Scorpion lineart
10/04/2003 09:42 PM (UTC)by
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09/28/2003 01:37 AM (UTC)
10/04/2003 08:10 PM (UTC)
Alright, well I think I can see why you say he looks more sad than mad. Its the way you drew his eyes, they are large, and the lines around them are bold. Use crisp, cleaner lines to achieve an angry look, also the pupils positions play a large role in this as well.

As for te rest of this, my original comments on your first submission of this stil stand: The basics are good but Scorpion appears too thin, and addition of details is neccesary to improve. Now that you have found you can draw the basic outline of Scorpion fairly well, add some of your own touches to make in your own design.
10/04/2003 09:42 PM (UTC)
another way to make him look mad is to put more of a downward angle on his eyes, well most people post the line art first lol, but anyway, the neck is not muscular enough, and the shoulders to skinny, i think i liek this better without color.
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