Didn't get the 1m Soul pts for beating Champion Tower but game says I did?
posted05/16/2019 11:57 AM (UTC)by
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06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)

So I beat the Champion Klassic Tower last night and the game says I was to get 1m Soul Points and according to the game it checks off all three achievements yet I didn't get anything? Was I supposed to get 1m (1,000,000) souls or what was I suppose to get because my Soul counter did not move. I was also supposed to get if I remember 900k in koins so I am assuming 900,000 koins and 1.2m in something else, so I am guessing it means 1,200,000 something. Sorry I am writing this by memory. Did anyone else beat the Champion tower and get everything checked like I did but got nothing?

05/16/2019 12:28 PM (UTC)

You needed 1m points to get performance rewards. Those points depend on what you do and how fast you beat the AI and how you finish it. For example performing brutality is 50k points. Mercy is 15k points. Fatal blow is 15k and if you finish the round with it is 25k points and stuff like that.

So for every tower, certain amount of those points gets you performance rewards. You needed 1m of those points to get some souls(probably around 150 souls or something like that).

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