MK logo being used on business purpose by other company.
posted06/19/2019 02:35 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/19/2019 12:49 PM (UTC)

Hi, I’m a MK fan from Taiwan.

So anyway, I was browsing golf section at the mall yesterday. And something caught my eyes. It was this company’s logo named “Artinn golf design.” With MK franchise’s iconic dragon logo but minor changes on it, and selling it as their owns.

This is their webpage:

and this is the example of what I mentioned above:

When I saw these, I found myself in anger and thought “I must consult the elder gods.”.

I immediately sent these to official MK feedback mailbox.

I love Mortal Kombat, and I seek the help of MK community.

The earthrealm is in crisis.

06/20/2019 07:03 PM (UTC)

Omg that's crazy! I know unfortunately I think the copyright laws in Taiwan are pretty loose. Cuz I see this kind of stuff all the time.

Wonder if they have any golfballs branded with the logo?

lol dragon balls...


About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/21/2019 09:32 PM (UTC)

Taiwan and China pretty much rip off anything and everything they possibly can. For nations that produce such brilliant people, there's virtually nothing produced over there that isn't a complete and total rip off of something else, or blatantly illegal use of copyright material.

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