Mortal Kombat: Khronicles
Robotic Stories
Hi. My name as you all know is DarkRyder. This is my first fan fic and might not be good. It will follow in chapters. And will follow the lines of Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax. The time line is when they are tring to catch Sub-Zero. This like all is considered Non-Canon so let the prelude begin.
``Wh.. where am I?'' a exhausted Hugh said as he awakened from his deep sleep.
``You are no longer known as Hugh your name is now LK-929 or Sektor'' said a face unknown to Hugh or now Sektor. ``I'm your new Grandmaster. And you are the first of three robotic Lin Kuei.'' ``Noa33; Where Taylor wheres Dannya33; What have you donea33;''
``Your friends. Humpha33; They where no match for me. They are now LK-4D4 and LK-727. Or Cyrax and Smoke. Your friend ``Danny'' tried to escape with Sub-Zero but sacrificed himself for Sub-Zero to get away.'' Sektor tried to think to himself but couldn't. He didn't know what was wrong and then his NEW Grandmaster started to speak, ``I forgot to tell you. Soon you and your friends will lose all memories of your past and will do what I tell you toa33;'' ``Noa33; I can'ta33; Must remember familya33;'' But it was to late. Sektor, Smoke, and Cyrax had forgoten everything. And now wheer to seek and destroy Sub-Zero
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This is the prelude in a series of stories based on the robots of the series.
Content | 508 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
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Here are some names:
~ Tekumah= This one would fit Sektor the best. I got the main idea from Sektor's Tekunin army. Tekumah could mean "iron ninja" because "tekko" means "iron" in Japanese, and maybe Sektor was a skilled ninja of the Lin Kuei before automation.
~ Ckeb= This one is for Cyrax. Ckeb, is a Chinese word for 'humanity' and since Cyrax is the only cyborg to date to recover his humanity, then this one would fit him best as far as his story goes.
~ Ni= This one is for Smoke. Ni, is a Chinese word for 'smoke' and since Smoke was his Lin Kuei name before automation, who knows if his name (Ni) stems to his Lin Kuei one (Smoke). It makes sense, since the Lin Kuei have meaning to their naming, for instance, Sub-Zero-he possesses the ancient powers of Lin Kuei, which is the power of cold. Make sense?

You could have him be the forgotten automated, or proto-prototype from Sektor. His story could be that he was the first unsuccessful automation and when activated, he would be a 'disaster'. So they shut him down and hid him. Or, you could have it to where the Lin Kuei have been saving him as the ultimate weapon if all else fails. He could have the abilities of all three automated ninjas put together.
These are just some basic ideas that will make your stories a hit. It is like MK to have an unexpected twist, which would be D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R., a forgotten automated. I hope this helps, and I hope I am not being over critical. Just trying to help, and I hope it does.

Mortal Kombat: Khronicles
Robotic Stories
Hi. My name as you all know is DarkRyder. This is my first fan fic and might not be good. It will follow in chapters. And will follow the lines of Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax. The time line is when they are tring to catch Sub-Zero. This like all is considered Non-Canon so let the prelude begin.
“Wh.. where am I?” a exhausted Hugh said as he awakened from his deep sleep.
“You are no longer known as Hugh your name is now LK-929 or Sektor” said a face unknown to Hugh or now Sektor. “I’m your new Grandmaster. And you are the first of three robotic Lin Kuei.” “No! Where Taylor wheres Danny! What have you done!”
“Your friends. Humph! They where no match for me. They are now LK-4D4 and LK-727. Or Cyrax and Smoke. Your friend “Danny” tried to escape with Sub-Zero but sacrificed himself for Sub-Zero to get away.” Sektor tried to think to himself but couldn’t. He didn’t know what was wrong and then his NEW Grandmaster started to speak, “I forgot to tell you. Soon you and your friends will lose all memories of your past and will do what I tell you to!” “No! I can’t! Must remember family!” But it was to late. Sektor, Smoke, and Cyrax had forgoten everything. And now were to seek and destroy Sub-Zero.
See. They weren't that many typos. Well there some.
I could submit it again if you want Jarrod or people could look at this.
Dont worry the story will soon get as non-cannon as it gets. With some cannon stuff of course.
And as for the names... I picked what came to my mind first. To tell you the truth if I waited any longer they were gonna be Jack and Black (Black as a nickname real name Ryan).

Why don't you have a seat?

Wow thats how many typos in there. Something must went wrong with the sub like Jarrod Said. Well heres how I orignally wrote it.
Mortal Kombat: Khronicles
Robotic Stories
Hi. My name as you all know is DarkRyder. This is my first fan fic and might not be good. It will follow in chapters. And will follow the lines of Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax. The time line is when they are tring to catch Sub-Zero. This like all is considered Non-Canon so let the prelude begin.
“Wh.. where am I?” a exhausted Hugh said as he awakened from his deep sleep.
“You are no longer known as Hugh your name is now LK-929 or Sektor” said a face unknown to Hugh or now Sektor. “I’m your new Grandmaster. And you are the first of three robotic Lin Kuei.” “No! Where Taylor wheres Danny! What have you done!”
“Your friends. Humph! They where no match for me. They are now LK-4D4 and LK-727. Or Cyrax and Smoke. Your friend “Danny” tried to escape with Sub-Zero but sacrificed himself for Sub-Zero to get away.” Sektor tried to think to himself but couldn’t. He didn’t know what was wrong and then his NEW Grandmaster started to speak, “I forgot to tell you. Soon you and your friends will lose all memories of your past and will do what I tell you to!” “No! I can’t! Must remember family!” But it was to late. Sektor, Smoke, and Cyrax had forgoten everything. And now were to seek and destroy Sub-Zero.
See. They weren't that many typos. Well there some.
I could submit it again if you want Jarrod or people could look at this.
Dont worry the story will soon get as non-cannon as it gets. With some cannon stuff of course.
And as for the names... I picked what came to my mind first. To tell you the truth if I waited any longer they were gonna be Jack and Black (Black as a nickname real name Ryan).
Good, keep going. I want to read more of the story. I could tell that the names were off the top of your head, and like I said, typos are not a problem. And remember, just read my last two posts if you are having trouble with names or having trouble thinking of some non-cannon ideas. If you need anymore ideas or help, just post or IM me . . . I am sure I can think of more ideas.