Note: I do not own Mortal Kombat or any of its characters. For those who have read my other fanfic Mortal Kombat: Conquest, you can consider this a prequel. I'm trying to touch upon Rayden's history. Especially in regards to the how and why he became the Protector of Earthrealm and in the hopes of explaining some of his actions in my other story. ****Warning****There are some scenes in this story that may be consider unsuitable to younger readers. None of it is sexual, but there is physical and mental abuse as well as a mention of suicide. None of it is in the extreme, but I thought I should give warning just in case. I left this as PG-13 since you can see worse of than what I wrote on TV.
Chapter One: Raijin, Son of Shinnok
``The boy is mine!'' roared Shinnok to his ex-wife.
Benten-San replied calmly, ``He is his own person and of age to be presented before the Council of Elder Gods.''
''I will decide when he is ready.....''
Outside his father's private chamber's, Raijin listened intently to his parent's argument. Why the goddess of luck ever chose the Elder God of Shadows as a husband was beyond him. All they did was fight; their divorce was almost a welcome relief to the godling all those years ago. Almost, if it wasn't for the fact that he was forced to stay with his father. Shinnok was an Elder God and therefore was given the right to decide where and how his only son would be raised.
``Raijin is ill-suited to be a shadow god, ``his mother continued, ``He would be better off.....''
The argument was an old one so Raijin left to study. It was not a subject his father approved of so the only time he could read the scrolls and books of his choice was when Shinnok was busy. His father's demands of studying nothing but the unpleasant subjects of shadows and warfare sickened him.
Raijin reached the study and pulled out the book his mother just gave him. As soon as he opened it, he heard ``Boy! Come here!'' Raijin closed his eyes in disappointment as he went to obey his father. ``Bring that book with you, ``Shinnok ordered.
Fear entered Raijin's heart. He knew that tone and what would happen when his father found out what he was reading rather than his assigned books and scrolls. With shaking hands, Raijin handed his father the book. The Elder God of Shadows eyes flashed angrily as he read the title, `The Strength of the Human Spirit.' With his full strength, Shinnok slammed the book across Raijin's head. The godling hit the floor; his ears ringing from the blow as pieces of parchment slowly fell around him.
``You will not study such nonsense,''hissed Shinnok in a cold voice, ``As punishment and to prove how weak these monkeys are you will go to the village known as Niano on Earthrealm. You will take the shadows and destroy every single man, woman and child that lives there. Do you understand?''
''Father, please I can't....''Raijin begged.
''What do you mean you can't? You are my son and you will do as you are told. Destroying a few vermin should be an easy job for you, ``said Shinnok.
Shinnoks eyes flashed again as he kicked his still kneeling son in the stomach and then grabbed his short gray hair. ``You will do as I say, boy.''
With tears of pain rolling down his face, Raijin said, ``Yes, Father.''
Wearing his father's colors of black and dark red, Raijin looked down upon the sleepy village of Niano. His stomach tighting at the thought of what he was about to do. Why did his father dislike mortals so much? Shinnok was his father and an Elder God; perhaps there was something wrong with them that he didn't know.
The sound of a baby crying nearly caused the godling to disobey his father's command. Raijin then tightened his lips and raised his arms to summon the shadows of death.
Like a living creature the shadows flowed from Raijin, down the hill and when it reached the first house the screams began. Raijin fell to his knees as he closed his eyes and covered his ears. The shadows continued to surround and devour the village. The screams did not stop until every single house was shrouded in darkness. Raijin then looked upon the horror he had created. What had he done?
''Excellent, my son,'' said Shinnok from his throne. ``As a reward, you may take a break from your studies and explore one of the approved realms.'' Raijin, his face still pale, bowed to his father and turned to leave. Shinnok added, ``Just be certain to report to one of my servants as to where you are going when you do leave.''
''Thank you....Father,'' Raijin said and he walked quickly to his bedroom. Once there he collapsed on his bed. Tears he had held back while he was with his father now flowed freely. Silently he cried, the last thing he needed was his father hearing that him crying. Raijin closed his eyes as another wave of guilt hit him has he remembered the sound of the baby crying shortly before the screams began.
'I do not deserve to live, `he thought. Spineless and cowardly anyway he looked at himself. Unable to stand up to Father and unable to do as he was commanded without loosing his nerve, why was he ever born.
He remembered reading that in some mortal societies it was accepted to end one's life when it became too unbearable. Raijin wished he could do the same, but he was immortal. `Wait, what about those weapons Father was having made?' Raijin thought as he sat up wiping the tears from his face. `They were created to kill demons and gods, one of them should be enough to take care of one worthless godling.'
Raijin nearly smiled at how everything worked out. It wasn't everyday he was able to fool his father and make Shinnok proud at the same time. When Shinnok heard that his son wanted to find out more about the armory and if he could have a weapon of his own, the Elder God actually smiled.
The slaves, worn out and deformed beyond recognition of species or gender, ignored him as he walked towards the overseer. ``We are honored by your presence, Raijin.''
