Could the Mortal Kombat timelines be like the New 52 in terms of continuity?
posted04/19/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)by
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12/23/2011 01:17 AM (UTC)
After watching various endings like Takeda and Kitana, it seems the timeline Rayden didn't alter still went like Shao Khan being killed by Kitana after the Pyramid battle and Taven being awoken from his slumber.

Since we essentially have two timelines, could the next one involve various characters from both timelines essentially undoing the mistakes of both timelines and make a whole new timeline and thus having the creation of a Mortal Kombat multi-verse?

Just something that popped into my head recently...
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

04/19/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
I believe so. I think the next game will essentially be a "MortaL Kombat Infinite Krisis" type of story.

ShaoKahn from the old timeline becomes some kinda SuperGod after beating Blaze. Maybe he can warp reality?

There's also a villain I made up way back in the 90s. Kronus- God of Time. :)
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