Who should be featured in a love triangle story for MK12?
posted08/12/2022 01:10 AM (UTC)by
Liquid Metal Titaness
Member Since
04/01/2022 08:23 PM (UTC)

Love triangles are the best love stories. Think Romeo & Juliet and Twilight.

08/13/2022 09:08 AM (UTC)

Well, it's not a love triangle, but it's one of those complicated, messy situations.

I'm calling it right now (and I'd love to see it) - Cassie Cage and Kano's supposed son.

08/19/2022 11:15 AM (UTC)Edited 08/19/2022 11:55 AM (UTC)

To me, the most interesting would be Chameleon, Khameleon and Reptile. Think this could be the only genuine 'love triangle' and can't think of any noteworthy in previous MK's, although you could create 'love triangles'. Might be foolish but maybe Rain, Kitana and Liu Kang (going by aspects of MKDOTR). There was always characters in normal relationships like Kotal Kahn and Jade, Shao Kahn and Sindel etc. that weren't in trio's, involving a third. Saying this, Shao Kahn could have had loads of women on the go. Don't think they're really needed, when you can have different types of interactions.

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