CAN MK11 PLEASE BE MORE LIKE MK9? what do you think my dudes? (correct forum sorry guys)
posted03/03/2018 03:47 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/08/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
Hey guys, I don't think X is such a great MK game. I know this will upset the people that like it but maybe some will listen to my rant and nod in agreement and it can surely ease the frustration we feel towards this disappointing game IMO. The new characters really are disgusting to look at, a lot of them look like they'd be npc Earthrealm villagers in MK Deception (does that make sense to any of you)? Especially Kotal Kahn, Kung Jin, and Erron Black, the latter looking more like a Borderlands character. I think that Kung Jin is the most boring because he looks like he should be guarding a bridge in konquest mode not fighting mighty warriors like Scorpion and Reptile. Kotal Kahn looks like someone that you'd just walk up to as Shujinko in Outworld and punch in the face!! LOL
I feel like the fighting is more fluid in this game but it still feels like it's way less casual to play than MK9 or any other MK game ever was guys. I know that there might be some people that like this game better but I was wondering if there are still people that try to enjoy this game but still find them selves going back to the 9th game.
ALSO I don't think making this game less colorful was a good idea at all THIS IS NOT QUAKE 1! The colorful characters always gave this game a wonderful 90s feeling and now it's just so brown and murky.
TLDR Guys, I really love MK so this keeps me up at night, please let me know if you think that MK needs to go more back towards it's roots like 9 did and stop trying to become such a non-casual game that isn't fun to play for more than a few rounds. And I will admit i'm not as good at this game as I am at 9 so that probably effects my ability to love the game slightly more, but I think that if I were more interested in the game like I was with the others I would practice a lot more. But also the addition of the run button really messes with my brain in the heat of an online battle so I don't know if I'd be able to pull off a juggle even if my fathers life depended on it. It was difficult remembering the long combos in MK9 but the game had so much to do and they usually worked out well online guys, I feel like so it wasn't really a hassle practicing because there is just too much to learn with different variations and such.
Speaking of which the variations really destroy the game most of all for me. I know MR boon was saying that it would be like having 70 characters in one game but it doesnt feel like that for me, I just get frustrated that I cant do an ice clone or hell fire as the same sub/scorpion. It doesnt feel natural losing my special moves based on a variation that I chose. I didn't really like how they did that in Deadly Alliance in the first place but they pulled it off better in Deception I think. But Ed was acting like this variation thing has never been done before, the only difference was back then you could switch fighting styles during the match, this time we just have to pick it at the beginning. I dont think having variations for characters has ever been a great way to go but Deception was still one of the best MK games despite that part of the game because at least they didnt change the uppercut buttons and such like Deadly Alliance did (at least I dont recall it being that way)
P.S. I think if this game had more KONTENT and better characters and more stages and stage fatalities and maybe even friendships, could've easily been a great follow up to MK9, but saddly it just lacks in comparison for me and I really consider it to be a step backwards like Armageddon was when it came out. One of the many reasons i moved to america was because of this franchise so
TLRD again: I really hope that MKX doesn't permanently take the series into this less fun and more competitive esport like direction
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10/06/2017 11:33 AM (UTC)
Well given NRS track record. I hope they keep improving. INJUSTICE 2 is better in many regards to MIX. I like both. If they take what they dis in injusti e toward MK11 then I'm all for it. I say take away variations. And aside from clash and character power, injusti e Sub-zero and Raiden are pretty good to play.
10/07/2017 06:00 PM (UTC)
I agree with you injustice 2 is a major improvement to both mkx and Injustice 1 so hopefully mk11 will improve but i will try not to expect as much this time around because i think i over-anticipated mkx, something that I will have to deal with.
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Proud Fan since MKII.
03/03/2018 03:47 AM (UTC)
All I really want is for the writing to improve. It's been cringy since MK9 and has steadily been going downhill.
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