Too Many Hearts after opening every Heart Chest in The Krypt
posted05/08/2019 05:05 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/08/2019 05:01 AM (UTC)

Well I've basically opened up every Heart chest within the crypt (both flaming chests and red Shao Kahn chests) and now I have so many hearts and have nothing else to spend them on within the Krypt. Will Netherrealm add content within the Krypt where we can spend any hearts left over after all chests are unlocked? The chests requiring hearts don't restock using a Kronosphere nor Kronika's Time Vaults.

05/08/2019 10:00 AM (UTC)

Save them to unlock the character-specific ToT advanced stages.

Third ToT requires 150 hearts per character to fully unlock.

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