How about the idea of Sektor-Cyrax becoming a Duo??Like Noob-Smoke in Deception!
Mortal Kombat X
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How about the idea of Sektor-Cyrax becoming a Duo??Like Noob-Smoke in Deception!
posted03/15/2005 11:11 AM (UTC)byMember Since
01/30/2005 01:06 AM (UTC)
Don't know about you guys but i think that it would be a great idea to see Sektor and Cyrax work together as a duo..........Say the good guys find sektor..or Ermac frees his cursed soul and becomes good along with Cyrax in DA.
Well i want all of your feedback..or mabey you think that it would be a too cheesy of a character???
P.S. Ermacs the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And hopefully Rain will become a good character siding with Kitana!!!!!!!!
Well i want all of your feedback..or mabey you think that it would be a too cheesy of a character???
P.S. Ermacs the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And hopefully Rain will become a good character siding with Kitana!!!!!!!!
I can see that happening possibly........just think,they were both created around the same time for the same purpose at the time to terminate the trator sub-zero....then their stories went separate ways after MK3 a bit......So they can definitely do something with these two cyborgs.
If they do merge them as a duo,which i doubt,but you never know???
What should they be called??
Heres what i have so far:
Your feedback please......any names post them!!!!!!
If they do merge them as a duo,which i doubt,but you never know???
What should they be called??
Heres what i have so far:
Your feedback please......any names post them!!!!!!

I hate the tag-team characters. Instead of a tagteam thing as a single character like Noob-Smoke, I'd rather see an entire mode devoted to it.

if they do an MKSM type game for MK3, then I'd like to see Sktor and Cyrax tag team. but there is no canon chance in future games. the tekunin has too much story potential, and to convert Cyrax back to robot would be kind of lame.
PS- Smektax (Cyrax, Sektor, and Smoke)
PS- Smektax (Cyrax, Sektor, and Smoke)
I pray that the tag-team never happens again, unless its a seperate mode. I was extremely dissapointed with Noob-Smoke.
I didn't really like the idea of a tag team with Noob and Smoke, and I hope it really doesn't happen again. The cyborgs are easily my favorite characters, and i'd hate to see them paired up together, it would cut each fighter's capabilities in half, giving them only one stance each and such, just to make the game fair, like with Noob/Smoke.

tag team should be optional, as should wich styles the two take into battle. you can't tell me you wouldn't like to see Drahmin and Moloch woop some ass. also, if you do a fatality on a tag team, you have the option of doing an extra fatality from MKSM called a multality, where you kill more than one person in one finisher. multalities are harder to do, but give you more points. you can only tag team with characters that are in some way related. ie, Shang and Ermac can tag team because they both use souls, Sektor and Cyrax for obvious reasons, Sonya and Jax because they are both special forces. etc...

Storyline wise no, but fighting wise yes. I hope MK7 brings back enderance mode back and put into the normal arcade mode somehow or put an all enderance mode like MKT had(Press down + start on Kano ) , which was fun as hell. I didn't like the tag team of Noob Smoke, but I did like the idea of select any character you want and then make them interchangable during any time during the match to break out of the normal for what is possble for handling 1 character at a time during a match. Then you can have diff possibies.
I don't like the Shang Tsung and Ermac as a tag team...i see your point with the souls and stuff...but Tsung and Ermac are like cats and bears in the alikeness! with the exception of the souls.
I would prefer to see Ermac-Kenshi because they both use Telekinetic abilities.
I would prefer to see Ermac-Kenshi because they both use Telekinetic abilities.

I hope Ermac ditches the telikenesis moves for some more obvious soul techniques. if Ermac is made of thousands of warrior souls, why does he only use the one with psychic powers?
I don't know if Ermac is made up of thousands of warriors souls???i know its a lot,but the telekenetic powers are what make Ermac Ermac you know???Maby they will give him some new moves in MK7,but they have to give him back the tele-slam...thats an awesome move!!!!!!!!!And hopefully his teleport too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C-Rod Wrote:
Kano_rulz has a good idea... tag team should be optional. I think for the future MK, they should allow you to chose you who want to team up & what fighting styles you want them to use.
woo hoo! kick ass, someone agrees with me! Kano_rulz has a good idea... tag team should be optional. I think for the future MK, they should allow you to chose you who want to team up & what fighting styles you want them to use.
I wouldn't mind Ermac keeping his moves, as long as he uses souls for them instead. for example, for the tele-slam, a few souls shoot out of his hand and lift the opponent in the air.

I would want sektor and cyrax not like smoke and noob but their story would be tied together like sektor found cyrax and changed him back into a cyborg again and they would take out everyone else and make them cyborgs and have a cyborg army
I got ya idea Kanorulez!!!!!!Thats an awesome concept to work with man!!!!Actually showing a few souls in the green animation slam Ermacs opponent,sounds good....i know now exactly what you mean dude!!!
I like that idea!!!!!!!!Mabey have his teleport move have like a few souls just nail his opponent from the other side of his opponent and then return back to Ermacs body.Know what i mean????
And i agree with the idea of having a choice between two different characters as well as two fighting styles each out of three of their respected fighting styles.
That would be awesome!!!
Who would you guys choose???Me i would definitely choose Ermac and Kenshi as a duo!Or mabey Ermac and Scorpion......or SubZero and Smoke!!There are so many choices man!!Man oh man i hope they do that idea!!!!!!!As Well as a tournament mode online when there are 6-8 guys in one room and have a little tournament....or a weekly tournament.......I also want a Endurance mode!!!!!!!!!!
I mean a mode like say for example have 6 guys in one room,and have 3 versus three even,and have it like the Endurance arcade mode in MK3 and UMK3 if one player defeats another then next in line on his team comes out to fight and so on until there is a clear winner!!!!1
Im sure you guys know exactly what i mean,hopefully someone here will understand and agree with my Endurance mode idea!!!!!!!!!!

