My Suspect for the woman in the trailer
posted12/12/2018 01:34 AM (UTC)by
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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

Member Since
06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)
1. Frost

Looking closer at the trailer over and over her appearance looks strikingly similar to Frost. She has the white hair, eyes and nails and she appears to be touching an ice statue and her freezing powers have been magnetized apparently as we see her skin glowing with them. Also there is no Sub-Zero VS Scorpion announce trailer this year. This year it is Raiden VS Scorpion. Perhaps that is a small hint that it might be Frost?

2. Sindel

With Shao Kahn returning this makes me believe the story will once again center around the Emperor and his wanting to take the Earth. How else to do it but be resurrected similar in fashion to the UMK3 storyline of how Sindel was. Shao Kahn I believe was defeated and perished on Earth by Raiden. Perhaps this woman is Sindel which would explain Shao Kahn's return and a cannon ending of the return of Shang Tsung. We are also apparently back on Shang Tsung's Island too.

3. Khameleon

A big stretch here but the only woman that fits this person's description is Khameleon. White hair and eyes and her skin could be sort-of transparent. Perhaps she is touching Onaga? Not real other clues than those.

4. Delia

Not since Armageddon have we seen much of Rain's mother. Perhaps the statue isn't ice but water. This design could be new and could also possibly explain the return of Shao Kahn. She is a sorceress capable of nearly anything. She made Blaze why could she not bring back Shao Kahn to try to restore the timeline that Raiden has apparently messed up lately?

5. Cassie Cage

Low on the totem of suspects is Cassie Cage. She did defeat Shinnok in story mode in MKX and much like Raiden perhaps something happened to her in that process that corrupted her?

6. Someone New

The last is and could be the most obvious. Perhaps this is finally a new character that has not been in any previous MK game yet?

What is everyone else thoughts?
12/07/2018 11:01 PM (UTC)
Something to do with the One Being or Dream Realm (if there is one).
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

12/07/2018 11:09 PM (UTC)
I am 99% sure it is the woman from Jade's MK9 ending.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

12/07/2018 11:17 PM (UTC)
DAHK9 Wrote:
Something to do with the One Being or Dream Realm (if there is one).

It is indeed. Started as a gimmick for Freddy, turned into a plot point for Tremor.

My money is either the being from Jade’s MK9 ending or perhaps Taven and Daegon’s mother(name escapes me).
12/09/2018 10:20 PM (UTC)
Goddess of time.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/10/2018 12:22 AM (UTC)
It's pretty obvious it's the mysterious woman from Jade's ending. She deals with time.

Though Khameleon did kinda come to my mind based on the transparent skin lol

But I've been craving Khameleon's return for years so I think almost any new female wearing gray/white may be her.
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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

12/10/2018 06:42 AM (UTC)
We'll have to wait and see. She resembles a lot of the past MK female characters.
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12/12/2018 01:34 AM (UTC)
If the leak is true her name is oracle and that wouldn't surprise me one bit considering how many matrix references their were in mkx and injustice2.
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