old torment being dragged and placed at her feet. The offspring she sought were well on there way to joining the ranks of her sisters. The sorcerer was no longer needed.
``What's wrong?'' she said in an overly-sweet voice, ``I thought you liked this sort of thing.''
Shang just glared at her angrily from his position on the ground as a spear of one of Vorpax's guards held him down. Two men in black leather approached the Queen and bowed. ``Greetings, your Majesty, is this the one we spoke of?''
``Yes, this is Shang Tsung, ``replied the Queen, ``Are you sure you want him so badly. I'm certain we could make other arrangements for the''
The other man said, ``We must apologize, but our employer was most specific in wanting this person. He is paying a high price for him, alive and breathing.''
Vorpax nearly pouted at the thought of nearly losing any chance of paying Shang Tsung back for all the pain he's caused her. The first man as if sensing her thoughts added, ``However, there is no stipulation as to what condition except that he be alive and able to communicate. If you would like some time to....say your good-byes...we can have your people look over the supplies we brought. All that we ask is that he will be able to walk under his own power....within a reasonable amount of time.''
``Why thank you, ``she smiled a predatory grin, ``I do hope we will be able to do business again some day,'' she said as she kicked the sorcerer in the face.
Somehow, Fujin convinced Taja to show him around Shu Zhin. Much to his dismay Siro insisted on following along. Kung Lao, having drawn the morning shift remained behind to guard the trading post. Eventually, the wind god took Siro to the side as Taja looked over some jewelry at a stall. Fujin quietly asked if Siro could please go back home. Siro replied aloud, ``What ever for?''
Taja turned at the sound of Siro's voice. Fujin spoke out of the side of his mouth, ``Shut up already, I'm trying to score.''
Siro just gave a dumb look and said, ``Huh?''
The Emperor sat on his throne with a look of anticipation in his eyes. Four men wearing black leather enter the throne room, dragging a badly beaten Shang Tsung. Kahn laughed slightly at the appearance of the beaten sorcerer as the men threw him at his feet. Shang Tsung cursed under his breath, proving that he could still talk. The Emperor was more than pleased, it was about time he found someone who could deliver as promised.
``Tell your master, that you have done well and I am more than pleased, ``he said and the four men bowed at once, ``His price shall be met, access to the cobalt mines to locate and remove one prisoner of his choice.''
One of the men stepped forward and stated, ``This does include the means of returning to Earth afterwards with the prisoner.''
The Emperor nodded without removing his eyes from the beaten man at his feet. He waved to his servants, who picked up Shang Tsung and took him away for future.....pleasures. Another servant handed a crystal and a scroll to the spokesman of the group.
``Here are the items you will need in order to retrieve your prize, ``I do hope he is as happy as I am with the outcome of this trade.''
Back at the trading post, Fujin joined Taja and Kung Lao for lunch. Siro finally went to bed and was asleep at this time. Fujin was telling the pair an amusing story about his and Rayden's youth when he felt it. He stopped talking and looked around. It was as if a piece of ice ran down his spine. Something was wrong. Unlike Rayden, he excused himself and then vanished.
Four men walked through the caverns of the cobalt mines searching. They eventually came across their prize, burning another resident of the mines with the flames of the black dragon. She turned and the outline of the black dragon could be seen around her as she looked upon her unexpected visitors. The spokesman stepped forward and bowed. ``Mistress Jola, Master Drevane wishes to invite you for get together in Shu Zhin. If you wish to attend, please follow us.''
She smiled as the shadowy figure of the dragon faded and said,'' It's about time.''
A few hours later at the old Black Dragon headquarters, Jola sat on the throne of the Black Dragon Clan. Sliding her hands across the arms rests in a sensuous manner. At last, she thought, soon the Black Dragon will be returned to its former glory and I will be master of it all. The four men that had accompanied her bowed and left the room as another man entered.
``Welcome back, Lady Jola. I do hope your journey was a comfortable one, ``he said.
Jola looked upon Drevane with an emotionless look on her face. There was something about him that made her uneasy. As if the black dragon spirit within her was trying to warn her. She shook it off and then said, ``It took you long enough to get me out.'' She stood and walk towards the man.
