Smoke Reborn
Smoke Reborn
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This Smoke in his human form. Smoke supposely died and made a deal with a powerful demon in order to retain his humanity. After his wish was granted he was told he must do a favor for the demon. Smoke must get the dragon amulet back from Sub-Zero even if it means killing him.
Full Scale | 600x776 | Category | Drawing (Pencil - B/W) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 50 | Score |
Now this picture has to be by far my favorite picture that you have drawn to date. First of all I want to comment on the detail...damn it's just perfect. The design on the mask, designs on the suit, the gauntlets with the awesome you can't get any closer to perfection. The muscle detail is very nice as is with all of your pics. I think the outfit suits him very well, it's different but still very ninja like. The smoke around him is very nicely drawn. You didn't just throw it in there, you made it look like its coming out and going around him very nice. The proportions as always is just perfect. Perfect shading and perfect detail very nice deserves more than a 5/5 but thats all I can give you. Keep up the good work. I have a request, can you draw a Shao Kahn concept. I would like to see how it would come out.

Another good pic.
However, I think this one is perhaps too busy, at least for my liking.
I think all that excess "smoke", or at least, that's what I think it is, is a bit unnecessary, and just a little bit of smoke would be appropriate.
As for Smoke himself, I think it's an excellent look for him, and I especially like the "guard bracelet" thingies on his arms.
The pose you put him in is excellent, imo, and it fits the character very well. He looks just about ready to kick some ass
The story you wrote for him would be pretty interesting. Sub-Zero would be most displeased having his ex-friend turn on him.
But as I said before, I do feel the picture is a bit busy, but still, nice work
However, I think this one is perhaps too busy, at least for my liking.
I think all that excess "smoke", or at least, that's what I think it is, is a bit unnecessary, and just a little bit of smoke would be appropriate.
As for Smoke himself, I think it's an excellent look for him, and I especially like the "guard bracelet" thingies on his arms.
The pose you put him in is excellent, imo, and it fits the character very well. He looks just about ready to kick some ass
The story you wrote for him would be pretty interesting. Sub-Zero would be most displeased having his ex-friend turn on him.
But as I said before, I do feel the picture is a bit busy, but still, nice work
I like this, you gave him a non-standard feel, while still keeping him 'ninja-like'. I love the way you designed his head, there are cool markings and symbols on it which I love. The mask also varies from just the typical ninja mask, the design itself is different, and I also like the 'net' looking material that appears to be under it. More cool marking are on the chest cloths, I sort of like how the edges come up looking like points. The armguards are also very cool, the spikes on them are really awesome, again setting him apart from standard Smoke drawings. I doubt I have to tell you, but the proportions are once again excellent.
I like the 'tassels' that you added, personally they are a favorite of mine when they are used in drawings and concepts like this. The shading under the cloth is very good, and I like that you kept with the same theme and added spikes to the shinguards as well. And I wouldn't say the smoke in the background was too much in excess, I think it is a good amount, always nice to have a background in drawings.
I like that you gave him a story, and a good reason to have returned to his human form. As much as I say it isn't possible, given your storyline I suppose it could be. This is excellent work again, you deserve not less than the full 5/5.
I like the 'tassels' that you added, personally they are a favorite of mine when they are used in drawings and concepts like this. The shading under the cloth is very good, and I like that you kept with the same theme and added spikes to the shinguards as well. And I wouldn't say the smoke in the background was too much in excess, I think it is a good amount, always nice to have a background in drawings.
I like that you gave him a story, and a good reason to have returned to his human form. As much as I say it isn't possible, given your storyline I suppose it could be. This is excellent work again, you deserve not less than the full 5/5.
I have a question. What kind of ink do you use? and where can I get some?.

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Brilliant once again. Everyone's already commented on all the great detail, so I'll leave that out. I can't believe though how original all your sketches are, whether it being an original or classic character. Keep it up, 5/5.
Zombie Wrote: hey suit- you said something eariler in another thread if i wanted to color this? do you still want me to color it? i will, but this one will take me some time fer sure. let me know. |
If you want to color its purely on your decision. Hydro already shown me a colored version which looks pretty cool... by the way, its a storm behind him, not smoke.
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TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
Very nice. You have lovely lines. However, I agree with TimsMK on this in that it is a bit too busy. Perhaps some color and so on would calm it down a bit but other than that, this one is fantabulous 

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signatures suck
yes please make a shao kahn concept!
izzy_daman Wrote: Now this picture has to be by far my favorite picture that you have drawn to date. First of all I want to comment on the detail...damn it's just perfect. The design on the mask, designs on the suit, the gauntlets with the awesome you can't get any closer to perfection. The muscle detail is very nice as is with all of your pics. I think the outfit suits him very well, it's different but still very ninja like. The smoke around him is very nicely drawn. You didn't just throw it in there, you made it look like its coming out and going around him very nice. The proportions as always is just perfect. Perfect shading and perfect detail very nice deserves more than a 5/5 but thats all I can give you. Keep up the good work. I have a request, can you draw a Shao Kahn concept. I would like to see how it would come out. |
Sure, you know all my concepts look different from the original right?
dude- your fighter drawing skillz are PRO, ... but Im not too fond of the "smoke" effect. Doesnt look like smoking to me IMO.
EDIT- ok- I didnt read that it was a storm behind him, although whatever all those jagged lines are they dont resemble anything I could identify :).
EDIT- ok- I didnt read that it was a storm behind him, although whatever all those jagged lines are they dont resemble anything I could identify :).

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The Storm Has Returned...
Realm of Khaos
I like this concept, it has a good pose, the anatomy is well done and proportioned correctly. The inking was done well also, the one thing I am not crazy about is the background. If it is supposed to be smoke it doesn't look like it, and I think you stated it was a storm, but if that is the case I don't see how it would fit in with Smoke. Anyhow, I agree with peterbi in stating that your skills are good enough to be pro. Great job, 5/5 dragons from me.

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Great work... I love it... the spikes are a nice touch but it doesn't seem to much like smoke to me... also more ninja mesh under his clothing would make all the difference I'm sure it's no problem cuz ur inking skills are unsurpassed... I'm ashamed to say I'm not quite to par... I do tend to draw Smoke as more of a "futuristic" ex-lin-kuei with more metallic armoring and a cloaking smoke efect, in similar fashion...
People seem to have trouble understanding why theres a storm behind him. Smoke just came back from hell, even though he doesnt wish to kill Sub-Zero he has to because of his honor and pride. The storm symbolizes a great evil which has just landed on earth, evil being Smoke. Does that clear things up?

About Me
The Storm Has Returned...
Realm of Khaos
I guess, but when I colored it I thought it was smoke, so I hope it doesn't look funny. Heh, I showed it to you already, do you think it looked good with a smoke bg instead of a storm?
Hydro Wrote: I guess, but when I colored it I thought it was smoke, so I hope it doesn't look funny. Heh, I showed it to you already, do you think it looked good with a smoke bg instead of a storm? |
I actually figured it was a storm already because of the dark effect.
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