Post-round animations
posted06/12/2016 04:39 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I think that when a character wins standing very closely to the opponent, they shouldn't just walk away.

Instead, the loser should make the winner back away when they get up, or get themselves away from the winner. Baraka could swipe his blades, Reptile could spit acid, etc. They could also get themselves away from the winner by rolling backwards like Kobra did in the 3D games, provided they're not in a corner when they lose.

Winners, some of them at least, should have their own ways of getting away, like Motaro teleporting backwards.

Small nitpick, I know, but it's a bit ridiculous to not see characters, villains particularly, kill their opponents when they're down, and instead walk away.
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