Drevane replied, ``I do apologize, but it took time to acquire Shao Kahn's price for your freedom.'' He watched as the woman approached and continued.
Jola waved it off and said, ``What is the status of the clan? I noticed some new faces and I have yet to see anyone I recognize.'' She walked past him in a snobbish manner. As she passed him, he slowing drew out a long knife with an image of a stylized dragon engraved upon it. ``A few were arrested, others killed during a confrontation.'' He hid the knife behind his back.
Jola turned and asked, ``Confrontation with whom? Kung Lao, the guards?''
Drevane replied, ``Another clan has been attempting to take over your territory since your disappearance from the scene. They and the guards taking down all of the commonly known members of the Black Dragon have decimated the clan's numbers.''
Jola snorted and turned away once more, ``That will soon change.....''
As she spoke a reddish outline of a dragon surrounded Drevane and he grabbed her from behind with the knife in his hands. For a few minutes the pair struggled, dragon against dragon, with Dravane obviously being the stronger. ``What are you doing?!'' she demanded.
Drevane replied, ``Finishing a job I started shortly after you left. After all there can not be two dragon clans in the same city.'' Jola's eyes widen in fear.
``The Black Dragon is dead, ``the man said as he slit the woman's throat, ``Long live the Red.''
The black, stone wall hanging of a dragon that hung behind the throne for generations fell and crashed onto the throne. Both shattered upon impact. The head of the stone dragon slid down the stairs into a growing pool of dark red blood.
Shang Tsung was dragged before the throne of the Emperor once more. ``Well, sorcerer, ``the emperor said, ``Have you finally learned the price of betraying me. After all, there are things worse then death.''
The sorcerer remained on the floor where he fell and just nodded. The emperor chuckled. ``Good! In that case I have a job for you. One that will keep you out of trouble and out of my sight.'' He threw up his hand and then Kitana entered the room. ``You and my....daughter are to prepare for the next tournament. It's to take place in a more neutral area than before by request of the Elder Gods. It seems you're constant bending of the rules came too close to breaking them. You two are to go to an island located in the area between realms and prepare. Kitana will see that the rules are followed to the letter, to ensure that there is no chance of losing due to an infraction. You Shang Tsung are to build and host the tournament facilities.'' The ground started shaking as if the steps of an enormous creature walked. ``Ah, yes the third member of the lovely party, my chosen fighter will train and practice on the island. You will teach him how to win, Shang Tsung.'' In the shadows the outline of a large four-armed giant was seen.
The End
Next time on Mortal Kombat: Conquest.....
``What's a godslayer, exactly?'' asked Althea.
In the sky hung a full moon, and in the distance a howling was heard.
(Next Chapter)
Chapter Six: Nightly Talks
Slowly she awoke, not really sure if she was still in a dream or finally returning to reality. Althea opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Rayden leaning back in a chair as if asleep, his hands holding one of hers in his lap. Part of her felt the energy of the element of lighting recharging her chi, as such she once used before she lost the ability to acquire the needed energy. Another part felt a strange lightness as if a great weight had been removed from her soul.
She tried to sit up and her movements caused Rayden to open his eyes. He let go of her hand and gently pushed her back down onto the bed. ``Don't be in such a hurry, ``he said, ``You're barely recovered enough chi to get out of danger, but you are still weak.''
Althea sighed and said, ``Well, I can't just lie here all day. I need to get up and move around some. By the way, how long have I been out?''
``You will stay in bed all day and at least for another, ``replied the thunder god sternly, ``And it's been almost three days since the fight.''
As the fog in Althea's mind continued to clear she remembered, ``Kuravan!'' she yelled as she tried to get up again.
Rayden frowned as he pushed her back again and said, ``Gone, he's gone. He ran shortly after you hit him with your chi flame.'' Rayden then grinned, ``It seemed that it didn't agree with him.''
Suddenly, Althea notice how little she was actually wearing. Only one of her shirts and it was tied loosely. She blushed and was now more than happy to stay in bed, covered, while the thunder god was in the room.
Rayden saw her blush and her haste to cover herself up. He didn't smile but thought it was a good thing that she didn't know who undressed her, especially after what she was able to do to Kuravan.
