Human Smoke Revelations
posted03/07/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/23/2006 12:14 PM (UTC)
Before MK9, Human Smoke wasn't esteemed up high by the developers – he hadn't got a playable 3D model nor unique moves – until the very end of Mortal Kombat 9's development wherein Smoke's origins may have been changed from "plainly Chinese" (after the nationality) to European. A rumor says that his hair would have been black and spiky originally. (See; Frost.)

Tomáš Vrbada's eyes are dark brown and the natural hair color is black. Surely it ends up white, as much as Sub-Zero's does in his MK:D alt, but in Smoke's MK9 alt the eyebrows are black with a hint of gray. The facial attributes such as the pale yellowish skin, his eyelids, dark eye color, thin, black eyebrows; the home place in Asia, the non-European fight yells and how the developers might have not initially intended to put a lot of effort in Tomáš all add to the theory that he is indeed a Mongoloid in his alternative costume of MK9. I believe that his ending made the developers realize what has to be changed because of the (what appeared to be) druids, who underwent their ritual, located in Europe only – in this case in the Kingdom of Bohemia most probably at the time – and since there was no officially European character yet, the European origins seemed like a rational bet.

The now retconned Chinese remains of this Lin Kuei make sense. You can examine him further in these cutscenes.

Smoke was the final normal/core character to be revealed for MK9 hence the drastic changes may have been made by the very end, and likely were. To clarify – by species he is an Enenra, by human body he was Asian yet now is Caucasian, by nationality he is Chinese; in the past he was an assassin for the Lin Kuei and now a slave having returned to the Hell.
That is interesting... I never thought of that. But I always had that question of why Smoke look different from each costume. Started out as a Asian ninja to European Ninja? Hmm...
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-sig by MINION

03/03/2014 09:44 AM (UTC)
I just chalk it up to laziness and inconsistency from the developers.
03/05/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
Or perhaps he started out as Chinese early on but by the time his nationality was changed, it was too late in the development process to go back into the story mode and fix it. Who knows.
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03/07/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
Once it was revealed that the Lin Kuei is comprised of various ethnicities, the idea of making Smoke purely Chinese seemed like a missed opportunity. Also, I'm glad Europe is getting more representation in MK.

Though Smoke's eyebrows are pretty dark in his primary in-game. They're lighter in his select screen render for some reason.
03/07/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Though Smoke's eyebrows are pretty dark in his primary in-game. They're lighter in his select screen render for some reason.
Zmoke Wrote:
A rumor says that his hair would have been black and spiky originally.
This would explain Hair Smoke's color mismatch between the eyebrows and the hair. I believe the Enenra-empowered Tomáš should have had white hair entirely. You can also observe his head in Nekropolis and you may notice how the hair doesn't adhere to his head well unlike with Sindel, suggesting that it was the result of quick changes in the final moments.
Here is a cool piece of art I found from DeviantArt. This or the beastly Enenra form could be his next appearance.
03/07/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)
Yeah I agree Smoke's hair was a last minute fix.

Yeah u guessed it... it's terrible.
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