MK Deception Netherrealm
posted01/26/2019 04:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/18/2019 03:26 AM (UTC)

Im hoping they use the Netherrealm from MKD’s Konquest mode as an inspiration for the Netherrealm in this game.

01/27/2019 01:45 AM (UTC)Edited 01/28/2019 12:21 AM (UTC)

I'm hoping they use the one from Mythologies. That was a pretty unique hell. And let's not forget the Netherrealm is supposed to have levels to it. So they could go hog wild for how every plane of the realm is supposed to look.

They won't because everything in MK has now been watered down to being painfully generic, but it's something they still have time and room to do.

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