''I can see that, ``replied Raijin without a smile, ``I'm interested in seeing what weapons you already have made. My father has given permission for me to select one for my own use. I'm to choose one and it is to be delivered to his arms master.''
''Ah, yes...'' the overseer frowned and was torn by indecision.
''Just point the way, I definitely do not want any delays in production,'' Raijin said resolving the problem. The taskmaster bowed in relief and gave the directions.
Raijin couldn't believe his eyes at what he saw. Swords by the hundreds hung from sword racks. Spears stacked in bundles lined the walls, barrels full of arrowheads...all in a bluish metal. It was one of the few daggers that caught his eye. He picked one up and tested the edge on his thumb. For the first time in his life, Raijin bled. This was escape from the pain and guilt. He sheathed the dagger and hid it underneath his shirt. This was best done elsewhere, to prevent possible discovery and interruption.
On the same hill, overlooking the ruins of the Niano, Raijing appeared. The stench of death was not yet great, but the scavengers have already begun their feast. The caws of crows and raven could be heard upon the wind. The godling sat down and pulled out the dagger. He stared at it contemplating what would be the best way to do this. Suddenly, the caws and wind stopped.
''You know that's no answer to your problems,'' came an unfamiliar female voice as a hand snatched the dagger from his lose grip.
``Who....What do you know about any of this?'' Raijin cried out.
The woman walked in front of him and turned, revealing her crystal blue eyes that gleamed above a dark scarf covering the bottom half of her face. Her hair was whiter than newly fallen snow and she wore clothes in a similar cut to his, but in shades of gray rather than black and red. ``I know a great deal about you, ``she said, ``What can I say, you interest me.'' An unfamiliar sparkle in her eyes confused Raijin for a moment. The woman added, ``Look, I know Shinnok is your father, forgive me for saying this, but his is a freaking asshole. He's not worth it.''
Raijin was struck speechless. Not even his mother dared to talk of the Elder God in such a manner even in the most heated of their arguments.
''Look, Raijin, I'm gonna make you a deal, ``she continued, ``I'm going to give you a second chance in regards to that village down there. It's up to you to kill them all over again or do something with what you know. All I ask is that you remember that Shinnok is not the only Elder God and time is not on his side.''
''What?'' Raijin asked, finally getting his voice back as the world began to spin with a nauseating speed. Just when the godling was about to lose it, the spinning stopped. He stood up in shock at what he saw. It was once again pre-dawn and he saw himself standing there preparing to summon the shadows.
''Don't forget what I said, ``the mysterious woman said, ``By the way those colors don't suit you one bit.''
Raijin then found himself once again looking over the sleepy village and listening to the wails of a baby crying. He dropped his arms, the shadows unsummoned. Thinking quickly, Raijin figured out what he had to do and he didn't have much time before his father noticed. He vanished leaving the quiet village to continue as it had for generations.
With trepidation, Raijin appeared at his father's metalwork's. ``Prince Raijin!'' exclaimed the overseer, ``We weren't expect....''
The godling did his best imitation of Shinnok and said, ``I'm not here, do you understand?''
The overseer gulped and nodded fearfully, ``Mmmmmmy mistake, you were never here.'' He then quickly left to watch over the slaves as they pulled more of the deadly metal from the ore. Raijin headed straight to the armory. He knew he would need proof of what Shinnok was doing before he attempted to petition the Council of the Elder Gods. Raijin grapped a handful of arrowheads and a dagger, all made of the bluish metal.
Minutes later, he appeared just outside the Temple of the Elder Gods. He only hoped that Shinnok was occupied with his supplicants. Taking a deep breath, Raijin entered the temple. Kneeling down before seven ancient, worn looking altars he waited and prayed for the attention of the Council.
In moments, the room changed to what it looked like when it was new. Frescos of nature painted on the walls and two of the seven altars were replaced with the presence of two of the Elder Gods; the Elder Gods of Time and Air.
''Greetings, Raijin, ``said the Elder God of Air, ``We've been expecting you for some time now.''
''Yes, We have, ``said the Elder God of Time with a frown, ``Please explain why you have waited so long to present yourself to the Elder Gods.''
Shocked, Raijin said, ``I was never told to present myself. My father never said anything and when my mother ever tried to mention anything about the Council he would say that it was his choice when I would be brought before You.''
The Elder God of Air glanced at Time and nodded with meaning. He then turned his attention back to the godling before him, ``Then if you are not here to present yourself before Us what brings you here now?''
''These...''he said as he laid out the arrowheads and dagger.
''And your point is?'' Air asked.
Raijin picked up the dagger and used it to cut his thumb. He then held up his hand to show the Elder Gods the blood.
''Where did you get these?!'' demanded Air as Time walked over to take weapons.
For the next hour, Raijin described his father's metalworks and armory. He also told the Elder Gods what he had overheard, but left out his own speculations. ``These are serious accusations...'' Time began to say.
