Kotal Khan Kombat League Help
posted06/25/2019 09:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/25/2019 08:59 PM (UTC)

someone help me here because i am just about losing it to frustration with this kombat league. where are my moves? all my combos DO NOT WORK THE SAME THE MOVES CHANGED WTFFFFFF?????????? WHERE DID MY MEHTZIQUIA CUT GO?

I played i trained offline and in versus mode.. build a bunch of combos around mehtizquia cut... join the Kombat League and it's gone? i set no augments? i made no ability changes to my character and my moves just change.. what the fk is that about BOON?

someone please explain because i have no reasonable logical understanding of WHY THIS IS HAPPENING!

06/26/2019 04:03 AM (UTC)

The variation you've practiced it isn't tournament variation. Go to abilities and press 1(presets). It will show you all the variations. 2 of them have the trophy, those 2 are tournament variations.

06/26/2019 08:32 PM (UTC)

but whyyyyyyyyy?? jeez now i have to do a whole rework. great. wish i knew this beforehand

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