How should they work the story mode?
posted06/22/2010 03:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/13/2010 10:53 PM (UTC)
This is my idea:

What if you start with Raiden as your main character, using him to fight other people along the way. Then slowly, as he explains his motivations to other characters, you can take them on your "team" and build up an MK squad to fight the bad guys.

When you're challenged by somebody in story mode, you can pick from whoever you got so far, either for a one on one fight or a tag team match. If you win you move on, if you lose, it's game over.
06/22/2010 02:42 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure its ment to be a linier fight-cinematic-fight story mode similar to the one in mk vs dc just more deeper. But dont take that as official or anything.
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PS3: Telimtor (Add me for MK vs DCU fights)

06/22/2010 03:49 PM (UTC)
Well if they make a similar type of "story mode" like in MK vs DC... i'll be happy
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