Is something wrong with the server?
posted06/09/2020 09:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/09/2020 08:55 PM (UTC)

I just bought this game yesterday. Couldn't even get through two tutorials without the server crashing. Can't get into the Krypt, at all, because every time the video finishes I lose connection with the server. I already port forwarded my router and my own firewall. I even tried a second location's internet and had the same problem. There are no mentions by the MK team about server interruptions or maintenance that I've seen that could explain this. Should I just refund this? I don't understand how you can release a triple A game, require online access for almost everything, including rewards, not have a way to connect to the server in game, and somehow not fix the problem after a year. I hope I'm just missing something, or there's a fix I haven't been able to find, but if not, this is ridiculously unacceptable. I do like the game so far, great controls, great character lineup, good story, but if I can't connect to the servers, which is required to do almost anything, what's the point? Any help would be appreciated.

I have the game on Steam on my PC. These are the ports I found and forwarded:

  • TCP: 27015-27030,27036-27037
  • UDP: 4380,27000-27031,27036
06/16/2020 10:16 PM (UTC)

Well heres the thing... You're on Steam and thats your problem.

Seriously, it sounds like just an issue on your end with your internet.

06/23/2020 03:13 PM (UTC)

I got same problem a month before aftermath and couldn't fix it yet, still contact to mk11 support (warner support) and tell them your problem till they help you properly, and to Robert Bates, thanks captain obvius for your unusefull answer

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