Leatherfaces best mask/design
posted04/29/2016 05:53 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Self-explanatory. Anyway.

To me, it's a tie between the Butcher and the Pretty Lady ones. He looks vicious in his butcher mask, it's clearly the most rotten one, his eyes look most murderous, and his messed up teeth adds to the ugliness of that mask.

The PL one, well, it's a little hard to explain why I find it as scary as the Butcher mask, in it's own way. Maybe it's the lips. Maybe it's the feminine eyebrows and eyes. Whatever it is, I feel it's the scariest-looking one in the intros where he "replies" by yelling "Aaarrgh!". It is reminiscent of the Joker's face, too.

As for the Killer mask, I like it. It's got that creepy Joker-like smile, and not being able to see his eyes well adds to the creepiness, but I don't find the mask as impactful as the other two. I think it's because it looks more...fake, compared to the other two.
04/29/2016 04:51 PM (UTC)
The Butcher mask is my fav, mainly because the eyebrows are curved to look like a frown. Plus the deep grey blends nicely with the red top and brown apron.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

04/29/2016 05:53 PM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
The Butcher mask is my fav, mainly because the eyebrows are curved to look like a frown. Plus the deep grey blends nicely with the red top and brown apron.

Pretty much this. I tried playing the player 2 color once...I still haven't forgiven myself.
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