Downstairs Siro was once again making tea in the hopes of it keeping him awake. He sighed; he was definitely starting to dislike tea. It was a good thing that the carpenters would be in today to finish the repairs on the door and gate. The wall was almost finished except for some plaster.
``Thank-you,'' said Rayden as he took Siro's mug of tea. He took a sip and remarked, ``Not bad,'' as he sat down at the table.
``Your welcome, ``said Siro as he fixed himself another mug.
``In case you are wondering, ``Rayden began, ``Althea's out of danger, but still needs some rest. Give her at least another day or two and she should be able to finish recovering on her own.''
``That's good to hear, ``said Siro as he sat opposite the diety, ``By the way, nice brother you have.''
One of Rayden's eyebrows rose for a moment as he drank. ``Ahhh, I see you've met Fujin. Let me guess, he's been paying Taja some.....attention.''
Siro nodded and took a sip of tea. He then asked, ``What's up with him anyway?''
Rayden replied, ``Let's just say, he doesn't get out much.''
In the sky hung a full moon, and in the distance a howling was heard. A solid black wolf with a crescent shaped scar on its shoulder ran through the woods. Eventually others of its kind followed. The pack ran through the woods as if for the mere joy of running with their brothers and sisters. They stopped in a clearing and the rest of the pack surrounded the scarred black. The all just sat, with occasionally nodding head as if in some sort of silent communication. The black then nodded once and ran off into the woods. The others began to howl a sad lament as the wind began to blow.
In a darkened overhang found across the street from the trading posted an outline of a winged figure could be seen. It could have easily been mistaken for a gargoyle, except there was no such statue in that spot during the day. It watched and seemed to listen as Rayden and Siro talked, motionless.
A few days later Kung Lao woke to the smell of cooking food. Making his way downstairs he saw that breakfast was on the stove staying warm and Althea was already eating at the table. ``Shouldn't you still be in bed?'' Kung Lao asked as he got himself a generous helping of oatmeal.
Althea shrugged and said, ``I'm okay, no sparks, but I am able to get around now. Unless I'm mistaken, a little bit of exercise would do me some good right now.''
``So long as it is a `little' exercise, ``said Rayden as he tried to take Kung Lao's bowl. Kung Lao quickly moved his bowl out of Rayden's reach and said, ``Care to join us for breakfast, Rayden. Help yourself to whats on the stove, ``and proceed to grind some cinnamon into his bowl. Rayden gave the monk a dirty look as Althea got up to prepare a bowl for the thunder god. With a slight laugh she placed on the table in front of him, ``Here you go. There's plenty since I could never make oatmeal without fixing enough for a small army.''
``Yes!'' exclaimed Taja as she entered the kitchen, ``I wasn't dreaming,'' and she made a beeline to the stove.
Althea gave a half-smile and then returned to eating her own bowl of oatmeal. After taking a few bites she said, ``Taja, Siro said he was going to town to get a few supplies for the trip and would be back this afternoon.''
``Trip?'' asked Kung Lao.
Taja sighed and then said, ``The repairs to the place cost more than expected. So with what money we have left, me and Siro decided to go catch the caravan in the next town. We hope to sell a few items and perhaps pick up a few things that can not be found locally to sell to make a larger profit. Otherwise...''
Althea said, ``Sorry about that. I knew me and Kuravan didn't get along, but I didn't think he would.....''
``Don't worry; it was the creep's fault not yours, ``said Taja, ``Talking about the attack, I've been meaning to ask you something, Rayden. How was it you were able to interfere at that time and not others?''
Althea somehow sensed that Rayden was uncomfortable with the question and was thinking about leaving so she answered the question for him. ``Kuravan is a god from my realm. Since he is an immortal, his attack was not just a mortal affair. Unless I'm mistaken, since Kung Lao was hit during the first attack, he was also in violation of the rules of Mortal Kombat. Therefore, Rayden was not only allowed, but almost required to help us.''
Rayden was surprised that Althea was able to answer the question. She was correct, but it wasn't everyday that a mortal knew so much about the rules set down by the Elder Gods. Then again, considering her position in her realm's recent war and her heritage, she would have needed specific information in regards to the rules governing the interaction between mortals and immortals.
``Taja, why is Siro going with you?'' asked Kung Lao.
