MK9 Fatality Fake
10/05/2010 12:23 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/12/2006 05:56 PM (UTC)
10/04/2010 06:11 PM (UTC)
bumping for feedback, it helps alot when making these
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10/04/2010 07:04 PM (UTC)
It's an interesting picture to say the least, but I have time so I'll say more.
For starters, the lifebars are terrible. Seriously, the words aren't evenly spaced in the bars (Wesker's name is closer to the end of the bar than Kitana's is, which isn't right, nor are the names at the same height in the bars). The spray-paint job you used to show the bars as fading doesn't look nice, especially on the "virus" bar where the black shading goes off the bar. It looks sloppy. No timer or win markers either, plus why does only Wesker get an additional power bar? You may as well have made one for Kitana as well, be creative on what kind of power to give her.
The blood effects are not convincing and don't make sense. Why is there more blood coming from the entrance wound when his arm is blocking it? There should be more coming from her back where Wesker's hand is. Speaking of which, why does it look like there's no blood covering his hand, or at least somewhat over it? And why is there some blood on Kitana's and Wesker's body that look like random lines? Given how big the picture is, you may as well have angled the blood a bit better. The blood spray seems to be randomly placed on her body as well, because some of the blood looks like it's on the body, and some isn't. The black lines you have in the bloodstream are confusing, I thought they were part of Wesker's arm, but can't be since there are a bunch underneath the blood, it's unusual.
Given the thickness of the spray too, it doesn't even look like the blood's coming from the holes Wesker made, but from Wesker himself, so it looks unusual. There wouldn't be a culminating geyser of blood that expands from Wesker, the origins would be thick at the bases in Kitana's torso) then expand when they are further away, going towards his body and away from Kitana's back, they would look thinner and expand.
The Wesker sprite you used is ridiculously huge compared to Kitana, it doesn't fit well. If he was standing straight, his head would be blocked by the bars. The lighting on Kitana's sprite doesn't work well with the background you chose either.
Interesting concept, but looks like it needs some work. Better luck next time.
10/05/2010 12:23 AM (UTC)
thank you, i will update it soon, it was just a random idea, the reason he has a virus meter us because he uses a virus for his super human abilities, which for the game , gives him the ability to use special moves, when run down, his moves are weaker, i may give an energy meter for kitana, it would do the same but recharge over time, i messed up with the blood model however, and should have did a beter death pose for Kitana, i forgot to resize Wesker but it looked ok to me at first, there is So little you can do with XNA Lara, and i just suck with gimp :D, may have to use actual life bars from MK II, but it's my first fake, i'm shure i'll get better over time, i'm better at making still images , not action scenes, i wanted to give Wesker
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