MK Fake Pic Kontest: Please Vote!
Fan Kreations
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MK Fake Pic Kontest: Please Vote!
posted05/18/2018 12:30 AM (UTC)by

Member Since
12/31/2003 09:55 PM (UTC)
Background: In the mid to late 1990s, a few users on the internet began editing screen shots of Mortal Kombat to add fuel to the fire that were known as secrets in the game. The tradition spread like wildfire in the early 2000s and it became a huge sensation within the forums of MK5.ORG (MortalKombatOnline, as it is known today). Now, there are only but a few of us fake picture creators; most have grown out of this time-consuming and tedious hobby, while others have used their skills in MUGEN.
Please vote for your favorite fake in the following categories:
1. Best Overall Fake (first place winner)
2. Best Character Sprites
3. Best Original Arena
4. Most Creative Idea

Please vote for your favorite fake in the following categories:
1. Best Overall Fake (first place winner)
2. Best Character Sprites
3. Best Original Arena
4. Most Creative Idea

Thanks for posting.
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
1. Best Overall Fake:
Entry 4
2. Best Character Sprites:
Entry 4
3. Best Original Arena:
Entry 2
4. Most Creative Idea:
Entry 2

1 - entry IV
2 - entry IV, Shao Kahn
3 - entry III
4 - entry II
2 - entry IV, Shao Kahn
3 - entry III
4 - entry II
Best Overall: 4
Best Sprites: 4
Best Arena: 3 2 (Updated: after looking on monitor, as opposed to mobile)
Best Idea: 2
Solid work from everyone who finished. Hope to see more stuff in the future. Maybe I'll squeeze a fake into 2018, no promises, haha.
Detailed feedback on these may come later, if I have time/don't forget.
Detailed Breakdown:
Entry 1:
Looks like someone didn’t/couldn’t finish an entry. No comments, considering I couldn’t enter myself due to time constrictions and other wonderful excuses no one cares about. Better luck next time?
Entry 2:
First impressions do a lot when it comes to presentation of an idea. I really do like the idea here, aside from the why of Jax turning on Sonya. Canon items aside, in my time I don’t believe I have come across this idea of using Kano’s eye laser in such a way, thus, this entry gets the nod for Best Original Idea. The background work here is solid, and remotely in line with something we could have seen in the MK3-MKT era of games, thus this entry gets the nod for Best Original Background, barely edging out number 4 (the idea of 2 sold me more than the detail quality of 4). The theme of a centaur dungeon of sorts is solid and executed well, although, some of the lighting is inconsistent and the textures are blurry/under defined in areas (notably in the wall grate). Sprite work, overall, is average. More could be done in terms of placement, such as Sonya’s arms and head, which could have been placed in a more realistic trajectory in accordance to what’s going on. Maybe more time could have remedied some of my nitpicks in the sprite editing here.
Entry 3
When I saw this entry on my cell phone, I really, really liked the background, initially getting the vote for best background. However, after viewing on PC, the details brought it down to third in that respective area. While I did like the statue and scaffolds in the background, the lack of details, muddiness, and color scheme detracted me. Perhaps it was the darkening of the stage, ala, such as when a fatality is performed in-game, that throws it off for me? Alas, solid idea, just needed time in the detail department to sell me more. Fatality idea here is average, the ol’ heart rip, nothing crazy. Sprites are kind of muddy/blurry, I think more time working on some delicate details would have made them pop more. I would have also liked to have seen Hsu Hao clutching towards his chest for more authenticity, but overall placement of sprites is alright here.
Entry 4
Well, this entry is definitely my choice for Best Overall Fake and Best Overall Sprite(s). The sheer amount of fine and delicate pixel work here is astounding and pretty to look at. Some aspects even look better up close. I appreciate the intense amounts of work and time this obviously took. The detail of Kahn’s face, down to his [ridiculous] horns, is astounding and is much better than I would have had the patience for in trying to execute something similar. The Kotal Kahn sprite is no slouch either, with accurate looking textures and colors, again, astounding efforts here. The Skarlet sprite is also well done, and is a somewhat humorous edition to the fake. Not sure if I could have put something together, even with limitless free time, to give these sprites a run for their money, haha, excellent work. The background of this entry is also well done. I love the Mileena sprite on the throne, definitely adds to the ambiance and theme. My only detraction on the background is that throne rooms, at least in my opinion, have been overplayed. Not detracting from the work done here, but I gave the nod to entry 2 on the background portion of the contest because I liked the idea/execution more. The fatality idea is basic, however, it is executed extremely well, props there. Overall, extremely well done entry, and definitely one for the artist to be proud of. Good work!
Entry 5
Hm, while simple, the execution here is effective. If the background wasn’t as overzealous with walkways and the use of blurs on the Jade sprites, this could, in theory pass for an actual “fake.” Think like, April Fools screenshots in magazines in the mid 90’s. Other than that, I don’t really have much else to say outside of mentioning this entry is a tad boring compared to the other entries.
Entry 6