``He kinda insisted, ``replied Taja, ``He kept saying something about, and I quote `keeping that pony-tailed bastard's hands off' of me or something.''
Rayden nearly choked on the oatmeal he was eating. Althea gently slapped his back to help him breathe again, not sure what set that off. Kung Lao sighed and said, ``I was planning on heading on to the temple tomorrow, but if both of you are leaving...''
``Please, ``said Althea in an exasperated voice, ``I'm no longer an invalid and the gate and door are fixed. So long as I'm not expected to run the store while you guys are gone, I'll be able to watch the place. In fact, it'll give me a chance to take care of a few things myself without being interrupted.'' `Also, it will give me and Rayden a chance to have that needed talk without the chance of any of the others hearing,' she thought but `loudly' in her mind in the hopes that Rayden would pick it up. Apparently, he did since he looked at her and gave her a slow wink.
Kuravan paced in a library while attempting to read. He gave up and threw the book onto a couch in a rage. How dare she! The memory of how Althea temporarily removed his godhood and how close he came to dieing at Rayden's hands still infuriated him. It should have been impossible for her to call upon that much of her chi so soon after using it on the Insane One. This only proved his fear that she was much stronger than anyone realized. On top of that, she was not beholden to anyone but that mortal Earthrealm monk.
There must be a way to place her under my control. She is of my blood...damn my stupidity of renouncing her father and thus freeing any of his descendents from my claim of blood. If only he hadn't been dumb enough to get his fool head blown off by that rouge wizard.
``Master, I have word,'' came a voice from the shadows.
``What is it, Lilith?'' he demanded.
A woman with bat-like wings walked into the lamp light. ``The girl was near death from using too much of her chi against you, but was saved by the one know as Rayden. Even now she is expected to make a full recovery and is already moving around on her own strength''
``So, the lighting god used his own element to help restore her chi...clever.'' Kuravan thought out loud, not caring if his slave heard, ``I can use that....You may go.''
Lilith bowed and walked back into the shadows, her wings flexing somewhat behind her.
The next night, the trading post was quieter than usual, and Althea actually enjoyed it as she prepared her bath. `It feels like ages since I've had a real bath,' she thought, `I just hope that Rayden doesn't show up until after I'm done.'
Normally, it wouldn't have bothered her that the thunder god saw her in the nude. After all during the God War it was sometimes necessary to fight stark naked when the camp was attacked by surprised. Then there was `Uncle' Vatas, always showing up, like Rayden, at unexpected and sometimes unwanted moments. But for some reason it was different with Rayden, he could make her blush as if she was still the innocent thing living with Granny in the Twilight Woods.
She sighed as she slipped into the steaming water. After she poured a generous amount of bath oil in the water, she laid back to soak and relax. Unseen there was a flash of light and then a second one. Althea cracked open one eye, thinking she sensed something but nothing was there. She shrugged and went back to relaxing.
Rayden appeared in the kitchen with a heated look on his face. He quickly poured himself a generous amount of wine from the cast Althea left out for later and drank in down in one swallow. The thunder god then sat down at the table with his face in his hands.
He didn't know who to thank for Althea not seeing him. Rayden sensed that Althea was thinking about him and thought it was her invitation to have that conversation in regards to her power. So he appeared next to her, only to find her in a bath and saw enough to know that she was a true blonde before getting the hell out of there. True he had undressed her when she was `injured' but at the time concern and haste prevented him from fully noticing, but now.....''Why did she have to be a blonde?'' he groaned into his hands.
At the temple, Kung Lao slept but the sounds of wolves howling affected his dreams.....
He was running through the woods, with nothing but his pants on when he came across Jen sitting on a log. Between the two of them he saw a bright string connecting the two of them. He approached her. The howling changed and so did his surroundings. Kung Lao was now back at the trading post and saw Rayden sitting at the table with his face in his hands. He seemed to have mumbled something, but Kung Lao was unable to hear. There was also a string connecting Rayden to someone outside of the room, it was flickering as if not quite sure if it should be there yet. Kung Lao followed the string and found Althea in her bath. He only saw the side of the tub with her head on one side and a dripping arm being scrubbed with the other hand. The string he was following lead to her. Once again the howling and the scene changed. He was now in an unfamiliar place with more books and scrolls than he had ever seen before. There Kuravan was talking to a winged woman and Kung Lao heard, ``I can use that....''
