johnny cage hotshot costume
posted06/26/2019 10:54 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/26/2019 10:48 PM (UTC)

I apologize if this post has been posted already, if that is the case, please provide a link...

However based from the internet, you need to win 10 in a row in survivor king of the hill

Problem is I suck real bad at this. Is there any other alternatives to unlock this? Also some people stated in never unlocked after the 10 wins, but not sure how true that is.

Boasting seems difficult to since this is open to the public and not everyone will be willing to just lay down...

I even contact WB to ask and they only directed me to the forums....

Update* I have 6 wins row streak, not sure how I pulled that off, but then the game glitch and kicked me out of the room....

Thanks for your help all!

Update 7/31/19 - I did It.

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