Air interrupted and said, ``He has accused no on. He has only brought us a sample of what Shinnok holds and told us what little he knows. It is up to Us whether or not to charge Our fellow Elder God.''
Time sighed and replied, ``You are correct as usual. I'll see to the investigation.`` Time then vanished, leaving Raijin alone with the Elder God of Air.
Still kneeling, Raijin hoped that this was almost over with but it seemed that the worse was yet to come. ``Your mother worries about you, ``said the Elder God of Air with a concerned voice, ``And it seems she had good reason. I watched as you prepared to summon the shadows upon that village. It was obvious to anyone who saw your face that you didn't want to do it. Why were you there to begin with? What stopped you?''
Raijin swallowed and said, ``I was ordered by my father to kill everyone in the village. He said destroying a few.....vermin shouldn't be a problem. He was upset by my wanting to know more about humans, and wanted to prove to me how worthless they are.''
The Elder God of Air frowned and then placed his hand on Raijin's head. Suddenly images of how his life was since his parent's divorce flashed through his mind as if someone was flipping through pages of a book. When the Elder God removed his hand, Raijin felt dizzy and disoriented. Otherwise, he would have noticed the Elder God's dismay and anger over what he saw. By the time Raijin recovered, Air had his emotions back under control.
''You are not returning to your father, ``the Elder God ordered, ``No matter what anyone else says. If anyone does say anything refer them to Me. Now go to your mother's and stay there.'' The temple then returned to its ruined state and Raijin was once again alone. The godling was more than happy to follow that last command.
Two nights later, Raijin woke to hear the voices of his mother and the Elder God of Air.
Benten-San said, ``I can't believe he is going to get away with it.''
Air sighed and said, ``He claims the weapons were to be used against the demons and he was going to inform the Council once there was enough weapons made.''
''And what about what he did to my son?!'' demanded the normally calm goddess.
''Shinnok no longer has any control over the boy. We now have full custody. Raijin is now safe, ``the Elder God said.
''Isn't he going to pay for what.....''
''No,'' Air said firmly, ``We're the only one's who know of the full extent of the abuse and its best for Raijin that it stays that way.''
The voices faded as his mother and step-father walked away into another room. Raijin was relieved that he was to stay with his mother and that no one was going to find out about what happened between him and Shinnok. Sleep overcame him once again, only this time there were no nightmares.
Enlil, the Elder God of Air sat at his desk writing onto a scroll. He looked up and was not surprised to see the candle's flame frozen in place.
''I was wondering when you were going to show up, ``he said.
A feminine laugh and then a reply, ``You should know that you're the only one that never seems surprised to see me. Even the one who gave me this job is unsure in how to deal with it when I show up.'' She walked around the desk and sat on the edge. She wore clothes of the same style as his, but in gray and black where his were green and light yellow. Crystal blue eyes twinkled with laughter over a dark scarf as she pulled up her white hair into a ponytail.
''Why did you help Raijin, when you did?'' Enlil asked.
''You know I can't ....''the woman started to say.
''I know you can't tell me everything, but you weren't be here unless you could tell me something.''
''True...let's just say, Raijin has a big job ahead of him. One in which he had to know what evil can do and that the actions of one can do something to stop it, ``the strange woman demeanor changed to one of great sadness, ``Believe me, if I could, I would have interfered sooner but he had to experience the cruelty of his father first hand.''
''To know that if he fails, what he experience is barely a taste of what others will experience. If not Shinnok, then at the hands of others with a similar nature.'' Her eyes flashed with a light blue flame.
''So he is going to be a protector?'' asked Enlil.
The woman shrugged, ``Maybe....anyways, just make sure he gets more freedom in choosing his studies. I understand he has a true fascination with humans.''
''Humans? What do mortals have to do with the destiny of a god?''
The woman shocked him by breaking down in laughter. She was laughing so hard that she slipped off the desk and had to hold on to it to keep from ending up on the floor. When she finally regained control of herself, she wiped her eyes and said, ``In case you haven't noticed, I'm mortal.''
Speechless the Elder God just stared at her.
''You know, you really should open up you mind and eyes when it comes to mortals, especially in regards to the strength of the human spirit. Laters!'' The woman vanished and time resumed.
The End...
Next time on Mortal Kombat: The Mythos of Rayden
....the Elder Goddess of Water spoke, ``It has been decided. You will hold the position of God of Thunder for the Realm of Earth and its surrounding domains.....''
Rayden practiced with a bloodthirsty relish as he waited for the first signs of Shinnok and his forces. ``Like father, like son I see, ``said a disapproving female voice.
Author : Preferred Customer
Creation date: 2004-9-21-14-35
Modification date: 2004-9-21-14-35
Author's Remarks: | |
This is one of my earlier fanfics and my shortest one so far. It's just a possible early history of my favorite thundergod.
Content | 3175 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 8 | Score |


That was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo COOL i only read 1 chapter AND THAT IS THE BET MK STORY I EVER HEARD