Original Character: Diskord
04/12/2011 08:26 PM (UTC)by
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03/06/2011 07:28 AM (UTC)
04/12/2011 02:20 AM (UTC)
Looks like Kotaru Fuma from Samurai Warriors but less demonic looking
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04/12/2011 07:40 AM (UTC)
Leifieldian. Which is bad, and here are the reasons:

1. asymetric design without purpose. OK, first I give leeway to this, because the armor is close aproximate of the Retiarius type gladiator, only with more clothes.

2. Youngbloods disease. Pupilless eyes. Overused.

3. Poor literacy is kewl: DisKord? No, stay with simple C. The time where substituting K was acceptable has passed.

I know I am channelling Linkara. Bear with it. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with the figure itself, but there is nothing to strike us as characteristic. Dairou for example stood out because he wore traditional looking colors and garbs that were not as outlandish as the others. Kobra, looking like the unholy child of Ken Masters and Kobra Kai. Kira? Redhead. See what I mean?

Give something that lures the sight of the observer and identifies this character as itself. No other nitpick comes to my mind, so prolly this is all.
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04/12/2011 08:11 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
asymetric design without purpose.

And already you miss the point.

But if you;d like, I can mail you the sketch so you can just piss all over that too.
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04/12/2011 03:05 PM (UTC)
Sso02V Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
asymetric design without purpose.

And already you miss the point.

But if you;d like, I can mail you the sketch so you can just piss all over that too.

I have not missed anything. I know why Havik looks "half-dressed".

My beef is with what I have en countered when Linkara reviewed comics in Atop the Fourth Wall (90s comic book heroes had assymetric costumes for no reason, Cable, Bloodpack, more characters with the name beginning with Blood-, Domino etc. Meanwhile looking stupid. Liefeld I am looking at you).

Sorry if I came off as hostile.

04/12/2011 04:26 PM (UTC)
I looks great. The proportions look fine to me. I'm guessing the waist line is at the white belt and not the brown one right? I'm guessing his pants are baggy too. I looked at this Liefeld dude and his drawings are more exaggerated then yours. keep up the good work! the asymetric represnts chaos Chrome. It would look weird to have a denizen of chaos realm wear something symmetric, because that would represent order.
04/12/2011 08:26 PM (UTC)
I see you have clearly put some effort on Diskord and I like the fact that he misses his right boot. Chaosrealm warriors have always intrigued me - something that I'd want NRS to expand upon. The character still feels like what you'd expect a typical Chaosrealmer to be like but seeing how the creepy origins of Chaosrealm can give you free hand in creating a new fighter you didn't really overwhelm me, to tell you the truth.

I don't necessarily like the name either though I've seen worse names even in the official MK cast. Pay more attention in naming in the future too. Another - important - thing; don't take it personal when people give you constructive criticism. Diskord doesn't stand out from my point of view but this was a good start nonetheless.
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