Is baraka's further amplified chop chop broken?
posted02/27/2020 10:16 AM (UTC)by
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02/27/2020 10:11 AM (UTC)

It only grants you 1% more if you burn the second bar which hardly seems worth it unless your opponent is at very end of there life bar. However if you have war-banner out the further amplified move now grants you 2% more which seems reasonable considering that someone like liu kangs extended bicycle kick only has 2% more also. Only big difference is that liu doesnt need a buff-damage out where as baraka does. Honestly i get salty over stuff like this considering that liu kang is top tier with god like tools that make him good but when they decide to make baraka he has a flaw that puts him behind even further over a simple special move that should be equal to liu kangs.... just saying..

03/07/2020 10:32 PM (UTC)

Actually, I agree with you about the Lui Kang-Baraka comparison. But, I am the kind of player that likes long combos. I will, in some cases do a combo that has more hits but less damage. Because of the way that it demoralizes people. That second amplify for a few more hits may just get me the victory. Because if they quit. Still counts. Lol

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