Initial impression of this is “average.” I do like the background, like entry 2, it is grounded in being believable for the MK3-MKT era, but it does feel a tad uninspiring. Perhaps it needs something else in the background to make it pop or be more exciting? Sprite work here is average, but effective. Scorpion’s skin tone seems inconsistent (chest against arms), but that could just be my eyes playing tricks on me. His “belt” on his garb needs more depth on the edges to sell the appearance of it (blends too well with surrounding cloth, if that makes sense). The fatality idea is somewhat bland/somewhat interesting, but I think it would have helped if there was something for the chain to be attached to (nitpick, I know). Maybe have another tree with a demon or another Scorpion hoisting the chain? I do like the Dan Forden touch, as it does sell the fatality concept more. Outside of nitpicky things and other delicate detail refinements needed, overall, this entry is a solid effort.
Best Sprites: 4
Best Arena: 3 2 (Updated: after looking on monitor, as opposed to mobile)
Best Idea: 2
Solid work from everyone who finished. Hope to see more stuff in the future. Maybe I'll squeeze a fake into 2018, no promises, haha.
Detailed feedback on these may come later, if I have time/don't forget.
Detailed Breakdown:
Entry 1:
Looks like someone didn’t/couldn’t finish an entry. No comments, considering I couldn’t enter myself due to time constrictions and other wonderful excuses no one cares about. Better luck next time?
Entry 2:
First impressions do a lot when it comes to presentation of an idea. I really do like the idea here, aside from the why of Jax turning on Sonya. Canon items aside, in my time I don’t believe I have come across this idea of using Kano’s eye laser in such a way, thus, this entry gets the nod for Best Original Idea. The background work here is solid, and remotely in line with something we could have seen in the MK3-MKT era of games, thus this entry gets the nod for Best Original Background, barely edging out number 4 (the idea of 2 sold me more than the detail quality of 4). The theme of a centaur dungeon of sorts is solid and executed well, although, some of the lighting is inconsistent and the textures are blurry/under defined in areas (notably in the wall grate). Sprite work, overall, is average. More could be done in terms of placement, such as Sonya’s arms and head, which could have been placed in a more realistic trajectory in accordance to what’s going on. Maybe more time could have remedied some of my nitpicks in the sprite editing here.
Entry 3
When I saw this entry on my cell phone, I really, really liked the background, initially getting the vote for best background. However, after viewing on PC, the details brought it down to third in that respective area. While I did like the statue and scaffolds in the background, the lack of details, muddiness, and color scheme detracted me. Perhaps it was the darkening of the stage, ala, such as when a fatality is performed in-game, that throws it off for me? Alas, solid idea, just needed time in the detail department to sell me more. Fatality idea here is average, the ol’ heart rip, nothing crazy. Sprites are kind of muddy/blurry, I think more time working on some delicate details would have made them pop more. I would have also liked to have seen Hsu Hao clutching towards his chest for more authenticity, but overall placement of sprites is alright here.
Entry 4
Well, this entry is definitely my choice for Best Overall Fake and Best Overall Sprite(s). The sheer amount of fine and delicate pixel work here is astounding and pretty to look at. Some aspects even look better up close. I appreciate the intense amounts of work and time this obviously took. The detail of Kahn’s face, down to his [ridiculous] horns, is astounding and is much better than I would have had the patience for in trying to execute something similar. The Kotal Kahn sprite is no slouch either, with accurate looking textures and colors, again, astounding efforts here. The Skarlet sprite is also well done, and is a somewhat humorous edition to the fake. Not sure if I could have put something together, even with limitless free time, to give these sprites a run for their money, haha, excellent work. The background of this entry is also well done. I love the Mileena sprite on the throne, definitely adds to the ambiance and theme. My only detraction on the background is that throne rooms, at least in my opinion, have been overplayed. Not detracting from the work done here, but I gave the nod to entry 2 on the background portion of the contest because I liked the idea/execution more. The fatality idea is basic, however, it is executed extremely well, props there. Overall, extremely well done entry, and definitely one for the artist to be proud of. Good work!
Entry 5
Hm, while simple, the execution here is effective. If the background wasn’t as overzealous with walkways and the use of blurs on the Jade sprites, this could, in theory pass for an actual “fake.” Think like, April Fools screenshots in magazines in the mid 90’s. Other than that, I don’t really have much else to say outside of mentioning this entry is a tad boring compared to the other entries.
Entry 6
Initial impression of this is “average.” I do like the background, like entry 2, it is grounded in being believable for the MK3-MKT era, but it does feel a tad uninspiring. Perhaps it needs something else in the background to make it pop or be more exciting? Sprite work here is average, but effective. Scorpion’s skin tone seems inconsistent (chest against arms), but that could just be my eyes playing tricks on me. His “belt” on his garb needs more depth on the edges to sell the appearance of it (blends too well with surrounding cloth, if that makes sense). The fatality idea is somewhat bland/somewhat interesting, but I think it would have helped if there was something for the chain to be attached to (nitpick, I know). Maybe have another tree with a demon or another Scorpion hoisting the chain? I do like the Dan Forden touch, as it does sell the fatality concept more. Outside of nitpicky things and other delicate detail refinements needed, overall, this entry is a solid effort.

