[SPOILERS] MK11 Story Mode questions thread
posted04/23/2019 11:08 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/23/2019 10:50 AM (UTC)

This is the MK11 Story Mode Questions thread. Spoilers ahead, i mean...i warned ya at the title. But you can ask some of your own questions as well...

In MK9, Noob Saibot ends up in the Soulnado but in MK11, He's just normally back. I thought that the soulnado lead to heavens or Above lands...he just casually came back?

Another thing is...Kotal's present day servants such as Reptile, Ferra/Torr aren't there... I mean Erron is there but its the old Erron at the Koliseum events of mk9... Where are they? Vacation?

Oh and Jade's costume in the story mode...nothing like the ninja she was at the past events.

And what do you think happened to the timeline after it fell in Liu Kangs hands. I mean Liu Kangs tower endings don't show much except that Raiden, Kitana, Kung Lao etc. are now in the place of Elder Gods. (This may not be canon but considering this is liu kang ending. Then its probably canon. Probably)

What's your questions?

04/23/2019 02:15 PM (UTC)

Less characters were cheaper. Thats why reptile, ferra and co. Are not in. Do not overthink story mode, this is still MK.

Maybe they could do the past part with the missing kharakters as "the other half" of story mode type thing. With the framework of this game, and the time meddling story, they could do dlc story add ons to keep the game fresh longer.


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