04/28/2003 04:22 AM (UTC)by
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

Member Since
02/10/2003 07:17 PM (UTC)
04/26/2003 01:58 AM (UTC)
Nice. The typography is better than with the Sindel piece you did. ;)
About Me Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

04/26/2003 02:21 AM (UTC)
good art

and with your real name i can rule the world!!!!!!
or look you up when u become a famous writer/artists
04/26/2003 03:00 AM (UTC)
Please, Nova. Just stop it already.
04/26/2003 07:31 PM (UTC)

Zentile Wrote:
Please, Nova. Just stop it already.

Zentile, just stop it.
No "please".

About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/26/2003 07:55 PM (UTC)
I learned a lot when I started drawing these from the 3D pics. It's a lot harder to shade. I'm currenlty working on some new stuff but as I said before, I'm in college so it wil take a while. Right now the most time that I have to draw is in Biology class when I'm supposed to be taking notes tongue. But I'm working on a Jade pic for Jaded-Raven, and a Rayden pic for a fanart contest. I'm trying to decide still what to do for Hydro's contest here but I'll come up with something.

I have so many ideas of what I want to try that it's hard to get any of them done. I start on one, get distracted, and start working on another before any of them are finished -_-. Well, I hope to post soon with new artwork. I might have Jade up in a few days.
04/26/2003 08:03 PM (UTC)
Well, as tedious as it may be, darwling from references can be formidable practice for understanding a model.
Anywho, good shading here- especially on the arms and mask. His feet could use more detail, and the black leggings more highlight.
Nice sketch though- simple, but decent.

How long ago did ya pencil this?
I myself would be ineterested in seeing your most recent works- like this Jade pic you speak of. That way one could how far you've come and whathaveyou.

04/26/2003 08:21 PM (UTC)
It's nice, try give to him your personal pose and look and you'll get better results. smile wink
04/26/2003 11:25 PM (UTC)

AcjBizar Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
Please, Nova. Just stop it already.

Zentile, just stop it.
No "please".


Stop what? I'm trying to calmly tell her to stop this. If I want to see Tobias' work, I'll go to the warehouse or search on google. Nova's drawings are getting not only on mine, but on other people's nerves. I'm trying not to freak out and start flaming her like Veno.
04/27/2003 12:37 AM (UTC)

Zentile Wrote:

AcjBizar Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
Please, Nova. Just stop it already.

Zentile, just stop it.
No "please".


Stop what? I'm trying to calmly tell her to stop this. If I want to see Tobias' work, I'll go to the warehouse or search on google. Nova's drawings are getting not only on mine, but on other people's nerves. I'm trying not to freak out and start flaming her like Veno.

It's ok that you don't like her work, and you have the right to let this out, but:
1. Let her be the one to decide whether or not she submits her art work.
2. Let me be the one to decide whether or not they're posted.

That's the way things work around here.

P.S. You don't have to view all of Nova's submissions, so you can only blame the "getting on my nerves" issue on yourself.
04/27/2003 01:31 AM (UTC)

Zentile Wrote:

AcjBizar Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
Please, Nova. Just stop it already.

Zentile, just stop it.
No "please".


Stop what? I'm trying to calmly tell her to stop this. If I want to see Tobias' work, I'll go to the warehouse or search on google. Nova's drawings are getting not only on mine, but on other people's nerves. I'm trying not to freak out and start flaming her like Veno.

Okay, and you had to bring up my name in this? Why? You don't have to bring up someone else to prove a point.

By the way, for the last time, boy, I don't flame.
About Me

04/27/2003 06:18 AM (UTC)
it looks ok... his hands are a lil small a background and some color would look sweet!
04/27/2003 04:57 PM (UTC)

SeKt0r Wrote:
it looks ok... his hands are a lil small a background and some color would look sweet!

there ya go!

About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/28/2003 03:35 AM (UTC)

TLaG- Wrote:
Well, as tedious as it may be, darwling from references can be formidable practice for understanding a model.
Anywho, good shading here- especially on the arms and mask. His feet could use more detail, and the black leggings more highlight.
Nice sketch though- simple, but decent.

How long ago did ya pencil this?
I myself would be ineterested in seeing your most recent works- like this Jade pic you speak of. That way one could how far you've come and whathaveyou.


How long ago was this done, heh, um, probably '99 or something. That's when I did most of them. As for the Jade, I was well on my way with it, then someone requested that I design a character for their fanfic.

That always sends me off. After finishing that request I looked at the Jade pick and pretty much decided to do it over, it's not very representative of how my style had changed.

If I get permission from the character's creator I'll post the character here. It's an original character, not from the games, but I think fanfic illustratons still count. We'll see what happens.
04/28/2003 03:44 AM (UTC)
Hmm- well, sad that you'll have to scrap the first Jade attempt. You should keep that version and post it attatched with the one version you plan on finalizing though. Should never trash sketch attempts 8)

"If I get permission from the character's creator I'll post the character here. It's an original character, not from the games, but I think fanfic illustratons still count. We'll see what happens."
Hmm, well, not sure of the guidlines AcjB set here, but maybe if ya coupled the first attempted sketch at Jade along with this original character piece (in a normal thread I mean)- perhaps it would be allowed...
Of course, that's his call :p

Good luck with the sketch though :)
About Me

TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.

1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.

My MKO Profile Site

04/28/2003 04:22 AM (UTC)
Don't worry I won't trash the Jade pic. I might actually finish it someday. I don't know what to do with it at the moment though. I might post it, but it would be a sad thing if I did. Especially if it gets any reviews like the ones that I got for these MK practice pics -_-.

Well, I hope to get some more of them done as fast as I got the fanfic one done.

Someone give me a deadline to finish it. That'll get me to post it sooner. That's usually the way it goes anyway :P.
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