About Me
For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
Entry VI
Entry IV
Entry IV
Entry I
There's a LOT of good stuff going on here and it's very difficult to choose. I love the Shao Kahn and Baraka sprites as well as the arena used in entry IV - but it's kind of hard to get a sense of the action, which entry VI does very well while also having really good custom sprites.
Great job to every entrant! Job well done, everyone!

A thread needing votes was moved to the most dead forum in this god damn website.
Great moderation.
Great moderation.

Can Mick post this on MKO's front page news for a day or something to generate more interest? That Shao Kahn is incredible looking and needs to be seen...

1. Best Overall Fake (first place winner) - Entry 4
2. Best Character Sprites - Entry 4
3. Best Original Arena - Entry 2
4. Most Creative Idea - Entry 4
2. Best Character Sprites - Entry 4
3. Best Original Arena - Entry 2
4. Most Creative Idea - Entry 4

UltimateRyu Wrote:
Can Mick post this on MKO's front page news for a day or something to generate more interest? That Shao Kahn is incredible looking and needs to be seen...
Can Mick post this on MKO's front page news for a day or something to generate more interest? That Shao Kahn is incredible looking and needs to be seen...
I did reached out to Mike. And unfortunately he does not share the same sentiment...
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Sympathetic to the dilemma, so I left your thread in Gen while we all enjoyed New Year. Also posted a redirect after moving the thread.
My recommendation is to put a visible link to the thread in your signature and make an effort to make a few on-topic posts in other threads.
A simple remark on a few news posts should get some eyes. I'd also suggest dropping a few posts in Fan Koliseum threads to show other potential voters you're a good sport.
These are long term solutions that can help everyone and don't infringe on forum rules. Thanks for being involved. Cheers.
Sympathetic to the dilemma, so I left your thread in Gen while we all enjoyed New Year. Also posted a redirect after moving the thread.
My recommendation is to put a visible link to the thread in your signature and make an effort to make a few on-topic posts in other threads.
A simple remark on a few news posts should get some eyes. I'd also suggest dropping a few posts in Fan Koliseum threads to show other potential voters you're a good sport.
These are long term solutions that can help everyone and don't infringe on forum rules. Thanks for being involved. Cheers.
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Apologies, I did overlook your previous PM request.
I'm sure you can appreciate that the nature of coverage has changed significantly since Mobster4Christ's posts (which I don't immediately see in our news archive, possibly making them as far back as the late 90s).
Again, I'd strongly encourage you to consider the actions suggested in my previous PM. These are ways you can work within community guidelines to get more eyes on your area of interest, and generally participate in a sense of community. This little bit of extra effort may not produce instant graification, but will encourage others to give you the extra bit of effort you're asking for.
I would also recommend artists upload their best fake pics via the Fan Submission system. This will make it more viable to consider them for any kind of spotlight that may occur in the future.
This response is offered in support of what you're trying to do. Hope you find it helpful if you choose to use your keystrokes accordingly.
Apologies, I did overlook your previous PM request.
I'm sure you can appreciate that the nature of coverage has changed significantly since Mobster4Christ's posts (which I don't immediately see in our news archive, possibly making them as far back as the late 90s).
Again, I'd strongly encourage you to consider the actions suggested in my previous PM. These are ways you can work within community guidelines to get more eyes on your area of interest, and generally participate in a sense of community. This little bit of extra effort may not produce instant graification, but will encourage others to give you the extra bit of effort you're asking for.
I would also recommend artists upload their best fake pics via the Fan Submission system. This will make it more viable to consider them for any kind of spotlight that may occur in the future.
This response is offered in support of what you're trying to do. Hope you find it helpful if you choose to use your keystrokes accordingly.

