Theories on Liu Kang and Kitana??
posted01/19/2019 06:14 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/18/2019 03:26 AM (UTC)

It looks to me like Liu and Kitana are walking up some stairs to a balcony to see Raiden fighting off some NetherRealm demons. Cassie says “Kitana, empress of the dead.” So it’s safe to assume that Liu and Kitana are still ruling the NetherRealm. What will their role in the story be? Will they challenge Raiden’s warning at the end of MKX? Or will they decide to stay back? Another question that comes to mind is what is their relationship like? Is there a romance between them? Are their revenant forms capable of having feelings like that? I am really liking Kitana’s skull tiara head ornament thing, it kinda feels like an homage to Shao Khan.

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01/21/2019 05:52 AM (UTC)

My theory? They'll get it on.

01/22/2019 06:02 AM (UTC)

There are only a few context clues for what goes on in the story mode, but here is what I think happens. I think the scene with Liu Kang and Kitana in the NetherRealm happens towards the beginning. I think they see Raiden arrive in the NetherRealm and start plowing through all of the demons. I believe they will decide to grant him audience and hear him out. I think Raiden will recruit them to his side for the central conflict of the story.

Meanwhile, I think Liu Kang and Kung Lao will arrive from a past timeline from before they became corrupted. They will eventually come face to face with their future, corrupted selves and fight them. I believe that the younger, non-corrupted versions will come out on top.

To take a wild guess, I think the two parallels will eventually team up, as Kronika is a common threat between the two timelines.

My guess is that Raiden will also take Sonya, Cassie, and some of their special forces agents to the netherrealm when he seeks audience with Liu and Kitana. I think they will all have to fight off many demons, and possible take on the revenants in Kombat before they earn their alliance.

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