The game frustrated me....
posted04/19/2019 09:47 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/08/2018 10:35 PM (UTC)

So, let me tell you a little anekdote. I played right now Tower of time to unlock a brutality for Kotal Kahn if I can finish four different towers. So first there was a tower with two fighters, then 3, then 5 and then a boss fight. In every fight Kotal Kahn aid them in the fight. The opponent calls him and he does one of three different moves.... the cooldown of this ability is maybe 6 seconds! Your only chance is to beast the shit out of your opponent. So he can't call him for aid...

The diificult is medium... but to be honest it feels like hard or more. I played against Liu Kang with Kabal and he just beat me like nothing else. Oh and Liu kang has also more life the you. If you have 100% life then Liu Kang has 150-200%. So imagine one situation... you are in the corner, Liu calls Kotal, Kotal does a low and Liu does a overhead in the same time. No, you don't have a chance to do anything. It is just annoying as hell.

Oh, I beat Liu Kang after 30 min. just to see the tower ( I only needed the bossfight to gain Kotal's brutality) fading away.. lol. no sorry I am pissed as hell. This is ridiculous.

Yes, I am a casual player. There are many players better than me but I am not the only casual who gonna buy the game. Damn, I am 38 years old and can't play the agme like I was 20. So, if Boon said they want to make the game easier and open for casuals then what should we think about the towers of time. If the KI would be easier if you lose serveral games against it, ok.... but it is just not fair. Oh, you have also items to use in Kombat. You need to hold down the RS and down or up to use them... Lol, just lol. Please show me how. I mean, Kotal appears, Liu Kang do massive damage with his combos everything is hectic in fight und I need to pull RS and down. Yeah sure. It is just to much to take care in kombat.

It sure sounds like mimimi but I am just disappointed and I really hope that NRS implements something to make the tower of times enjoyable for normal players like me :(

04/19/2019 10:19 AM (UTC)

casual player here too. i dont like difficult AI at all, this makes the game frustrating and not enjoyable at all. thats why i dont play those very difficult towers in Injustice 2, coz i cant beat the bosses :(

04/19/2019 07:35 PM (UTC)

Well Derek from NRS designed Towers of Time and he says he looks at every message board. Well Derek if you actually are reading this, then you cant base difficulty on how YOU play, it should ask you what kind of player you are and set the difficulty to your play style

04/19/2019 07:46 PM (UTC)

I do consider myself casual, and I don't yet own the game, so I really can't speak to how bad this problem is or isn't... but I'm inclined to think that complaining about the difficulty after a day and a half of practice, four days before the game actually releases (and potentially before a day 1 balance update) may be jumping the gun a bit.

That said, there was stuff I never finished in MK9 or MKX... so maybe it's just hard. These things happen. Can't win'em all. :P

04/19/2019 09:22 PM (UTC)

I can't wait to get frustrated. Feels like Tuesday is moving away not getting closer...

04/19/2019 09:45 PM (UTC)

I understand the frustration of playing against difficult AI, but dont expect to receive the rewards(if there are any) on a harder difficulty towers. That's a major issue when it comes to casuals and PART of the reason microtransactions ruin games. The people who put in work to earn exclusive things in games get bypassed for the casual to get the money they're willing to spend.

Just practice and spend time perfecting characters. Eventually you guys will get better.

Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

04/19/2019 10:40 PM (UTC)

You just wait. Some of the Towers are insane! I’ve had one where 3 Nitara blood bats would fly in and Rains Water bubble would home in on me whilst the opponent has extra health and more damage. The cool down on both these mods was 6 seconds each. Could barely see what was going on lol

Tried a Tower to unlock Cassie gear earlier and the mod was every time I got close to the opponent my buttons jumbled up..... quit outta that one.

Some are really fun though but they do take quite a long time to beat. Hence the micro transactions.

04/20/2019 06:03 AM (UTC)

Well I played with Kabal because I already played him in the Beta and I am not bad with him. But there are just towers which are really annoiying... If NRS would change two towers to be easier two being medium and one is pretty hard... It would be ok, but like now it is just frustrating. You have only 2-3 hours to finish a tower and some of them are so diificult that you need the time :/

The other problem.... to gain gold, souls (for some treasures in) and blood tokens... the towers are the best way to gain them.

For example: Treasures with gold 2000-15000 gold, treasures with soul fragments 100 souls, treasures with blood tokens 250 bloods.

