Kitana's gear
posted04/25/2019 12:17 PM (UTC)by
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04/25/2019 04:18 AM (UTC)

Alright, I'll say this straight...

Why the hell Kitana has Sai as a customizable gear item?! It makes no sense to me! Shouldn't gear be like...I don't know...used in battles or at least been seen on her body? If I won't equip the Mileena moves (which are just 3, I actually thought it will give Kitana some combos using the sai, but

So if I won't equip Mileena's moves this gear is just useless cause it's just stucked above her ass and it does nothing.

So is it just me or is this gear an extremely wasted potential? Cause as I said...even if you equip the Sai it's barely visible and some of these Sai's look hella good, but not on Kitana when she doesn't uses it.

04/25/2019 04:36 PM (UTC)

Mileena's sai is always visable on every skin. It is on her back. But I do agree I would prefer a different customizable option like her hair or boots or something.

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