Kung Lao woke as if a spell had been removed. He looked around to verify that he was in the temple, and then wondered what the dream meant.
Althea entered the kitchen and was surprised to see Rayden already there. Perhaps that was what she sensed earlier, Rayden showing up in the kitchen helping himself to a drink. Why did it seem that Rayden was more and more like her `Uncle?' Could it be the job of being a sworn protector of a realm? Althea just shrugged, at least I'm dressed.
Rayden looked up at the sound of her entering the room. He made extra sure that his thoughts and emotions were shielded and unfortunately that prevented him from sensing hers as well, but he did not want the chance of her sensing his feelings at that time. And with the some of his energy still in her system, it was possible. Although that could make things interesting if....DON'T THING ABOUT THAT, STUPID, NOT NOW! He only smiled in greeting and remained seated behind the table as Althea got herself a glass and poured some wine in it. Althea gave him a strange look as if wondering if something was wrong. She sat down and took a sip before talking. ``What's a godslayer, exactly?'' asked Althea.
Rayden sighed even he wasn't sure if it was in relief or what. He then said, ``The title `godslayer' is actual not an accurate term. A godslayer, is someone with the ability to temporarily cancel out a god's immorality and abilities. The power you have does not actually kill a god, only allows the possibility.'' Rayden took another drink, before continuing. ``The `gift' is extremely rare and is believed, but not confirmed, to be bestowed by the Elder Gods to certain mortals in times when it is needed. From what I've heard of this `Insane One,' you were definitively needed. It's even rarer for such a person to use it more than once and survive.''
``Damn, ``said Althea, ``So that's why Kuravan is so interested in me. He's afraid I'll pay him back for some of the crap he put me and Freyon through, especially since I threw that offer of godhood back in their faces.''
Rayden tried not to laugh while he was drinking. He still couldn't believe she did that and thought this was a good a time as any to ask, ``Why did you refuse the position? Unless I'm mistaken your realm has lost at least three gods now.''
Althea snort and answered, ``There's a few reasons..One, I was borderline insane and knew it. The last thing my world needed was another insane god. Two, I can't help but interfere. Gods can not unless there are special circumstances. Three, it was the only way to save Freyon. He would have done the same for me and he'll make a better god then I ever could.'' She thought for a few moments and then added, ''Also the fourth reason is, there was no way I was going to spend eternity working along side Kuravan. Eventually we would have started another god war between ourselves.''
Rayden laughed out loud at that fourth reason. He could image Althea kicking Kuravan's butt as a goddess. Suddenly, he stopped talking. He could image Althea as a goddess, period. Unfortunately, the wine seemed to have let some of his concentration wane and he shields went down. Althea was able to sense some of what he felt and blushed.
Trying to ignore the sudden change in mood Althea started to ask, ``What do we...ummmm I...''
Rayden sense what she was going through and reached out to take her hand. They both stared into each others eyes for a few moments. Rayden stood up some and leaned forward....*!CRASH!*
Both jumped, and the sounds of a fight going on outside got their full attention. Althea ran outside to see what was going on. To her amazement she saw Lilith on the ground fighting off a bunch of dogs (?) no wolves. Two have grabbed each of her wings and a third was on top of her, she has holding him back from her throat. Seeing Althea, Lilith growled and then spat a red substance into the face of the wolf. It yelped and rolled off of her, taking one of the two holding her wings with it. She was then able to roll and claw the other one and then make her escape in the air. The two uninjured wolves then led the red splatter third away into the darkness. All of this happened before Althea was able to say, ``What the....''
The End
Next time on Mortal Kombat: Conquest...
``Who were those guys?'' ask Siro [as two men in black leather and stylized red dragons painted on their backs walked away.]
Standing before two coffin-like shapes, Quan Chi chuckled and said, ``Superb, my `children' are almost ready to wake up.''
Author : Preferred Customer
Creation date: 2005-8-26-15-42
Modification date: 2005-8-26-15-42
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Ok here's three more chapter if anyone is interested. *sigh*
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