You can earn 1000-25000 gold depending on the tower and the rewards, you can also get 10-30 soul fragment but only if you reach enough points at the end of the tower. The same counts for blood tokens. Only 1! for each brutality or fatality you do (counts everywhere except training) and 1-3 in the krypt if you hit corpses with Scorpions spear. Also a reward if you have enough points then you can get 5 tokens...So as you see... the towers are necessary.

Shao Kahn's Nipples
04/20/2019 02:51 PM (UTC)

I understand the frustration of playing against difficult AI, but dont expect to receive the rewards(if there are any) on a harder difficulty towers. That's a major issue when it comes to casuals and PART of the reason microtransactions ruin games. The people who put in work to earn exclusive things in games get bypassed for the casual to get the money they're willing to spend.

Just practice and spend time perfecting characters. Eventually you guys will get better.

Dude, I have 3 kids and own a company. I don't have time to "perfect" characters. But I shouldn't have to pay extra money for content that's in a game that I clearly paid for already.

04/20/2019 03:19 PM (UTC)

So you'd like to have everything unlocked or at least be so easy to unlock so you don't have to put any effort in it? What's the point playing then?I got my ass kicked against medium AI in the beta when I started playing. 10 hours later I beat the very hard AI and I'm still far away from perfecting that character.

I get it, fighting games are hard to master in general but it doesn't take a lot to learn the basics. And from there it's just about learning characters' moves and muscle memory.

Game isn't even out yet. Some of you got lucky and got the game early, this is your opportunity to get ahead of everyone and not cry how hard it is. Surely this is not your first figthing game. And if you don't have a lot of time to practice? So what? The game won't go anywhere. It's not like the next MK is in 2 weeks. Just take your time with it.

04/20/2019 04:15 PM (UTC)

You wanna get really frustrated? Go back and play the original games sometime. The AI was way more brutal because those games were made for arcades and were therefore designed to take as much of your money as possible. Even the home ports where the AI was not as bullshit as the arcade versions were still rage inducing. I recently played the Genesis/Megadrive version of MKII on an emulator and hol-lee chit was it difficult compared to the modern games. It kind of blows my mind that I was SO much better at that game as an 8 year old than I am today as a 31 year old man. That goes for the old school platformers like Mario and Sonic, too. When I try playing them now I am sooooo much shittier at them than I was as a kid. lol

04/20/2019 04:29 PM (UTC)

You get me wrong. I explain what I mean with an example. Did someone remember the special tower where so many modifiers came up? Like meteor showers, get frozen.... things like that? Did you have the feeling it is depending on your skill or just the luck you need to win this game? THIS is my huge proplem. The towers have sometimes just unfair modifiers. I got frozen every 2-5 seconds in a match! And there is even NO explanation about the modifiers! I don't have a problem if the KI beats me. Then I start practise and getting better. But in the tower of times the opponent has more life, every 2-6 seconds you get frozen or a tag team guy helps the opponent or whatever and the K.I. is pretty strong. If only the last thing would be the case, it would be OK. I could win so many machtes but then I got frozen. I uppercut, frozen... I jump, frozen. This is only one example.

Please play the towers of time and then we meet here again. Then you can tell me if you win because of your skill or you are praying to have enough luck.

04/20/2019 04:38 PM (UTC)

So you'd like to have everything unlocked or at least be so easy to unlock so you don't have to put any effort in it? What's the point playing then?I got my ass kicked against medium AI in the beta when I started playing. 10 hours later I beat the very hard AI and I'm still far away from perfecting that character.

I get it, fighting games are hard to master in general but it doesn't take a lot to learn the basics. And from there it's just about learning characters' moves and muscle memory.

Game isn't even out yet. Some of you got lucky and got the game early, this is your opportunity to get ahead of everyone and not cry how hard it is. Surely this is not your first figthing game. And if you don't have a lot of time to practice? So what? The game won't go anywhere. It's not like the next MK is in 2 weeks. Just take your time with it.

Ok, what do you think? How long would it take to unlock everything in the krypt if there are maybe over 500 treasures... round about for 8000 coins each and you get 5000-25000 coins for each tower? A day? No! So this argument is just bullshit. Sorry to say it so clearly.

I buyed MK2 when i was 14! Now I am 38 and I don''t have the reflexes when I was young. Pls show me pro players in MK above 30+y. Yes, most of them are 20+ or even younger. So, I don't want everything for free but I want a CHANCE to earn those brutalities, skins whatever if 95% of the tower of time are this hard.

I buyed the same price as you so I have also some rights to collect everything. Righjt now I feel like I never can collect everything because it is to difficult for me. To be honest.. I find your opinion in this case just intolerant.

