The future of many characters
posted10/22/2016 01:31 PM (UTC)by
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09/11/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Just wanted to discuss what y'all thought about some characters and their respective futures. Here's my opinion...

Probably won't see them again (as playable non-DLC characters): Motaro, Kabal, Sindel, Stryker, Nightwolf, Kintaro, Mavado, Hsu Hao grin , Drahmin, Moloch, Kobra, Kira.

On the chopping block: Jarek, Tasia, Daegon (Kenshi/Takeda endings anyone?), Shujinko.

Will be sitting out a couple games: Baraka, Mileena, Quan Chi, Kung Lao, Shinnok, Goro, Shao Kahn (maybe we won't see him again at all, who knows)

Due for retirement: Jax, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Kano.

Maybe there's something in store for them: Frost, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho,Sareena, Sheeva, Fujin, Shang Tsung, Tremor, Taven, Onaga.

Unknown fate: Havik and Reiko (both really interesting characters that died in the comics), Skarlet, Hotaru (would be a shame if they don't use him in the future), Rain, Skarlet, Smoke (just because he's a fan favorite), Jade (didn't even appear in MKX).

Do they even exist in the new timeline?: Darrius, Dairou, Kai, Meat.

So that's that. What do you all think about these guys?
10/22/2016 12:27 PM (UTC)
Im sure Havik and Hotaru will come back. Their fanbase is too big and the hype from the comics....

Skarlet yes.
Rain yes.
Newcomers in MKX yes.

Reiko maybe.

The ones who died in the game or comic book, may appear again... they can bring back popular characters anytime. This is mortal kombat. Not look for logic.

I think this is time for 3D era characters for a comeback and a rest for the overused 2D classics such as Kano Sonya Jhonny Jax Liu etc...

I personally would love to see a game which takes place BEFORE the tournament, so we can have new characters, new story which explains many unexplained lines....
10/22/2016 01:31 PM (UTC)
Because of the continual mentioning of The Reiko Accords, (which I know have nothing to do with Reiko, to an extent) it would be the ideal time for Shadow Reiko to reinstate his presence and elevate his authority to a peak level, in the next chapter. Would General Reiko react to The Kahn's devious double-crossing tactics? (Whom may be involved in the treaty afterwards?.... I think it will cease to exist.)
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