A change for a more fitting Shao Kahn
posted07/09/2019 10:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/09/2019 10:48 PM (UTC)

Shao Kahn isn't bad at all, I main him currently and I am grand master playing only with him in this league. But he has some ridiculous stuff so in this thread I gonna say an idea to make him feel as he should and getting rid of the ridiculous stuff he has at the same time. So I go directly into the topic.

Make him unable to jump, his jump is ridiculous and so is his kick combo starter, what a ridiculous combo starter for Shao Kahn. Obviously his air wrath hammer will change into something else. He already got good air defence using scum grab and skewered. What give to him to compensate for this? Give him the option to armor his COMBOS by enchancing them spending BOTH defensive meter. He will gain one armor stack so if he gets hit twice, on the 2nd hit he falls into the enemy hands. So I make 2 punches against Shao Kahn, on the second punch starts the combo against Shao Kahn. Plz guys tell me what you think about this change. NRS plz consider this idea.

Again I repeat, enchance his combos, NOT his special attacks. Shao Kahn has always been steadfast, he isn't a ninja.

I reconsidered, give him a skill let's say by pressing the other 2 buttons opposite to fatal blow ones, so he spends his defensive meter and gets one stack armour for let's say 2 seconds, so if he is hit once he continues fighting undisturbed, this armor counts for both his SPECIALS and ATTACK MOVES.

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