I like that idea!!!!!!!!Mabey have his teleport move have like a few souls just nail his opponent from the other side of his opponent and then return back to Ermacs body.Know what i mean????
And i agree with the idea of having a choice between two different characters as well as two fighting styles each out of three of their respected fighting styles.
That would be awesome!!!
Who would you guys choose???Me i would definitely choose Ermac and Kenshi as a duo!Or mabey Ermac and Scorpion......or SubZero and Smoke!!There are so many choices man!!Man oh man i hope they do that idea!!!!!!!As Well as a tournament mode online when there are 6-8 guys in one room and have a little tournament....or a weekly tournament.......I also want a Endurance mode!!!!!!!!!!
I mean a mode like say for example have 6 guys in one room,and have 3 versus three even,and have it like the Endurance arcade mode in MK3 and UMK3 if one player defeats another then next in line on his team comes out to fight and so on until there is a clear winner!!!!1
Im sure you guys know exactly what i mean,hopefully someone here will understand and agree with my Endurance mode idea!!!!!!!!!!
Well Cyrax is part of the Special Forces, so he would probley team with Kenshi or Jax.

I'd choose Goro and Kintaro. 
I think that would be kinda neat but probably won't happen. I wonder why they never did a Quan Chi/Shang Tsung team in MK:DA though. Maybe they didn't think of it then but that would've been the perfect matchup and would've been a much cooler boss than just fighting them individually.
I think that would be cool as well.
I also had a thought about there being an actual trio of female fighters as maybe the sub-boss for the next Mortal Kombat. I didnt think it would be possible, but I saw the preview of MK: Shaolin Monks so I think they could pull it off.
Instead of the females being ninjas they would be gods like Raiden. They would be sisters. Kinda like "The Fates" in greek mythology. There would be a very young sister, a middle aged sister, and a very old sister.
The young one would be very sexy of course! She would have beutiful following white hair and an outfit sort like Jade's. She would use magic and moves associated with light. Blinding foes with an extremely bright flash that makes the entire screen flash. Plus she would move faster than most characters
The middle aged sister would be fully clothed in black with short black hair. Costume would something like Kira's original. She would use what else, black magic of course. Blinding her opponents with clouds and disappearing cool stuff like that.
The oldest sister would of course be the strongest. She would be have a on a full robe and hood kinda like the guys floating in the background of the portal. You can't see her feet because she floats a couple inches off the ground. You can't see her face during the battle, you only see red eyes. Her hands are very wrinkled and her nails are like claws. She scratches, she claws, and she uses one of the weirdest things as a weapon, sound!
She can set up to three tones anywhere on the field, play a flute, and the tones become sonic booms that can bounce you from one to the other if your not careful.
I know its a long shot but its just an idea. I have images in my head but unfortunately I'm not the best artist.
What you guys think? All criticism and compliments are accepted and appreciated.
I also had a thought about there being an actual trio of female fighters as maybe the sub-boss for the next Mortal Kombat. I didnt think it would be possible, but I saw the preview of MK: Shaolin Monks so I think they could pull it off.
Instead of the females being ninjas they would be gods like Raiden. They would be sisters. Kinda like "The Fates" in greek mythology. There would be a very young sister, a middle aged sister, and a very old sister.
The young one would be very sexy of course! She would have beutiful following white hair and an outfit sort like Jade's. She would use magic and moves associated with light. Blinding foes with an extremely bright flash that makes the entire screen flash. Plus she would move faster than most characters
The middle aged sister would be fully clothed in black with short black hair. Costume would something like Kira's original. She would use what else, black magic of course. Blinding her opponents with clouds and disappearing cool stuff like that.
The oldest sister would of course be the strongest. She would be have a on a full robe and hood kinda like the guys floating in the background of the portal. You can't see her feet because she floats a couple inches off the ground. You can't see her face during the battle, you only see red eyes. Her hands are very wrinkled and her nails are like claws. She scratches, she claws, and she uses one of the weirdest things as a weapon, sound!
She can set up to three tones anywhere on the field, play a flute, and the tones become sonic booms that can bounce you from one to the other if your not careful.
I know its a long shot but its just an idea. I have images in my head but unfortunately I'm not the best artist.
What you guys think? All criticism and compliments are accepted and appreciated.

too much like Sindel. all 3 of them. white hair, dominatrix, uses sound. I like the idea of fighting god chicks, though. maybe the goddesses of light and darkness
Well on the young one would have white hair but that can be changed to pink for all I Light - light hair & costume, Dark, - dark hair & costume and Sound - just down right ugly. Sindel just screams. She sort of planting sound bombs.


About Me
The only way I see Cyrax becoming evil again is if he gets a virus like Sektor. Even at that I prefer them to be seperate. I think making two characters in one was just Midways way of not having to look for anymore martial arts styles. It was origional but cheat though.
If Sektor does come back, I hope he has his own martial arts styles, and not just copied from Cyrax, even though he did have his own special moves.
If Sektor does come back, I hope he has his own martial arts styles, and not just copied from Cyrax, even though he did have his own special moves.
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