04/20/2019 05:53 PM (UTC)

So you'd like to have everything unlocked or at least be so easy to unlock so you don't have to put any effort in it? What's the point playing then?I got my ass kicked against medium AI in the beta when I started playing. 10 hours later I beat the very hard AI and I'm still far away from perfecting that character.

I get it, fighting games are hard to master in general but it doesn't take a lot to learn the basics. And from there it's just about learning characters' moves and muscle memory.

Game isn't even out yet. Some of you got lucky and got the game early, this is your opportunity to get ahead of everyone and not cry how hard it is. Surely this is not your first figthing game. And if you don't have a lot of time to practice? So what? The game won't go anywhere. It's not like the next MK is in 2 weeks. Just take your time with it.

Ok, what do you think? How long would it take to unlock everything in the krypt if there are maybe over 500 treasures... round about for 8000 coins each and you get 5000-25000 coins for each tower? A day? No! So this argument is just bullshit. Sorry to say it so clearly.

I buyed MK2 when i was 14! Now I am 38 and I don''t have the reflexes when I was young. Pls show me pro players in MK above 30+y. Yes, most of them are 20+ or even younger. So, I don't want everything for free but I want a CHANCE to earn those brutalities, skins whatever if 95% of the tower of time are this hard.

I buyed the same price as you so I have also some rights to collect everything. Righjt now I feel like I never can collect everything because it is to difficult for me. To be honest.. I find your opinion in this case just intolerant.

I'm not sure if you are complaining because it's hard or because it's too much to stuff unlock lol. Isn't it the more, the better? That's what we wanted right? A lot of content.

I don't even have the game yet so I have no idea what The Krypt even looks like. But I do know that you had a game for couple of days now and saying that is too difficult after hardly playing,....
It's a fighting game, of course it's difficult. Look at Souls games or Souls-like games. Those are the most difficult games ever, that doesn't mean they are impossible beat. It just takes more practice and 2 days is definitely not enough and the same goes for fighting games.

Talking about having a chance...... Spend a day or 2 in practice mode with just one character and if you still have problem on medium spend another day or 2 with a character you can't beat so you know exactly what it has so you know what to look for.

This game is supposed to last a looong time but some of you are in such a hurry and want to complete half of it even before it's release.

04/20/2019 06:28 PM (UTC)

I need to get a feel for it before I can decide if I'm angry about it.

From what I've seen and heard, despite the fact they're random, skins/gear drop fairly regularly enough from Krypt chests, and thus far I've heard no indication at all that cosmetic drops repeat. There's plenty of consumable drops to pad chests out to be sure, but presumably, if gear drops semi-regularly, and drops don't repeat, with persistence you should be able to unlock everything for free over time. (Presumably)

That said... I don't think enough time has passed to have a firm handle on how long that will take exactly. So. Like I said, I need to get my hands on the game before I can decide if this annoys me...

04/20/2019 07:04 PM (UTC)

So you'd like to have everything unlocked or at least be so easy to unlock so you don't have to put any effort in it? What's the point playing then?I got my ass kicked against medium AI in the beta when I started playing. 10 hours later I beat the very hard AI and I'm still far away from perfecting that character.

I get it, fighting games are hard to master in general but it doesn't take a lot to learn the basics. And from there it's just about learning characters' moves and muscle memory.

Game isn't even out yet. Some of you got lucky and got the game early, this is your opportunity to get ahead of everyone and not cry how hard it is. Surely this is not your first figthing game. And if you don't have a lot of time to practice? So what? The game won't go anywhere. It's not like the next MK is in 2 weeks. Just take your time with it.

Ok, what do you think? How long would it take to unlock everything in the krypt if there are maybe over 500 treasures... round about for 8000 coins each and you get 5000-25000 coins for each tower? A day? No! So this argument is just bullshit. Sorry to say it so clearly.

I buyed MK2 when i was 14! Now I am 38 and I don''t have the reflexes when I was young. Pls show me pro players in MK above 30+y. Yes, most of them are 20+ or even younger. So, I don't want everything for free but I want a CHANCE to earn those brutalities, skins whatever if 95% of the tower of time are this hard.

I buyed the same price as you so I have also some rights to collect everything. Righjt now I feel like I never can collect everything because it is to difficult for me. To be honest.. I find your opinion in this case just intolerant.

I'm not sure if you are complaining because it's hard or because it's too much to stuff unlock lol. Isn't it the more, the better? That's what we wanted right? A lot of content.

