New skins for every kharacter that you can't unlock?
posted05/29/2020 01:55 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/28/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)

While I fight in Aftermath, I have seen some Never before seen skins for number of kharacters that your AI opponent use, that are NOT in the kharacter kustomization. Such as ALL black D'vorah, beige, silky looking skin for Jade, ALL white Baraka that is NOT quan chi that you only unlock at kombat league, cool looking face mask for Skarlet that covers your whole face that is NOT on the kharacter kustomization menu that you can unlock, and ALL white Kitana skin that has glowing eyes that is NOT a kombat league skin that you CAN'T unlock..

Can these be unlocked somehow?, or did they just put them in there as CPU opponent only skins?. They look FAR superior than some of the lame looking skins that you can unlock and use in the game..

Does anyone know?


05/31/2020 08:15 AM (UTC)

I have the same issue with the brutalities. Every Kharacter has at least one Brutality which you can't unlock offline. Is it only possible to unlock them online?

05/31/2020 11:00 AM (UTC)

The Skarlett mask is a reward in aftermaths story mode. The rest of this stuff will probably be a future skin pack

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