AI Battles counting for whole numbers / MK11 characters offline history
posted05/01/2019 10:32 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/08/2019 12:35 PM (UTC)

so, i was playing MK11 for several last days, nothing like Story/Krypt/ToT yet, just some local battles, normal Towers and practicising, and AI Battles. on the Kombat Kard i was quite suprized that all data from AI Battles is actualy counting toward whole number of things on Kard, like character battles, combos, finishers, kard background and so on. that is not good in my opinion. also when AI do both fatalities, one of you dont have unlocked yet, you got the Achievement/Trophy for that particular character. no sense in this, no sense in achieving something by not yourself. in AI Battles i use only Raiden/Sub-Zero/Jax, yet, i got AI Battle skin for Jax and Sub-Zero, so i thought you only got those skins for AI characters you use, but later i got Elder quality skin for Erron Black, im ok with that at least.

on the Character Kards you only see 3 characters you battle with most, but you cant count number of battles with other, less used characters like you did in MKX, unless you write it down somewhere yourself. am i just blind and cant find it, or is it realy that only 3 most used are visible? i would love to have summary of every kombatant, not just those 3... :(

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