Costumes and colors?
posted06/19/2010 07:40 PM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
So obviously, one thing we all want is Alternate costumes. However, will we have to pay for them like we did in SFIV? And if so, will it only be one? Another question is taht of alternate colors. Will we get to be a Yellow Sub-Zero or a Red Scorpion? Or is all that redundant and unnecessary? I say this because while it doesn't seem the smartest thing, I never really liked the slight tint change that the P2 costume normally was. They made it selectable, but what was the point if it was just a slight change in tone? (Except Scorpion who became Tremor)
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06/19/2010 08:03 AM (UTC)
Paying for alternate costumes? No! That shouldn't even be considered. They should be unlockable or select on the select screen in some way. Having to pay for them is ludricous. I for one wouldn't be happy if they went that way woth them.
I'd say no to a yellow Sub-Zero. It's not a colour that's becoming of a guy who named after cold temperatures. I think alternate colours aren't that big a deal. I've never been too keen on alot of the oens they've used. For example in the past they issed to change Raiden's blue to red and I hated that. Jade got given turquoise in MKD and I wans't a huge fan of that either. I'd personally just prefer they keep their colours and get an entirely new outfit all together. MKDA did this well with the likes of Mavado, Raiden, Nitara and Frost.
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06/19/2010 08:20 AM (UTC)
I'd vote no on the colors. It worked with Street Fighter 4, but SF doesn't have 7-9 color-coded ninjas to worry about.

My opinion on buying alt costumes isn't popular, but honestly, if charging for alts significantly helps the franchise's financial stats, I say do it. If the game is good, I want it to be successful and I want its numbers to be competitive. Alts are great for the playing experience, but they don't affect the gameplay.

If I don't have to buy them, awesome. Alt costumes may be a standard of the fighting genre, but I see no reason why they OWE us alternate costumes at initial purchase.
Edit: now if the content is already on the disk, that's a different story.
06/19/2010 10:03 AM (UTC)
I think alts. will be in the game free of charge. The team has been following player feed back, and it seems like every month somebody talks about alts. in the forum.They also have more time to make alts. so unless warners wants to screw us over I say they'll be in free of charge. But we will be lucky to get one. There has never been more than one alt. costume in any of the games.
06/19/2010 04:14 PM (UTC)
The only way I would be ok with DLC alternate costumes, is if there are already at least one per character in the game, but 2 would be even better. If they had at least one, I would be ok with it, as we got what we usually get, but then if we want more we have to pay for them. However, I am not talking off of the disk, they would have to be ones they actually made/make after it's too late to actually include them in the game. No Capcom crap.

As far as colors go, I am ok with certain color variations, but the best scenario is when the color scheme fits that of another costume. Such as in MK:DA when you play as 2 Kanos using his alternate costume, Player 1 is the regular MK1 color scheme of white w/ black trim, and Player 2 is the MK3 costume color scheme of black w/ red trim. Shang is also an example in MK:DA, whith his old school alternate outfit. Player 1 is the red and gold color scheme, where as Player 2 is the black and gold from MK2. That's how they should do it. Obviously this can't always be the case such as with new outfits, but as long as the color scheme makes sense, I see no problem with it. Like a Liu Kang with a red stripe in his pants, and then a Liu without a stripe in his pants like in MK1. etc.
06/19/2010 07:30 PM (UTC)
I wouldnt mind EXTRA alternates if you pay for them. But the basic alternate must be free. A good DLC costume setup would b if you can turn characters into others... like if an alternate for kitana is green clothes, darker skin and yellow fans... itd b cool.

Anyway.... for regular alternates, considering this is set in previous games, I'd love if characters had their old costumes down to a T.
Like if mileenas alternate was the old MK2 one, just the swimsuit, belt, boots and gloves.
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06/19/2010 07:40 PM (UTC)
I would defiantly love to see the Primary outfit from MKDA Sub-Zero.

I liked that he had no ninja hood on.

Even though this is a MKDA outfit. It's shades of his MK3/UMK3 outfit.
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