I don't even have the game yet so I have no idea what The Krypt even looks like. But I do know that you had a game for couple of days now and saying that is too difficult after hardly playing,....
It's a fighting game, of course it's difficult. Look at Souls games or Souls-like games. Those are the most difficult games ever, that doesn't mean they are impossible beat. It just takes more practice and 2 days is definitely not enough and the same goes for fighting games.

Talking about having a chance...... Spend a day or 2 in practice mode with just one character and if you still have problem on medium spend another day or 2 with a character you can't beat so you know exactly what it has so you know what to look for.

This game is supposed to last a looong time but some of you are in such a hurry and want to complete half of it even before it's release.

Hm... you ain't get my point right now. It's not about being to difficult in a way how the K.I. react, it is about difficult that you have to many modifiers during a match. If you play some towers of time you know exactly what I mean.

The good thing is that there are more ways to gain some koins. And no, I am not complaining that the krypt is huge. I really appreciate it because I was really happy when I found some fatalities or brutalities.

04/20/2019 07:07 PM (UTC)

I need to get a feel for it before I can decide if I'm angry about it.

From what I've seen and heard, despite the fact they're random, skins/gear drop fairly regularly enough from Krypt chests, and thus far I've heard no indication at all that cosmetic drops repeat. There's plenty of consumable drops to pad chests out to be sure, but presumably, if gear drops semi-regularly, and drops don't repeat, with persistence you should be able to unlock everything for free over time. (Presumably)

That said... I don't think enough time has passed to have a firm handle on how long that will take exactly. So. Like I said, I need to get my hands on the game before I can decide if this annoys me...

This is the question... if you really can unlock every brutality and fatality in the krypt (which is possible since you can refresh every chest on a special spot in the krypt) then I am really soothe. Because then it is only a matter of time (hi Kronika :-P). I really hope you are right.

04/20/2019 07:11 PM (UTC)

So you'd like to have everything unlocked or at least be so easy to unlock so you don't have to put any effort in it? What's the point playing then?I got my ass kicked against medium AI in the beta when I started playing. 10 hours later I beat the very hard AI and I'm still far away from perfecting that character.

I get it, fighting games are hard to master in general but it doesn't take a lot to learn the basics. And from there it's just about learning characters' moves and muscle memory.

Game isn't even out yet. Some of you got lucky and got the game early, this is your opportunity to get ahead of everyone and not cry how hard it is. Surely this is not your first figthing game. And if you don't have a lot of time to practice? So what? The game won't go anywhere. It's not like the next MK is in 2 weeks. Just take your time with it.

Ok, what do you think? How long would it take to unlock everything in the krypt if there are maybe over 500 treasures... round about for 8000 coins each and you get 5000-25000 coins for each tower? A day? No! So this argument is just bullshit. Sorry to say it so clearly.

I buyed MK2 when i was 14! Now I am 38 and I don''t have the reflexes when I was young. Pls show me pro players in MK above 30+y. Yes, most of them are 20+ or even younger. So, I don't want everything for free but I want a CHANCE to earn those brutalities, skins whatever if 95% of the tower of time are this hard.

I buyed the same price as you so I have also some rights to collect everything. Righjt now I feel like I never can collect everything because it is to difficult for me. To be honest.. I find your opinion in this case just intolerant.

I'm not sure if you are complaining because it's hard or because it's too much to stuff unlock lol. Isn't it the more, the better? That's what we wanted right? A lot of content.

I don't even have the game yet so I have no idea what The Krypt even looks like. But I do know that you had a game for couple of days now and saying that is too difficult after hardly playing,....
It's a fighting game, of course it's difficult. Look at Souls games or Souls-like games. Those are the most difficult games ever, that doesn't mean they are impossible beat. It just takes more practice and 2 days is definitely not enough and the same goes for fighting games.

Talking about having a chance...... Spend a day or 2 in practice mode with just one character and if you still have problem on medium spend another day or 2 with a character you can't beat so you know exactly what it has so you know what to look for.

This game is supposed to last a looong time but some of you are in such a hurry and want to complete half of it even before it's release.

Hm... you ain't get my point right now. It's not about being to difficult in a way how the K.I. react, it is about difficult that you have to many modifiers during a match. If you play some towers of time you know exactly what I mean.

The good thing is that there are more ways to gain some koins. And no, I am not complaining that the krypt is huge. I really appreciate it because I was really happy when I found some fatalities or brutalities.

Oh ok, I get it now.

About Me
04/20/2019 07:53 PM (UTC)

Finally got my copy today! Can’t wait to play it. Will give my thoughts in a bit.

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