What would a Mortal Kombat MMO be like? Would you play it?
posted12/15/2016 11:06 PM (UTC)by
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

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07/06/2012 03:31 PM (UTC)
There are plenty of franchises that have made MMO's for us to go through and experience their universe even though they weren't MMO's prior. There was Dragon Ball Online, Star Trek Online, Hell even Final Fantasy had its own MMO.

The Mortal Kombat series had a surprisingly rich lore, with a good number of realms to explore. MK: Deception's Konquest mode gave us the ability to play through and explore the world, but what if we got a bigger experience? What if Netherrealm Studios partnered with another developer and created a Mortal Kombat MMO. Imagine it, being able to create a character of several races, and your race decides what Realm you start in! Maybe you want to be a Tarkatan and you'll live in Outworld. Perhaps you could be whatever the hell Quan Chi's brotherhood is made of and reside in the Netherrealm, or of course just be a human and live in Earthrealm. Maybe even be a member of Reptile's race and live where they reside. There's a lot of options.

Then, after that, pick a class? Ninja, Monk, whatever. There's plenty of different people in the MK universe so there's a lot of room for classes. Then pick from some stuff to make a costume to start of in, pick your facial features and hair or whatever. Then you pick a fighting style, and from there...bam! Welcome to MK Online.

If you like this idea, please share your thoughts here, maybe add suggestions! This could be a really fun discussion.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

12/13/2016 08:24 AM (UTC)
Set it during the events of Armageddon, where there is the most conflict and carnage since everyone is resurrected; even new characters can be retconned into the background within the original timeline: that would win me over.

As for gameplay, a GTA styled open world is the way to go. Special FPS mini games would be an unexplored genre: I would want to see bows, guns and rocket launchers balanced/countered by Chi or forcefields. I cannot stress this enough, every class must have access to guns to let the game not take itself too seriously, for replayablilty and longevity: whether they be monks, ninjas or gods in mortal form. The core of the MMO can also consist of 2D fighting stages, platforming stages and being able interact with major/minor roster characters.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

12/15/2016 11:06 PM (UTC)
JasonVPred Wrote:
Set it during the events of Armageddon, where there is the most conflict and carnage since everyone is resurrected; even new characters can be retconned into the background within the original timeline: that would win me over.

As for gameplay, a GTA styled open world is the way to go. Special FPS mini games would be an unexplored genre: I would want to see bows, guns and rocket launchers balanced/countered by Chi or forcefields. I cannot stress this enough, every class must have access to guns to let the game not take itself too seriously, for replayablilty and longevity: whether they be monks, ninjas or gods in mortal form. The core of the MMO can also consist of 2D fighting stages, platforming stages and being able interact with major/minor roster characters.

Dude that would be awesome! I don't play a lot of MMO's, but if something like that came out I could probably kiss my freetime goodbye!
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