Scorpion's Salvation
Before anyone tells me that I went against my word of only using things that were not part of the MK: Deception storyline, <a href =>read this link and check the date</a>. I wrote out Scorpion's storyline before any characters were even announced for MK: Deception, let alone his biography. With that in mind, enjoy!
I am Hanzo Hasashi, more widely known as the grudge-holding, revenge-seeking, Hell-spawn, Shirai Ryu ninja Scorpion. Well, now I can cross a lot of those descriptions off thanks to certain events that have transpired since I left the Netherealm to search for Quan Chi...
As I searched for Quan Chi to drag him back into the Netherealm with me for more torturing, I was ambushed once again by the two Oni. I fought them off as best as I could, but since I was outside of the Netherealm, they had the advantage this time, and crippled me. Because my ``body'' was not made out of human flesh and blood, they could not eat me, and they knew I could eventually regenerate and escape from any prison they placed me in, so they decided that watching my body be destroyed in the Soulnado would be a better form of entertainment.
When I was thrown into the swirling mass of energy, I felt the spirits within the Soulnado grow angry at my presence, and I felt the souls of these pure-hearted beings rip at my flesh and bones, tear me apart before the eyes of the two Oni. I had not felt pain like that since I was first sent to Hell for my crimes in the Shirai Ryu, and seeing my entrails being spun in the massive storm sent me into a massive shock that rendered me paralysed with fear and agony. I remained in that bloody, torn-apart state until the portal to the Heavens had been closed. The Soulnado spun violently, and the souls shrieked simultaneously and with such intensity; I passed out from the pain as we went higher and higher into the clouds...
I expected to be in the Netherealm once again, but instead, found myself lying naked on a patch of earth, in a place where the ground was covered in high grass, and the air was filled with fog. It was nice and cool, and felt so refreshing against my bare skin, and the air smelled so familiar, like that of my wife's perfume... I started thinking I was hallucinating, that the demons from the Netherealm were tormenting my soul as they had in the past, but then I heard her screams... Hanzo! Hanzo! They kept growing louder and louder, so loud I had to block my ears, and tried convincing myself that this was just another nightmare, another trick by the Netherealm to lure me into a false sense of freedom. I fell to my knees, onto the wet earth, the cold made me shiver, and I tightly closed my eyes and hoped that it would all end soon... But instead of the screaming changing to demonic laughter, in the place of the cold becoming intense heat burning my flesh, and as a replacement for the feeling of disappointment and loneliness, I was suddenly surprised to feel the warm hands of a woman grab my arms and slowly lift me to my feet... I trembled as I looked into her eyes, and put my hand against her cheek, and I realised that she was not a mirage; my wife, Aimi, was right before me, for the first time in over a decade.
When I realised that she was really there, my first instinct was to cover my horrible face, but before I could move, she pressed her lips against mine and let her tongue whirl in my mouth... When we unlocked lips after what seemed like blissful ages, I realised that I did have a tongue, and a set of lips... I put my hand over my face and felt actual flesh! A nose, two eyes, ears, hair, it was all there! My face was restored! Only one more thing could make this happy moment even better, and before I could even finish my thought, I could already hear the joyous screams of Hikari, my young daughter, and feel her tiny body wrap around my leg. I let go of my wife and lifted Hikari into my arms and gave her a large hug and a firm kiss on her cheek.
I could hardly contain my laughter when she brought up my nudity, and at the nod of her head, I found myself wearing a pair of black pants and a green t-shirt, the same shirt that she and my wife had bought me for a birthday when we were alive. The moment in itself was picturesque, as the three of us kept close, and laughed and smiled together. For the first time since my death, I felt fulfilled and happy, and no longer harboured anger. I was free of it all, and no longer ruled by my desire for revenge.
My time with my family was cut short when a sudden gust of wind blew the fog around us away and before the three of us stood the Protector of Earthrealm, Fujin. I had known of him thanks to information from Shinnok when I was part of his army, but times changed, and I no longer regarded Fujin as an enemy; but given the way he looked at me, I did not think that the feeling was reciprocated. He told me that I was not allowed to be in that realm thanks to my demonic links to the Netherealm, and because of the crimes that I had committed in life when I was a member of the Shirai Ryu... I expected to be ejected from the realm, but he proposed a deal; a war was brewing between Earthrealm, Edenia, and Outworld, and given that Onaga's plans were still unknown, Fujin and his allies needed to be prepared for anything, and needed all the help they could get. In exchange for my services in fighting against Onaga, Drahmin, and Sektor, I'd be pardoned for all of my crimes in my previous and current lives, and be allowed a permanent place in the Heavens with Aimi and Hikari. Naturally, I accepted the offer.
I was granted a new body with new weapons and abilities, and although it took a bit of time before I was accustomed to the changes, I can say that I am more ready than ever to fight off the demons, mummies, and robots with my new powers; a stronger spear that burns flesh, a sword designed specifically to hurt demons with its holy light, the ability to summon a pillar of energy from the sky to bathe my foes in its burning rays, more advanced teleportation, and even the ability to use light-based projectiles. I am now built for war.
I had served the Shirai Ryu in order to gain quick money to support my family, and because of my association with the clan, I lost everyone and everything I held dear, and lost my life; I had served sorcerers and have had them stab me in the back; I've even followed my own path of vengeance and revenge, and I still did not go far with it. Now, while on the battlefield, standing next to heroes like Kung Lao, Bo' Rai Cho, Fujin, and several other warriors, I serve the greater good, a worthy cause, and if I succeed for once in my whole afterlife, I will spend the rest of my time with my family. I cannot afford to fail now. Aimi, Hikari, once this war is over, I will be with you, now and forever. We've been separated for too long, and I cannot bear another moment without you both in my life. All I have to do now is wait for Raiden's signal, in case the negotiations with the now extra-powerful Drahmin don't go well... And there it is. To war!
Author : Maria
Creation date: 2006-10-24-18-38
Modification date: 2006-10-24-18-38
Author's Remarks: | |
Got tired of writing 10-page bios, so here's Scorpion! Like everyone else, I got fed up of him chasing Quan/Sub for revenge, so I put him in a fresh direction, which is the most obvious, yet not used. Please don't forget to read the note on top, and keep in mind that the story has nothing to do with the actual MK: D storyline.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

that is sick because I'm a big scorpion freak plus how did you get his name but other then that really really really Wicked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name? Hanzo Hasashi? It's somewhere. I think it's in his MK1 ending.

I took the name "Hanzo Hasashi" from his storyline in the instruction manual from "Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero"; it's also posted on the official MKM:SZ website (need to look it up in web archives). On a side note, that's the only legit name in there, as I just used two random Japanese names for his wife and daughter.
gj on the names though