So when is the next event where you believe more MK will be shown?
posted06/19/2010 09:42 AM (UTC)by
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07/07/2006 11:52 PM (UTC)
I always forget when exactly some of these events are. I always know E3 is in June, but beyond that, I can never remember when all the other events are.

TGS is in September I think? Although i highly doubt MK will be there. lol

But really, when and where do you guys think we will see more footage of the game, or at least an event where Boon and co. will reveal more about the game?
06/19/2010 09:17 AM (UTC)
Comic-Con is in late July. MKvsDCU was there, but that might have been because of the comic book connection. If you check their website though, "Warner Bros" is listed as one of the Exhibitors. Exactly what that entails, I'm not sure yet.
06/19/2010 09:18 AM (UTC)
I'm just waiting for them to whip out the character renders.

I'm trying to remember how long before the release of MKvsDC did they release the renders...
About Me

06/19/2010 09:42 AM (UTC)
Renders would be great! I'd love it if they released a different character render each week, maybe with a very short gameplay video of the character in action? It would make the wait so much more tolerable.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Comic-Con.
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