Issue with exiting certain game modes
posted04/23/2019 11:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/24/2018 04:37 PM (UTC)

It seems that certain game modes in MK11 cannot be exited. When I was in the Tutorial mode it only gave an option to return to previous menus in between tutorials, for example. I was unable to pause and select an option to return to the main menu so I had to restart the game to get out of it. I also just had the same issue in the Krypt. I tried pressing every button on my Xbox One controller and it didn't give any option to exit out of the Krypt and return to the main menu so I ended up having to restart.

04/24/2019 10:18 PM (UTC)

So can anyone help me out?

04/24/2019 10:52 PM (UTC)

I don't have that problem (PS4 Pro). If it occurs most of the time, better submit it as a bug to WB.

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