How much DLC do you think there will be?
posted03/28/2019 02:43 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/17/2019 12:21 AM (UTC)

On the premium edition where it explains what you will pay for, it says that the whole Kombat Pack will contain 6 characters.
Does that mean that we will get a total of 6 DLC characters in the next months?
Cause this way it doesnt seem we will get a Kombat pack 2.
6 characters is exactly what we will pay for. Do you think they will charge extra if there is more than 6 characters on the way?
Personally i was hoping for 2 kombat packs, with 6 characters each, but 12 new characters sounds unlikely....

Plus it mentions 7 skins, which probably means 7 extra skins will be spread among 25 characters, so some characters will have extra skins and some others won't.

03/28/2019 02:48 PM (UTC)

I honestly thimk it'll just be six.

They've never put a focus on a particular number before, and six is a large amount of characters to have in one pack.

I think they're going to do the Smash Bros. thing and just spread the DLC out across the next 12 months.

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03/28/2019 02:59 PM (UTC)

Didn't they already announce there would be 6 in the Kombat Pack and more packs are dependant on sales? Pretty sure it was mentioned in an interview at the reveal event.

03/28/2019 04:33 PM (UTC)

Didn't they already announce there would be 6 in the Kombat Pack and more packs are dependant on sales? Pretty sure it was mentioned in an interview at the reveal event.

If that is true then if you want more than 6 DLC you better buy up the ones they definitely are releasing as soon as they come out. If they sell well that could get us a second season.

03/28/2019 05:52 PM (UTC)

Didn't they already announce there would be 6 in the Kombat Pack and more packs are dependant on sales? Pretty sure it was mentioned in an interview at the reveal event.

If this is the case, they would be very wise to release several fan favorites in the first pack. I would expect backlash if half the DLC are guest characters.

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