Congaceiro Kano currently in the Store & Kano Golden Krypt Event back on Friday!
posted11/27/2019 06:06 PM (UTC)by
Art Lean
Member Since
11/25/2003 01:18 PM (UTC)

Just a heads up, that the Brazilian pre-order Congaceiro Kano skin is currently available in the store as part of a bundle at 1855 time crystals. Hoping this means that Kold War Skarlet may turn up in there too now, but at £15.99 for 2500 time krystals for a bundle such as this to cover it, I'm not paying that. I can get the whole game again off Amazon with Skarlet's skin for £19.16 (VAT comes off where I live) if I wanted it that bad, and I could at least give the game to a friend as a Christmas present to play against.

Also on Friday, the Golden Krypt Event for Kano returns for just 3 hours (check your notifications)... they're torturing me here, it's just Liu Kang I still need!

11/29/2019 03:05 PM (UTC)Edited 11/29/2019 04:55 PM (UTC)

got the Brazilian Kano bundle on both PC and Switch with Krystals you get by playing and the next day, skins, gear and krystals are gone... good joke.

edit: they are on PC. all skins, gear, intro. on Switch skins and gear are gone, intro is there. going for a ticket for help.

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