Which brutalities you has discovered?
posted04/30/2019 07:00 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/08/2018 10:35 PM (UTC)

Well, there are many ways to get brutalities. The krypt, towers of time or even to buy it in the shop. Has you discovered a brutality which is someone cool or classic? I can say that Liu Kang has his MK3 Arcade Drop but also a MK1 classic fatality. And Jax has a pretty brutal fatality where he shots the victim in his face..

Oh, does anyone know if the personal tower offers also brutalities above level 3? Because if you finish a level two tower you get one.

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04/30/2019 07:22 PM (UTC)

I think one for Erron and one for Johnny. I don't really know, this game comes off as really scattered

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