It's nice to see he's doing everything in his power to ensure the few users that actually visit this website are taken care of so well.
I'll PM you guys the winner(s) and reveal who submitted what. After that, I'm out.
If I'm lucky enough to be banned (for the 76th time) prior to that, I have your e-mail addresses anyway.
I'd say "til next time" but there won't be one. I'll stick to deviantart and MUGEN Facebook Groups.
I'll PM you guys the winner(s) and reveal who submitted what. After that, I'm out.
If I'm lucky enough to be banned (for the 76th time) prior to that, I have your e-mail addresses anyway.
I'd say "til next time" but there won't be one. I'll stick to deviantart and MUGEN Facebook Groups.

blacksaibot Wrote:
It's nice to see he's doing everything in his power to ensure the few users that actually visit this website are taken care of so well.
I'll PM you guys the winner(s) and reveal who submitted what. After that, I'm out.
If I'm lucky enough to be banned (for the 76th time) prior to that, I have your e-mail addresses anyway.
I'd say "til next time" but there won't be one. I'll stick to deviantart and MUGEN Facebook Groups.
It's nice to see he's doing everything in his power to ensure the few users that actually visit this website are taken care of so well.
I'll PM you guys the winner(s) and reveal who submitted what. After that, I'm out.
If I'm lucky enough to be banned (for the 76th time) prior to that, I have your e-mail addresses anyway.
I'd say "til next time" but there won't be one. I'll stick to deviantart and MUGEN Facebook Groups.

How fucking dare you man. I looked up to you. You took me under your wing. I put in work for you. And now you're leaving us..AGAIN!!!?? Fuck that, just come back when this site rolls that Version 8 they been promising since 2008. Or when there's a sequel to MK vs DC. Lmfao.
It's sad really. This forum section is so damn underrated and underutilized. No wonder so many respected artists have left this site. Count me out as well even though I wasn't the most active. If anyone wants to reach me, here you go.

I have to say this FPK has reignited my passion for Mortal Kombat. So much so that I want to get back into the industry to produce more fakes, and even some new animations if time permits. Though it will be hard to if there isn't a sense of community or even some competition to drive you forward. Not sure what happened to this forum, but there used to be a lot of mod level users here and even a fan art director to facilitate its growth. Mick does bring up a lot of good points but as long time users trying to keep the strongest of MK sparks going, it just isn't enough. We're actually creating new kontent for MKO so it's a win/win situation to promote FPK's as they have always carried a sense of prestige within the kommunity. This forum was one of the driving forces behind's success and it would be a shame to let the flame flicker out.

UltimateRyu Wrote:
This forum was one of the driving forces behind's success and it would be a shame to let the flame flicker out.
This forum was one of the driving forces behind's success and it would be a shame to let the flame flicker out.
When "management" doesn't care, why should we? A lot of former fake artists moved on to put their efforts into MK MUGEN games. So have I. Looks like illusion is posting there too now. It's been fun UR. This is like TRMK part 2.

hi folks
I would like to convert these images into stages for mugen.
which of you agree, send the separate props.
thank you very much and great work from everyone.

I would like to convert these images into stages for mugen.
which of you agree, send the separate props.
thank you very much and great work from everyone.

About Me
You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.
I'm assuming voting is over, but all of these are fantastic. Great job to everybody!
i knew who won as soon as i saw the damn submissions lol
... kinda glad venomark didn't participate. just thinking about seeing another one of his lazy render manipulations makes me wanna vomit. i enjoy his excuses more than his art
when r u gonna tally up everything and post it? lol.......... thats if u even post here anymore - doesnt sound like it which is a shame.
thanks every1 for taking part in this one last hoorah of a fpk
i will miss what this place used to be, before arrogant pricks shat all over it with their pride
good day

... kinda glad venomark didn't participate. just thinking about seeing another one of his lazy render manipulations makes me wanna vomit. i enjoy his excuses more than his art
when r u gonna tally up everything and post it? lol.......... thats if u even post here anymore - doesnt sound like it which is a shame.
thanks every1 for taking part in this one last hoorah of a fpk
i will miss what this place used to be, before arrogant pricks shat all over it with their pride
good day
Pages: 1
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