Konquest mode?
posted12/31/2016 02:35 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/12/2009 03:40 PM (UTC)
Just want to get a general opinion here.

Since after MKX we have pretty much rebooted up to and including MK4 and don't get me wrong I love the way the new games do the story modes. The overall story has finally been explained and fleshed out but where do we go from here? Do we continue with the reboots and do deadly alliance from a slightly different perspective or is this where we take a step into brand new territory?

I know things will already be different especially with Raiden having turned dark and alot of characters still being revenants so what would you have the game be like? Would you like a brand new story done in the same way as the previous games or do you think we should take this opportunity to try the Konquest mode again?

Personally I loved the Konquest mode in Deception. I loved being able to explore the realms and undertake side quests however I didn't like Shujinko as a character at all. I personally would love a return to Konquest mode but instead of being forced to play as a character you don't want why not choose one (or maybe even create one!) and begin a journey through the realms. Maybe you could have your character join up with the Lin Kuei or Shirai Ryu? Or travel to Outworld and pledge your allegiance to someone trying to gain the throne from Kotal Kahn, or go to the Netherrealm and help Lui Kang and Kitana prepare for their invasion of Earthrealm (If that's what they're going to try do) All your actions could contribute to the overall story line and the choices you make could influence the outcome of the story.

I just think with a konquest mode there is so much more that could be done with the game and the storyline.

I welcome any comments or opinions anyone else has on this matter.
12/31/2016 02:35 AM (UTC)
A serious selective RPG (similar to taking a Shenmue approach).
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