Versus battle
posted04/25/2019 04:22 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/25/2019 04:18 AM (UTC)

Hey guy,

I just like to ask, since there's not tag mode I could play with my brother to destroy these *coughs* hard and frustrating towers...Is there ANY way how to share one account during VS fights? I don't understand why he couldn't fight me with tha same variations that are saved on my account? I know many games are like these, but this really annoys because yes, we share one PS4 and one account. It wouldn't make sense to play on separated accounts ????

Shao Kahn's Nipples
04/25/2019 04:28 AM (UTC)

Hello guy,

In order to play and enjoy certain parts of the game you need to be able to connect to the server and have friends online to play with. Gone are the days of local gaming with friends you can see in person and eat doritos with.

04/25/2019 06:21 PM (UTC)

Well that's stupid. It's annoying to having to set up accounts for just guests.
I think they are doing it that way this generation to prevent certain ways of cheating. I don't know. But it is indeed a real unfriendly way for playing like we used to do in "the good ol' dayz".

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